Special Engagements

Jan-20 Sharjah Fringe Festival participation We were invited to do 10 performances at this very first fringe festival in Sharjah, UAE (north of Dubai). We put togther a programme called "A Home I Cannot Name" after one of Joke's poems. It was a steep (and cultural) learning curve for all involved. We did, however, enjoyed the experience quite a bit!

2010 Organized a SA performance tour with Andy Fierens (BE) and Gert Anklam (Germany) 10 concerts over two weeks. We had a djol!

Nov-09 HA!Man in residence at the Peter Block Community Building Workshops in South Africa Musical and intellectual input provided. Convened by Symphonia for South Africa.

Aug-00 HA!Man engagements with First Physical Theatre Company I did regular music accompaniments for their dance classes, presented improvisation workshops and produced soundtracks for a couple of their productions

2008 Proctor's Theater, NY: "Dangerous Music" Artist-in-Residence Series of workshops with local schools, culminating in mass choir concert, performing my semi-improvised work "I do not want to die until it is my time"

2008 Creative Presence at the The Prince of Wales's Business & Sustainability Programme Peter Willis of Cape Town heard an interview with me on radio and called me in to be a kind of artist in residence at this prestgious seminar - as an experiment. The musical input worked well for some. My opinions were less palatible in this highly corporate environment and it was my introduction of sadness, where some thought i should cheer them up, that brought a halt to the experiment. But Peter and I became friends forever.

2007 Organized a South African performance tour with Belgian poet Andy Fierens A series of countrywide performances, including "En Moenie My Servet Opeet nie" at the Stellenbosch Woordfees.

2006 Verdraagzaamheid (Belgian youth project in Tolerance) Flemish text was written for my song Her Time Has Come to promote social tolerance. A MUSEMIX project that culminated in a community choir concert with me singing and giving a talk on South Africa

2002 Akteur en musikus in "Die Goue Seun" Dramaturg: Saartjie Botha. Regisseur: Marthinus Basson (KKNK, Aardklop)

