on a criticism
i received 656 reflections on a certain criticism that i did not go the full
length while performing, that my expression did not properly surfaced, that
i was still holding back.. (HM Sep 2000)
what can i say in an age A4 hand a free-flow reflection on the position of
the individual within a sea of individualism - the artist as world-on-its-own
as opposed to the words-on-their-owns of the branded individual (HM Jan 2002)
my poems 327 grappling with the spontaneous way of writing a poem, its cultural
implications (HM May 2002)
Oor die wereld van spontane musiekmaak 1441 transkripsie van 'n onderhoud
tussen Rozanne Stoman en HA!Man - hoofsaaklik oor spontane musiekmaak - die
rol daarvan asook die praktyk van 'n loopbaan te maak daarvan (HM Nov 2004)
Poison 980 grappling with the dichotomy of praise and despair, of being genius
and getting nowhere. then finding a view of things three-dimensionally, drawing
down limits, the limits of a river flow. self-obsessed, but redeemed. (HM
Dec 2004)
Answers to Questions by Kids from Mafeking 2489 A peep into interactions with
a class of black youngsters in a dusty town of the North West Province, to
whom I gave a workshop. (HM May 2005)
A music student's questions 772 answers to two questions by a music student
- how to incorporate improvisation into a practise session and, on the relationship
between improvising successfully and knowing one's instrument (HM Aug 2005)
the silent beginning 1529 an elaboration on the response i gave to a man who
was unhappy with the way i started my performance - he wanted to connect with
someone with an identity. i stead, hi presented myself as a crying baby. (HM
Apr 2022)
kenilworth 298
about a head full of words and the futility of the individual (HM March 2001)
supposed i'm not supposed to A4 hand the fine line between the sensual intimacy
and that of performance (HM Jan 2002)
the poet is A4 hand on the the hate-love reltionship with the poet (HM Jan
who are the sweet artists A4 hand slogans about art and artists (HM Jan 2002)
you would not A4 hand a free flow of words resulting in a conversation with
one who defends art being for art's sake (HM Jan 2002)
rehearsal A4 hand on how the invitation to perform is an altar of seduction
(HM March 2002)
cuteness A4 hand a cry against the cutification of reality (in response to
watching a film recommended to me) (HM May 2003)
amen then A4 hand of life's frustrations, especially you being so far away
(HM Aug 2003)
on art A4 hand slogans from an artist, intoxicated with art (HM Jun 2005)
a ballerina's bow 188 A contemplative love poem with the narrative of how
a ballerina dares to show her emotions on stage. (DB, Jan 2012)
happy poet in de the garden 399 image of the poet as a sculptor, searching
for what happiness is by examining its opposite (JD Jan 2014)
the girl and the tree 391 a fairy-tale's quest for meaning, in the form of
a short dialogue (JD Jan 2016)
in praise of dance 320 once i read a poem - the poet was asked to write something
about dancing. and the poet went into praising dance. what would i have written
in response to such a request? (HM Aug 2016)
bieber 82 superstars and the impossibility of transferring responsibility
(HM May 2017)
and add one thing 246 so much has been said and written and created before.
why adding anything to all this weight? (JD Jan 2019)
yet another quest (2 of 3) 235 "whistling the day away" - finding
one's expressive voice against the pressure of past precedent (JD, Jul 2019)
kompioeter 238
wanneer moegheid grense verskuif (of die ontstaan van kuns) (HM Sep 2000)
laat die riviere vloei 98 omtrent die belang van die wat broos en klein is,
vir almal (HM Feb 2002)
dit dryf dan A4 hand 'n pleidooi vir die poÙsie as ongekunstelde weerbarsting
(HM Maart 2006)
vandag 228 genialiteit is 'n spel vir aandag.. jou honger vir die hoogtes
formeer jou gang.. blaas dit op met onaantasbare vergesigte (HM Jun 2006)
gelukkige dichter
in de tuin 410 beeld van de dichter als een beeldhouwer, op zoek naar wat
geluk is door het tegendeel ervan te onderzoeken (JD Jan 2014)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 1 827 first delivery on the practice of improvisation,
how it is needed in a world dominated by machines, how it is needed for us
to preserve our humanity (HM Apr 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 2 1306 the second installment - an imaginary conversation
between me and those many voices that kept asking: so what do you think while
you are playing? as if that would be the key for them to be able to do it
themselves.. (HM May 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 3 2403 the third installment - on the issue of practising
and its connotation with striving for perfection. what is perfection? can
improvisation ever be perfect? (four short stories included..) (HM May 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 4 1494 the fourth installment - the power of paradox:
how paradox enables the flow of expression; different examples of wanting
one thing, but having to go through another: the mystery of how forgetting
begets.. (HM Jun 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 5 1296 the fifth installment - reflecting on the notion
that improvisation is without structure, because it does not start out from
an idea, because it is not con-structed. but this is a misrepresentation of
what improvisation is, and should be (HM Jul 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 6 2679 investigating how improvisation is political,
the root meanings of politics and leadership, how this reflects on the way
we practise democracy today and how improvisation can inform and inspire a
more fully participatory form of it. (HM Oct 2020)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 7 3730 the seventh installment - the healing power
of improvisation. how improvisation as an act of expressive flow can help
to restore the human being to a whole, especially regards deeper and more
long term conditions of dis-ease. (HM Jan 2021)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 8 2163 the eighth installment - goes to the roots of
spirituality to clarify its meaning and looks at the ways spontaneous expression
can give effect to this dimension, without becoming religious in itself (HM
Feb 2021)
IMPROVISATION NOW Part 9 2311 the ninth installment - the heart area as the
focal point of improvisation, both conceptually and practically. understanding
feeling not as sentiment or passion, but as a fundamental state of being.
the balancing point between mind and gut (HM Sept 2021)
playground variations
03:22 From the first ever recording (pre-HA!Man, 1998) at the M1A recording
studio, SABC, Johannesburg. A simple child-like theme is introduced by piano
and voice which then evolves into variations of growing intensity, tapering
down into a melancholic rest.
Creation, Creation, Creation! Part 1 "Seed" 18:44 Epic organ improvisation
recorded in St George's Cathedral Cape Town, 2000. This is the first of three
parts, themed as the seeding dimension of the creative process. With directed
audience participation. (HM)
Creation, Creation, Creation! part 2 SPROUT.mp3 19:29 The second part of the
"Creation" organ improvisation concert in the St George's Cathedral,
Cape Town. A varied flowering of sounds and textures - with audience participation.
(HM March 2000)
Creation, Creation, Creation! part 2 FLOWER 25:26:00 The third and final part
of "Creation", taking the journey to a climactic ending, affirming
the creation lies within each and all of us. (HM March 2000)
pizzicato 02:55 a string pizzicatto pstinato with added cello. origignally
part of the classically styled album "FRESH" (HM May 2000)
pianosoft 03:35 A piano and cello piece reaching heights of great emotion.
The intensity comparable to a Mozart/Beethoven concerto. (Description by Lara
Kirsten - HM May 2000)
Piano Classic Opening 05:14 In style of a Theme and Variations. Theme A sad,
dirge-like piece. Variation 1: Evolves the theme into an elaborate expression.
Variation 2: Retains the expression of the theme, but with added light-hearted
rhythms. (Descrption Lara Kirsten HM Jul 2000)
Orchestra! 01:56 A classic orchestral impromptu full of bursting energy. (HM
Sept 2000)
Solo Cello Improvisation 02:58 An introspective piece folding open in long,
declamatory lines for solo cello. Cello "speaks" more than sings.
(HM Oct 2000)
piano classic series 2 slow 04:06 Adagio Piano improvisation with added cello.
Lyrical with a yearning tone. (HM Jun 2002)
Jacqui 12:25 Soundtrack created for a theatre piece on the life of famed cellist
Jaqueline du Prez. The music builds on the main theme of Elgar's cello concerto
and dramatizes the tragedy of her worsening multiple sclerosis. (HM Apr 2003)
Sarie Marais Jumbo 08:36 a bravura improvisation on the folk song "Sarie
Marais", using the interactive symphonic sound of the Roland XP80 Workstation
during a live performance (HM Dec 2003)
Handel Largo 06:36 on special request by a friend, an arrangement of the popular
and moving "Largo" by Handel (HM Mar 2004)
when i saw you for the first time 4 01:20 Piano and cello slightly restless
and searching walk, off balance, ending in a note of doubt (HM Dec 2004)
when i saw you for the first time 5 01:28 off beat walk with darker undertone,
yet within the atmosphere of being struck by presence (HM Dec 2004)
soundtrack to the owl house 09:00 Music from the videotrack created for Marlene
Zwieger's one-woman stage production based on the life and work of Helen Martens,
the enigmantic "Owl Woman" of Nieu Bethesda (HM Aug 2005)
bars los (break free) 04:10 starts in the mood of the introduction then gradually
acquires a clearer beat, as bass octaves introduce new harmonic directions.
ends in a late romantic burst of energy (HM May 2007)
a paper piece 13:11 a typically expanded serious-to-sensitive HA!Man piano
improvisation with strings attached (HM June 2009)
forest floor march 03:42 keyboard strings and violin improvisation recorded
in the heat of the night with Veronika Soreide in Dornach, Switzerland (with
HM May 2010)
memory of a flower bed 03:28 another memorable recording on the first meeting
with violinist Veronika Soreide in Dornach, Swiss - here with lyrical piano
accompaniment (with HM May 2010)
never let a forest die 03:25 a special keyboard string sound is used to accompany
the improvising violin of Veronika Soreide, on the first meeting in Dornach,
Swiss (with HM May 2010)
walking in a grand dream 05:42 one of the numerous recordings made of improvisations
with Norwegian born violinist Veronika Soreide in Dornach, Switzerland. (HM
Jun 2011)
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond 02:45 a wistful atmosphere
created by plucked guitar sounds and strings, originally as the accompaniment
to an ee cummings poem, "somewhere i have never traveled" (HM Jul
ditty for john 02:01 live layered recording during a performance at the Record
Centre in Ottawa, Canada. This jitty was dedicated top its legendary owner,
John Thompson (HM Sept 2018)
miramidrama 07:04 with digital mic on the piano I let loose with romantic
bravura style playing, interrupted by Mira here and there. then i took her
to a mic, so she can let loose. i put the two tracks together and added some
orchestral flair. a miramidrama! (HM Jun 2020)
pieces mostly in A on a windblown day 26:48:00 the wind blew hard. Mira was
playing, counting one-two-three. every time she says dad-da, it means she
wanted me to keep playing the piano. 6 pieces. and checking in on the porridge
in between. cello was laid in afterwards. (HM Jul 2020)
plasticcimo 05:34 symphonic ensemble moves through a varied landscape of gentleness,
rhythmic exuberance and celebration, playing with impure harmonies to depict
the sad beauty of abandoned plastics left to play and decorate nature in the
wind (HM Jul 2020)
Study in Harmony 13:06 improvisations with an eye to harmonic play. first
the piano, a basic baroque tonality. then strings stretching into atonality.
then both finding romantic swing. overlaid with cello (HM Oct 2020)
piano recordings on a beautiful day 16:12 sitting down behind our Otto Bach
upright while nature is singing out loud outside. four pieces culminated,
somewhat impressionistic. ending on a lyrical note. (HM Nov 2020)
variation-vegetation 12:11 One of six pieces recorded for a friend in distress.
A motive keeps reinventing itself like a creeper seeking to fill each variated
corner it can find (HM Nov 2020)
classical impressions 1 10:15 a slow andante, a serene walk through the ups
and downs of a nature path, or a forest perhaps. steady piano chords shifting
harmonically with the cello singing along (HM Dec 2020)
classical impressions 2 07:10 a dreamily searching, but ultimately optimistic
and hopeful piano improvisation with added cello (HM Dec 2020)
classical impressions 3 04:23 to be listened to in conjunction with impressions
1 and 2, this chorale type afterlude - with a minimalist touch - slows the
air after the rain and exits with a mischievous jolt (HM Dec 2020)
gaudeamus 10:11 a pianistic and not so sentimental interpretation of the well-known
academic commercium song, Gaudeamus Igitur ("So Let Us Rejoice"),
recorded on a Steinway grand in Stellenbosch (HM Apr 2021)
kein feste burg 18:32 a lengthy piano improvisation on the beloved Reformation
hymn "Ein feste Burg.." that retains its core, yet prevents its
hubristic use as a cry for battle (HM Apr 2021)
sonHA!ta for piano and cello 24:00:00 it started as three piano improvisations
played after each other. later the cello was added, revealing somewhat of
a full sonata flow. an interplay between tonality and a good dose of a-tonality
(HM Oct 2021)
FLAME IN THE SNOW 15:00 interludes recorded for a stage production based on
the love letters written between South African literary personae Andre Brink
and Ingrid Jonker (HM March 2022)
church song for a friend 07:23 a piano improvisation in classical style for
a friend who became ill, culminating in a rendition of his favourite church
song (HM Aug 2022)
four thoughts in A 12:00 improvisations with a combined piano-string sound,
with live cello added afterwards. classical flavour (HM Jan 2023)
january journey 07:43 live performance recording - the opening improvisation
sequence, with sustained keyboard pads, cello, voice, whistling and piano
(HM Jan 2023)
concert opening in Swiss 12:12 opening improvisation of a concert in a beautiful
old chapel near Geneva. choir voices, cello, strings, piano, voice and whistling
travel through a spring infused land (HM Apr 2023)
A River through Berlin 37:00:00 a meandering flow of sound between the violin
of young Beeke Ingendorf and HA!Man's cello, piano and strings. in Berlin
with a view on the river Spree (Jun 2023)
chromatic pieces in the town of Estcourt 22:00 five improvisations on a grand
piano in the house of friends in Estcourt, Kwazulu Natal (HM Aug 2023)
Creation, Creation,
Creation! part 2 SPROUT.mp3 19:29 The second part of the "Creation"
organ improvisation concert in the St George's Cathedral, Cape Town. A varied
flowering of sounds and textures - with audience participation. (HM March
Creation, Creation, Creation! part 2 FLOWER 25:26:00 The third and final part
of "Creation", taking the journey to a climactic ending, affirming
the creation lies within each and all of us. (HM March 2000)
Jacqui 12:25 Soundtrack created for a theatre piece on the life of famed cellist
Jaqueline du Prez. The music builds on the main theme of Elgar's cello concerto
and dramatizes the tragedy of her worsening multiple sclerosis. (HM Apr 2003)
soundtrack to the owl house 09:00 Music from the videotrack created for Marlene
Zwieger's one-woman stage production based on the life and work of Helen Martens,
the enigmantic "Owl Woman" of Nieu Bethesda (HM Aug 2005)
a paper piece 13:11 a typically expanded serious-to-sensitive HA!Man piano
improvisation with strings attached (HM June 2009)
pieces mostly in A on a windblown day 26:48:00 the wind blew hard. Mira was
playing, counting one-two-three. every time she says dad-da, it means she
wanted me to keep playing the piano. 6 pieces. and checking in on the porridge
in between. cello was laid in afterwards. (HM Jul 2020)
Study in Harmony 13:06 improvisations with an eye to harmonic play. first
the piano, a basic baroque tonality. then strings stretching into atonality.
then both finding romantic swing. overlaid with cello (HM Oct 2020)
piano recordings on a beautiful day 16:12 sitting down behind our Otto Bach
upright while nature is singing out loud outside. four pieces culminated,
somewhat impressionistic. ending on a lyrical note. (HM Nov 2020)
FLAME IN THE SNOW 15:00 interludes recorded for a stage production based on
the love letters written between South African literary personae Andre Brink
and Ingrid Jonker (HM March 2022)
four thoughts in A 12:00 improvisations with a combined piano-string sound,
with live cello added afterwards. classical flavour (HM Jan 2023)
A River through Berlin 37:00:00 a meandering flow of sound between the violin
of young Beeke Ingendorf and HA!Man's cello, piano and strings. in Berlin
with a view on the river Spree (Jun 2023)
chromatic pieces in the town of Estcourt 22:00 five improvisations on a grand
piano in the house of friends in Estcourt, Kwazulu Natal (HM Aug 2023)
centre graphic
play with lines and curves and fil-in colours (HM Dec 2000)
flowing form graphic with curving lines and colour variety (HM Jan 2002)
birdseeingred abstracted flowing soft coloured.. and ja, a bird seeing red!
(HM Apr 2004)
swan (or something else) (HM Aug 2002)
cellar simple construction in green, blue, yellow and red (HM Jun 2003)
smile 2 concentric geometric figures, deeply coloured with a hint of a smiley
face (HM Jul 2003)
old age geometric version of an aged woman's face (or that is how it transpired
to be) (HM Nov 2003)
forward & backward free hand graphic - black lines with bright colour
fillings, something of a mirror image (HM Nov 2003)
drop geometrical forms intertwining, focus by an ellipse (HM Dec 2004)
my face a graphic that thought it could be my face (HM Dec 2004)
bird in flight soft colours gentle lines perhaps a bird (HM Jul 2006)
skuiling curly yellow lines against black surface, suggesting a hiding-away
(HM Jul 2009)
at this point bright red background with minimal geometric motives sparsed
around (HM Jan 2010)
light steps rapid minimal lines suggesting a tip-toeing man (HM Jul 2013)
african woman pencil drawing of an African woman bustin traditional garb (JD
March 2014)
the girl and the tree mystical female figure interlaced with flowers (JD Apr
i'll catch you! two circles and three straight lines. and two more bent lines.
a chase (HM Oct 2015)
Sharjah Woman facial image of Arab woman (black ink on white) (JD Jan 2020)
Sharjah woman and birds Arab woman in traditional garb feeding birds (black
ink on white) (JD Jan 2020)
Sharjah man at lake Arab man in traditional garb in Sharjah, UAE (black ink
on white) (JD Jan 2020)
part map, part structure, part organism, it delicately tries to hold together
(HM Feb 2020)
where are you going to drawing of a women's face that says something like
- even though i do not know where to, i flow.. (JD Feb 2020)
streamlined | pencilled dark structure balanced by light lines | HA!Man, 200310
night time boy line drawing with dark painted background, evoking a drift
into the dream-like pleasures of the night (JD May 2020)
launch | a pencilled suggestion of a figure being assisted to stay on high
| HA!Man, 200621
drinking hope, one bottle at a time three more visual messages of hope, and
of love, during times of crisis ("drinking hope", "man carrying
tulips" and "growing some hope" (JD Jul 2020)
crescendo man with guitar amidst botanical elements (JD Oct 2020)
strelizia decorated impression of the Strelizia plant and flower (JD Dec 2020)
falling for you, all over again charcoal drawing of female figure, falling
(JD Feb 2021)
and there you go a drawing of a mother and son symbolic of the educational
process (JD Feb 2021)
straight into your eyes a graphite experiment with shadows - a young ,man's
face and the feeling it evokes (JD Feb 2021)
bold upright African woman bust with brush strokes (JD Feb 2021)
brooding man man with Beethoven-esque features with the coloured suggestion
of clouded thoughts (JD March 2021)
woman and the beast the curved beauty and gentleness of female fecundity suggested
by juxtaposing the figure of a woman with that of a cow (JD Mar 2021)
farmer world a cloud of thought drifts from a farmer's head as he is flanked
by two heads of cattle.. a hanging cigarette further betrays the stress that
is the fate of many of his profession (JD Mar 2021)
laptop dream drawing in black and red. a bed. a screen. a woman in a dream
(JD March 2021)
toy-toy a poetic imagination of playing with toys (JD Apr 2021)
woman and the beast II another juxtaposition of the female figure and that
of a cow, in playful, yet deeply felt drift (JD Apr 2021)
teddy 3-year old Mira drew her teddy bear (May 2021)
blue eyed man facial gouache of a piercing look (JD May 2021)
hilly landscape spontaneous lines rendered in three versions - white, black
and coloured (HM Jun 2021)
bird carrying leaf A combination of line drawing and gouache (JD Jul 2021)
tropical bird bird, flower and purple moon against a black background (JD
Jul 2021)
falling a suggestion of the loss of innocence (JD Sep 2021)
not my circus drawing of young woman and the suggestion of a circus act (JD
Sep 2021)
not my politics portrait of a man in disagreement (JD Sept 2021)
romantic morning female figure in drapes and suggestions of coffee and thinking
(JD Sep 2021)
Tom Barman a sketch of the famed Belgian singer-songwriter and director (JD
Sept 2021)
when i open myself to you a flower in three stages of unfolding, embraced
by an emerging sun (JD Dec 2021)
reclining woman line drawing of female figure embraced by vegetative elements
(JD Jan 2022)
flowing over female woman bending backwards against a fine texture of line
fabric and organic fan (JD Jan 2022)
a grown man male figure interwoven with leaf formations (JD Jan 2022)
a learned man concentrating man surrounded by suggestions of the alphabet
and dense writing (JD Jan 2022)
sailing through upper body of a forward racing figure, leaving a trail of
hair waving behind (JD Jan 2022)
leaf dance mixed media leaf shapes balanced by a swirling line in pink (JD
Jun 2022)
i am drawing shapes .. is exactly what she said, as she proudly put them down,
one by one, within the basket she first wove (ML Jun 2022)
sharp and blue line and water colour create a mystical, slightly surreal contrast
between subjective expression and organic sharpness (JD Jun 2022)
blue eyed man 2 man's face juxtaposed by a red drape (JD Jun 2022)
butterfly soft water-coloured impression of a butterfly (JD Jul 2022)
potter drawing of an elferly woman doing pottery, overlaid by red paint (JD
Oct 2022)
a woman's hair realistic pencil drawing of the back of a woman's head with
long hair bound by a robbin (JD Nov 2022)
pencil face and stains "stains and faces fascinate me. here, i try to
combine both" (JD Mar 2023)
flowering memories floral elements whistfully frame a reflective and striking
female gaze (JD Apr 2024)
Unfinished desires | pencilled and half-faded female face | Joke Debaere,
black and white
face HA!Man portrait treated in Black and White (HM Aug 2004)
chicago puppets shadow puppet shadows during a show somewhere in Chicago..
(HM Oct 2004)
lighting man treated picture of a Chicago based artist preparing his puppet
show (HM Oct 2004)
cello pick up in black treated HA!Man image posing on Noordhoek Beach (photo
by Fiona Hinds, Jan 2004)
puppeteer treated picture of an artist preparing a puppet show in a small
Chicago theatre (HM Dec 2004)
carpaint out of focus image of HA!Man giving yet another coloured cover to
the original HA!Mobile (Opel Kadett) (HM Jan 2005)
berlinwall treated picture of a remaining section of the wall that divided
Berlin between East and West (HM Jun 2005)
human figures people and painting mingling after a performance (unknown location)
(HM Feb 2006)
still life classic interior somewhere in rural South Africa (HM Feb 2005)
neck plant looking like cello neck, HA!Man signed (HM Apr 2007)
bent over backwards bronze sculpture in the Keukenhof gardens near Amsterdam
(HM May 2008)
the wait a woman with a large hat in parallel with an air duck (HM May 2008)
buitelyn treated photo of a dancing female figure, reducing it to gentle outlines
(HM Sept 2008)
pillar treated photo of an ancient Roman column in Syria (HM Jul 2009)
spontaneous direction treated picture of a moment during a school performance.
HA!Man needed to provide a little prompting for the spontaneous song to get
going.. (HM Sept 2014)
chicago duo improvising with Peter Bartels on a stage in Chicago (JD Apr 2016)
socially distant even before the social distance regime of the coronavirus
crisis, how socially together were we? (treated photo of people crossing the
Tames) (HM Apr 2020)
time 20 sitting on the floor i took images of people and performers, THE
ARTIST AS SHAMANIC CAVEMAN.. lights and objects in De Studio in Antwerp at
a festival concert organized by friend Andy Fierens (HM Dec 2019)
debut of a two year old 8 Mira's first complete work of art, independently
completed and consciously brought to our attention for recognition. The media
- white crayon on mirror - was a novel idea of hers (the after-treatments
by HA!Man, May 2020)
lines and colours 20 there is something more here than the embodied and
uncrafted water colour playfulness of a two and a half year old. something
just slightly more. it is art. (ML Oct 2020)
7 I took an online course in figure drawing. these are seven faces i drew
each day of the past week. faces exercises in drawing faces showing feeling.
or faces of which i could find feeling, without which i cannot draw (JD Feb
certain south africanness 30 detail views from a rural homestead in Kwazulu
Natal, some of which portray a typical South Africanness. on the whole, a
rough-edged closeness to nature and its materials (HM Jul 2021)
of cloud 49 passing through the Free State Province - South Africa's heartland
plains - these cloud formations impressed with their textures, layeredness,
play with light and sheer drama (HM Oct 2022 from Sept 2010)
54 lines following my eyes on a crispy winter walk in the central Drakensberg
(HM Mar 2023 from Jul 2014)
night of lights 58 Bruges set out a route through its historic centre,
leading from one light feature to the next, making use of the structure of
buildings, water reflections and high tech wizardry (HM Jan 2024)
a family connection
06:00 medley made from performance at the Pretoria house fo Petrus Gous. involving
members of Petrus's family with imprisation. there were a bass, a grand piano,
voices, two more cellos and two saxes (HM 6 Oct 2019)
Montana University Performance 04:48 HA!Man plays piano, cello, dances and
interacts at Montana State University, Oct 2003
mystical paint brush 07:09 HA!Man improvises with cello and keyboard while
master action painter Yokoo Tatsohiko from Japan performs. Near Berlin, at
Christiane & Reinhard Fo"rster's farm, May 2004.
piano improvisation on the theme of Sarie Marias 08:23 during a HA!Man performance
at the Libertas Theatre, Stellenbosch. The piano was once imported especially
for maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy (camera: Lara Kirsten, May 2006)
somewhere in Arizona 00:47 bare breasted cello inspired by the Wild West!
(HM May 2004)
Seoul workshop solo 04:42 a solo cello improvisation during a corporate workshop
at LG, Seoul (HM Apr 2005)
The Day I Got My Body Back 2 04:11 Piano improvisation with dancer Penny Hin
on a given theme: the return of the body awareness. (Part 1: away in the spirit
2. the death of god 3. reconnection) (HM Jul 2005)
The Day I Got My Body Back 3 04:51 Piano improvisation with dancer Penny Hin
on a given theme: the return of the body awareness. Part 3. reconnection (HM
Jul 2005)
Owl house final 04:33 the video and music track for Marlene Zwiegers Uilvrou
production, with dancing images from the "Uilvrou's" (Helen Martin)
garden statues, glass work, the house itself.. down to the end of the work.
(HM Aug 2005)
uilvrou tour 09:20 a visual tour through and around the Owl House in Nieu-Bethesda
- the singularly eccentric life-work of art by the enigmantic and celebrated
Helen Martens. with an original soundtrack (HM Jun 2005)
kansas city SA benefit 07:52 Extracts from HA!Man live performance in Unity
on the Plaza, Kansas City. Also with children's choir premiering Child of
the World and singer Teri Wilder improvising with HA!Man (Oct 20017)
sequence 02:54 a short duo improvisation taken from a whole collection done
with Paul de Mayer - master organist and keyboardist, Gent, Belgium) - here
in a piano shop (Jul 2009, camera Lara Kirsten)
Beautiful Land in Grahamstown Cathedral 03:53 Beautiful Land's lyrics describe
and praise the natural beauty of South Africa. A combined schools choir is
performing it in the cathedral in Grahamstown. The HA!Man on cello and Priscilla
Glover conducting. Camera by Laura Kirsten. (Aug 2009)
the lines of the rocks of Kenton-on-Sea 05:51 striking beach rock formations
at the wild little town of Kenton-on-Sea in the Eastern Cape keeps on drawing
me.. flavoured with the lines of strings sounds from layered cello recordings..
(HM Feb 2013)
piano improvisation #3 at Turckstraat 10 06:39 final improvisation on Joke's
beloved white piano in Turckstraat, Antwerp - forward waves in three-time,
a musical reflection on intense times (HM May 2013)
praying with open eyes 06:05 a sensuous flow of movement, line and blended
piano (HM Jan 2017)
piano solo in leysin 03:44 only the last minutes of a self-filmed piano improvisation
(the larger part got corrupted). this was after a performance in the Grand
Salle Belle Epoque, Leysin, Switserland, stealing a moment with an excellent
grand piano (HM March 2019)
is it small is it big 03:23 series of photos with inlaid text forming a poem
about a special kind of beauty.. (JD & HM, Jul 2019)
choir spontaneity moments 05:21 with Joke holding the camera (and Mira), a
few scenes from a spontaneous expression workshop. with members of the University
of Johannesburg Choir. a few moments of living music making. (HM Oct 2019)
lines of love 05:13 woven images of Joke's mixed media graphic series "flowers
of love and hope" [https://flowersofloveandhope.wordpress.com/] along
with original soundtrack in minimalist style (JD, HM Sep 2020)
interior 06:53 how the artful interior of a house only matures with the ticking
of time (with HA!Man and violinist Veronika Soreide improvisation as soundtrack)
(HM May 2021)
non-linear 07:58 a play with Joke's original drawings - black lines on white
- produced during the first lockdown year, forms the basis of this video,
along with parts of the draft soundtrack produced for Animal Planet's documentary
on the Knysna elephants (Jun 2021)
HA!Man impressions 04:23 live performance of the HA!Man piece "sag"
(Afrikaans for "soft") overlaid with intense images of past performance
acts (HM Nov 2021)
Cello Improv at the Linder 04:17 As part of a mass choir concert in the Linder
Auditorium, Johannesburg, this piece started out with serene, almost hymn-like
whistling and voice, then slipped into a bravura african-style groove, reaching
an exciting end (HM Jan 2022 from Aug 2007)
lilypond 04:16 gentle (and wafty) string sounds accompany intimate images
of a lily pond in the Netherlands (JD & HM Aug 2022)
sounds of silence 05:39 with no sound, images of HA!Man performing and prancing
around on top of Table Mountain are loudly and softly interspersed with singers
from Makhanda township and a waterfall in the Amatola mountains (HM Sep 2022
from various)
township performance 06:20 my late friend Nyebho Swartbooi took me to this
church in a township of Gqeberha. music abounded from the dusts of poverty.
Nyebho later commited suicide. (HM & JD Mar 2023 from Oct 2017)
nocturnal study 09:11 fixed camera on my hands as I express a nightly sphere
in a small room near Cape Town (HM Feb 2024)
Whale 14:44 i
deliver commentary, sort of.. if i may call it commentary.. on the unfolding
of a graphic drawing done years ago. borderline silliness. or art, if you
like. with original soundtrack. (HM Aug 2020)
piano improvisation #1 at Turckstraat 10 10:24 improvising on Joke's piano
in Turckstraat, Antwerp - hyper sturm und drang (HM Jun 2013)
HA!Man at Cello Madness Congress 12:40 Part of a performance given at a cello
happening in Oakland, California. Very scary improvisation followed by the
vainglorious track "Chicago Industrial." (sound quality regrettable)
(camera JD, Oct 2015)
tjello se tonge van vuur 21:36 cello and fire collaboration recorded during
strict lockdown for a Dutch festival (commentary in Afrikaans). four improvisation
pieces (the final piece is also lightly orchestrated, along with nostalgic
images of our pre-COVID days) (HM Jun 2020)