.for..Hamburg region

(including Bad Oldesloe, Ballinstadt, Bargteheide, Lubeck, Kiel, Norderstedt, Testorf, Bremen and Osnabruck)

Dear all

November's event at Shafstall was lovely. What a place!

For this year, as mentioned, only one date in the Hamburg region: Sunday 30 March. I often emphasize the virtues of a house event for my kind of performance, and I'd like to do it again!

I know that setting up a house (or apartment-) concert in Europe is not as easily done as for instance in South Africa, where I am currently touring. But often people make more difficulty of it in their minds than what it is in practice. It is not to worry too much about formalities and numbers. All in the spirit of spontaneity and sharing. And people contribute freely after the performance.

Talk to me if you'd like to know more about how to do this easily and effectively, and let's make it happen! Or make use of the link below.

Also, as mentioned, there will be time for a school (or organization) visit on Monday the 31st. Again, make use of the link below to find out more and offer your suggestions.

From the HA! to Hamburg..

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schedule & details

Sun 30 March

Mon 31 March


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