Healing and the World 391 perhaps relevant to our times, I wrote this back in August 2001 as I reflected on the state of the world in terms of healing - is it an objective or rather a matter of process? does the healer need healing too? (HA!Man)
it flows even there 816 a rather intimate discussion of an insight of how self-sex can be fulfilling and bring the ego into balance (HM Jul 2009)
Positive affirmation versus silence 1408 an advertisement for the handicapped to be positive about themselves leads to the experience of a course in positive thinking and the question: how much can thinking really change reality? (JD Oct 2014)
to you, Mira, after 15 months 2796 addressing my first born child on her fifteenth month, even though she cannot understand me. thoughts about her entering our lives, where she's at now and how i wish to accompany her on her life's journey (HM Jul 2019)
in the beginning was the Word not 2283 on the biblical primacy of the Word, the wish for an empty mind and the lure of bread. and how Mira's birth brings it all together (HM Nov 2020)
born as body 2590 while i cannot express in words what it is to live the body, i can search for pathways of meaning to reconnect with it. while she is still only three, it is she who offers the hope for a balanced humanity (HM Jan 2022)
pain, pain, pain 2097 "pain is not an intrusion. pain is not a separate sensation to be handled besides an injury. pain is us. pain is our response to a violation. pain is the rallying cry. pain is the care we take to remain whole." (HM Aug 2022)


first words 63 the feeling i had when "born" as "the HA!Man" (HM late 1990's)
babies 4 something about babies (HM May 2001)
in the dark 210 thoughts on the Dark as our beginnings and ultimate destination (HM Aug 2003)
everywhere 76 an ode to your physical beauty (HM Nov 2003)
the sum 152 the eternity of anonymous love-making (HM Nov 2004)
breasts 119 the touch the mother earth the breasts the stilness of that moment (HM Aug 2007)
female orgasm 179 experimental description of female orgasm (JD Jan 2014)
that place is right inside
59 pointing to what cannot be pointed out (HM Jan 2011)
the beginnings of a world 68 experimental description of love (JD Jan 2014)
the road less travelled 55 short poem on a sexual encounter (JD Jan 2014)
evening walk 30 written on a melancholic evening walk (JD Feb 2014)
the dolphin's way home 1056 an ode to our baby girl and how she knows how to grow without any rational concept (yet) (JD Mar 2019)
the story of the mountain 144 when asked about sensitive things, on tends to talk in parables. sex is one such a thing (HM Jun 2020)
sex 176 it is there. it is everywhere. easily forgotten (HM Dec 2020)
maddened by music 253 upon meeting a man who fell between the cracks of Western classical music and the intensity of his own feelings (HM Mar 2021)
i have COVID 255 o realizing that i have been infected by the Corona virus, that i am part of the pandemic, that i am part of a human family that could have been much stronger against this (HM Apr 2021)
fatherly absence 154 a letter to Mira, hypothetically from the future, when she can read and i can apologize to her for my absence during these months (HM May 2021)
trauma 192 several perspectives (HM Aug 2021)
for the life of Corona 139 if i do have a choice, i will withstand you as one living entity versus another! (HM Nov 2021)
boundaries 130 how the body is the ultimate boundary, making choice, being and love possible (HM Apr 2022)
until 180 what the body does with unbearable pain. and how it heals from there. (HM Apr 2022)
it is mine! 194 the nasty and natural little possessiveness of little children.. what would happen if left unchecked? (HM May 2022)
i do not want to die! 395 Mira tells me cryingly, i do not want to die one day! she's four years old. what do i, the father, say? (HM Nov 2022)


lÛ lekker laag A4 hand saadplanting, Ûrens in die grond, Ûrens in die natuur, Ûrens alleen (HM late 1990's)
le lekker laag op jou se maag A4 hand ver verlate enkeling masturbeer in die son (HM Mei 2002)
en skielik skud dit weer A4 hand die drang om lewe, lewe as 'n seksdaad (HM Sept 2002)
grot 122 oor die verborge glories van die lus (HM Nov 2003)
geel wol trui A4 hand die glyende vreugdes van vrye liefde en die onbekostigbaarheid darvan (HM Jul 2004)
armoede 145 hoe 'n droom die enkellopende se seksuele honger probeer voed (HM Feb 2007)
wortel 120 'n poging om woorde te gee aan die opbou van seksuele ekstase as 'n bewustelike eksistensiele daad (HM Jun 2007)
gras verdor A4 hand oor die HoÙveldse gras en die stof waaruit dit gebore word, en waarnatoe dit weer sterf. soos ek. soos die mensestof. (HM Mei 2009)
gattelik A4 hand sak af na die stilte waar die windgattiglike wind praat sonder twyfel (HM Feb 2021)


het minst begane pad 51 kort gedicht over seks met een man (JD Jan 2014)
al dat 176 on ways a small child can bring healing to a big human (JD Feb 2020)
alleen als ze slaapt 26 when Mira is sleeping.. (JD Oct 2020)


Bart 2387 Joke visits Canada for the first time, meeting family who have emigrated from Belgium. The visit brings forth the memory of her late uncle Bart and an unexpected desire for safety and child-like innocence. (JD Nov 2013)
the story of Mira's birth 7292 Joke's rendition of the dramatic and profound event that turned her into a mother (JD Apr 2018)
teeth story 4205 i suffered through a number of bad tooth abscesses. and i lost teeth in the process. i rebelled against my dentist, not visiting for years. the end of the story is that i have it under control. and my dentist find it difficult to believe (HM Aug 2021)


dreamscape number one 1356 an effort to write dreamily at first results in questioning my motives and then finding a way of looking at the dream state (which is not to die) and how dream writing is a necessary thing (HM Jun 2022)
dreamscape number two 464 and there and then / all of this / too many names / a street flows down the river / like a bomb / and I walk-fly ..
dreamscape number three 698 of empty swimming pools and the empty dreams of billionaires, the self-destruct of dictators and the beauty of a dead bug (Oct 2022)
dreamscape number four 568 the dream of being at the sea-side, the sea that dreamed us up, and the desire to return there from the harshness of the land (HM Jan 2023)
droomlandskap nommer een 744 van landskappe en rubberbande, balle en meganika, oorspoelskommelinge en drie dinge wat my laat vloei (HM Sep 2022)
droomlandskap nommer twee 574 die son, die sterremaan, die drupdrap, omgeskommelde riekrak, mannewrak.. (HM Nov 2022)
droomlandskap nommer drie 489 dromerigheid in 'n oomblik van saligheid (HM Maart 2023)
droomlandskap nommer vier 1827 ek droom van 'n boot en brilglase mannetjies en begin dan te vertel oor my eie droomgewoontes, die aard van drome en wat hulle dan sou beteken (HM Jul 2023)


drops in wind 03:23 Like drops falling above and under water.. From a soundtrack for a stage production set in a Chinese context (HM Jul 2001)
soft sweep 05:42 an open landscape as the sun rises through blanket of mist (HM Jan 2001)
Soft Smooth 04:03 The cello and paddes sounds create an iridescent cloud of sound. The padded sounds are comparable to underwater, wettish, birdlike sounds.. (HM Jun 2001 - description Lara Kirsten)
soft starry mystery 03:39 gentle strangeness with soft padding and cello (HM Jun 2001)
Life on another planet 04:29 The imaginings of a child will interpret all the weird and funky mouth-sounds as an intricate language of E.T. and his compatriots. (HM March 2003, descr Lara Kirsten)
first glimpse 03:57 voice and whistling alternate as they questioningly fly on winds of sustained padding sounds, during an opening improvisation of a performance way back in 2003 (HM Dec 2003)
alien call 08:31 #4 of 5 improvised recordings done with experimental sound artist Eric Leonardson in Chicago. I play the cello which was channeled through a sound-bending gadget. Another layer of conventional sound was subsequently added (HM Oct 2004)
prologue (Jackson Pollock) 02:03 Soundtrack created for a physical theatre piece on action painter Jackson Pollock. This is the introduction, as inner turmoil builds towards the inevitable flood of expression (HM Sep 2005)
ancient breaths 03:19 a short and mystical recording with Jan Seiden, who specializes in playing native American flutes (HM Nov 2006)
day has not broken yet 05:27 introduction to an hour of a creative piano journey. lingering, anticipating, yet somehow quiet. (HM Aug 2007)
we have hung up our feet 02:26 mesmerizing, slightly bending and subtle sounds takes the eye to the far horizon (HM Oct 2007)
early stirrings 13:01 a searching and spacious introduction to an improvisation concert in the Grahamstown cathedral. (Saxophone: Rick van Heerden; voices: the Greame College choir. Organ: HA!Man. Feb 2010)
waking call 06:06 soft, dense strings accompany the voice with the sighs, stretches and longings of a wake-up call (from album Breaking the Day - HM Sept 2010)
cello opening in Durbanville 03:38 brooding and probing cello enters dark space, suspended on a bed of D minor - from a live performance in a suburban house near Cape Town (HM Aug 2015)
two hours after midnight 06:09 reflective, strange, yet open mood, strings suspending second inversion chord. bender gives a twist to single piano notes drifting along. cello and nose flute added (HA!Man Sept 2020)
die spook van donkergat 04:21 improvised on request from the audience: the them "die spook van donkergat" (the ghost from Dark Hole) - a title of some Afrikaans radio series long ago (HM Jul 2020)
mountain requiem 06:46 how would nature make music for the dead? i cannot know this, but my musical guess with three cello layers, a flute and drum is that it is sad, but not too sad, breathing and organically repetitive (HM Jan 2022)
in depth 06:02 deep waves and oriental suggestions are punctuated by a slippery bass and bubbly arpeggios. along with a layer of choir voices they create an other-worldly soundscape with a melancholic undertone (HM Aug 2024)


seaside (HM Nov 2001)
standing line drawing suggesting a standing figure (HM Jun 2003)
system of sun graphic with a stellar sun close-up effect (HM Jun 2003)
the world is my embrio windows paint intuitive graphic (HM Jun 2003)
vliegie minimal graphic on turquoise background. suggestive of a fly (HM Jul 2003)
nest free hand graphic in red, green and black, with black being the "nest" (HM Nov 2003)
feminine camouflage treated picture of a woman walking the forest, as if she wants to disappear into it. as if she is the forest (HM Sept 2008)
the eye minimal drawing that might suggest the outlines of a face with a penetrating eye.. (HM Jul 2013)
annemoon spontaneous drawing with black ink on white, that grew into an anemone (or virus?) -type structure (HM Aug 2016
aquagenesis this spontaneous graphic play morphed into something that reminded me, or rather, appeared to me as a sort of view on the beginnings of life deep down in the primal seas (HM Dec 2016)
bird becoming minimal spontaneous hand suggestive of bird beginnings (HM May 2019)
inner world a complexity contained in a bubble that drifts against a dark background. hand drawing with graphic elements added (HM Nov 2020)
flowing fall painting in gouache. a woman falling. clouds of red. and some more red (JD Apr 21)
hanging hook man and boat in air suspended with(out) hanging hook (JD May 2021)
that is what you see mystical depiction of woman wrapped in red (JD May 2021)
she calls it a hand we were talking to each other, Joke and I, and Mira - now 4 - casually sat on the floor, playing and drawing. suddenly she came up to us to show us this. "a hand" she said. (ML Apr 2022)
cat and mouse not that she intended drawing a cat and a mouse, but a remarkably minimal digital sketch for a four year old (ML Jun 2022)
do you want me to disappear completely | pastel drawing of hand in mystical colours | Joke Debaere, 240830


dusk forever a dusk-time view of the Amatola mountain range from afar (HM Jul 2006)
into a new dawn human silhouette against a setting sun on top of the Drakensberg (HM Dec 2007)
Aidirondacks blue tall trees at winter dusk in upstate New York (HM Nov 2014)
twighlight zone dusk on a far and flat horizon, somewhere from the air over Africa (HM Dec 2016)
desertroad treated photo from a road in Namibia (HM Feb 2008)
dark mountain part of the mighty Drakensberg ("mountains of the dragon") on a misty day (HM Aug 2009)
let me in black and white image of a forest portal (HM Apr 2016)
emergent out of focus image of a winter tree in the Netherlands (HM Dec 2016)
towards the out of focus lights of two oncoming cars on a rainy night (HM Dec 2016)


The Day I Got My Body Back 1 05:21 Piano improvisation with dancer Penny Hin on a given theme: the return of the body awareness - Part 1 of 3 (2. the death of god 3. reconnection) (HM Jul 2005)
Song of Nature 07:01 Joke and I stopped for an hour or so in the rugged beauty of the "Seweweek's Poort," taking visuals feelingly, afterwards adding text (Joke) and music (HA!Man) to render a Song of Nature.. (Jan 2013)
lights in the rain 1 04:35 captured by the lights of cars, moving across the water, with drops waiting patiently on the windscreen of the car i am sitting in (HM, Jul 2019)
Relentless Void 06:45 dramatic night sky scenes from Hogsback overlay Joke's text to this (first) part of the Relentless Universe soundtrack (JD & HM Oct 2019)
heavy as a feather 05:57 the endless fascination with falling snow, its mystery, its soft dangers and angelic redemption (HM Nov 2019)
northern trek 07:20 visuals from moving vehicle somewhere in central Canada on the trans Canada highway along with music from the opening of a live performance in the Netherlands some months earlier (HM Nov 2019)
hier sta ik 04:32 Joke's improvised Dutch poem "hier sta ik" blends with a drive through a misty Karoo in the early morning hours ((HM March 2021)
ADEM 08:32 the text of a Dutch poem by Joke drifts along with a mystical performance opening piece and ocean waves - the confluence of breathing, being alive and not knowing what comes next (JD & HM Oct 2021)


dream train 11:02 the violin of Veronika Soreide joins strings and the sounds of people on the train from Kortrijk to Gent in Belgium. the visuals simply feels out the passing scenes in a dreamscape of shadowed vulnerability (HM Jun 2022)

