How the HA!World service works


As a subscriber, you will automatically receive the bi-weekly HA!News. All new releases are noted there, along with links to open them.

The Magix site is a very secure and independent platform with no algorhythms and data surveillance connected to it. It is therefore very basic in its functionality.

It does not have its own search facility. However, each item has a unique URL that can be manually saved as a favourite. One can also search for keywords across the complete index on the HA!Man web site with your own device's normal search function and then revert back to the relevant album on the site (the complete index have active links to all the different ALBUMS to get you to your item faster).

Note that all information and links regards this service - including the complete index - can be easily accessed by clicking on "You own website" on the bottom bar.


Remember always to login as USER with your email address and password, not as GUEST. Email me any time to request to change your password.

Once you've entered the web site, all folders will be expanded. At the top left, click on "Close all folders" to gain an overview. Note that the categories are numbered 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 etc, and the different mediums (for instance poems, recordings, videos) are numbered from 01 to 13.

Some mediums, like prose and slide shows, are too big to fit into the category folder. They get a separate folder underneath its category, for instance "--- 05 prose" under 1-1 MYSTICAL

Click on a folder, and various albums will appear, listed numerically according to the different media.

Click on an album, and the STUDIO VIEW of items will appear (you can change the VIEW to GALLERY, SLIDE SHOW, etc, by choosing from the drop down menu at the right top corner, just below the login/out icon).


It is best to view, read and listen to items on a smart phone or PC, even though the latter (with good sound) provides for the best experience.

To expand your view of an item to FULL SCREEN, click on this icon at the top right of the item.

Click on this icon at the bottom right of the item for the following:


To orientate yourself as to where your current album is situated, or choose another album within the overall index, without returning to “All Albums” at the top left, hover over this icon on the middle left of the page, a list of all albums will appear - with the current album highlighted - which you can scroll through using the up or down buttons at the top en bottom (if the icon does not appear, just refresh the page and it should show up):


Sometimes an item (especially images and videos) might show up as a blank. This has got to do with your connection speed or server issues. Usually it can be resolved by making sure the "High Resolution" option is UN-TICKED. You can find this option at the bottom of the drop-down VIEW menu at the right top corner, just below the login/out icon.

If video playback is intermittent, it means that your data connection is too slow. To view smoothly, pause the video for a minute or too, so it can download in advance, then resume watching.

For any other issues you might encounter, please don't hesitate to contact me directly! Thank you.