spirituality 8 on the essence of spirituality (HM Jul 2006)
early xtians A4 hand on the remnants of early christian communities in present day Damascus (HM March 2007)
when the moment reaches eternity 367 how the playing of a cello says something about the global healing of humanity (HM Jan 2009)
We heard the wind 519 how confronting love can be (JD Jan 2019)
we hoorden de wind 476 hoe confronterend de liefde kan zijn (JD Jan 2019)
enough of the God-fearers 1554 when an article appeared on the religious bent of a certain South African businessman, i felt i had to say something about a number of powerful people who caused destruction while seeking cover in their beliefs (HM Sept 2019)
stay small while growing up A4 hand mother to daughter before the world of rationality opens up (JD Dec 2019)
faith 1916 an exposition of a new understanding of faith as an integral component of all experience of reality as well as the implications of this for science and religion of our day (HM Dec 2019)
faith (2) 2438 a further look into the nature of faith and what it says about the meaning of life, or deeper still, where did life come from and how can it be defined (HM Dec 2019)
this is the good friday 1663 written amidst the Coronavirus-crisis, after having listened to a dominee (priest) giving an online sermon, remembering my church-going childhood - how can we work together in a society where spirituality still largely functions as a cult? (HM Apr 2020)
CULT 6125 CULT - a biief treatment of the evolution of religion and cults, how Christianity started out as a cult to become a world religion, and how its cultic roots impacted on western societies - up to the crises of the present day (HM Oct 2020)
arguments on Christmas eve 1510 two friends get stuck on a hiking trail. on Christmas eve. two friends who like to argue. and only one of them misses the traditional celebrations.. (HM Dec 2020)
Guilt and Innocence - the robbery of childhood 1597 innocence as a necessary condition for childhood and the play of childhood a necessary foundation for adulthood. how how a love - physical and spiritual - too much to bear kills innocence makes a whole culture to float in the air (HM Apr 2022)
Guilt and Innocence - the robbery of childhood 1597 innocence as a necessary condition for childhood and the play of childhood a necessary foundation for adulthood. how how a love - physical and spiritual - too much to bear kills innocence makes a whole culture to float in the air (HM Apr 2022)
The Mid-Eastern Crucible 2498 An essay in response to the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas from 7 October 2023. Delving into this near impossible topic by looking at what it would take to heal age old rifts and what this could mean for the rest of the world. (HM Nov 2023)


drops A4 hand the rain drops, the you next to me in bed, and how this feels with silences interspersed (HM during the 90's)
darkspot 207 the light only comes when going into the dark (HM Sep 2000)
reality 190 the struggle to return to the present (HM Sep 2000)
little gods 52 on the top-heaviness of the brain (HM Jun 2001)
past times 48 how love penetrates on different levels (HM Nov 2001)
love's comeback 68 it can leave you shattered, you resolve it will never be again, but love so often makes a comeback (HM Dec 2001)
still A4 hand lamenting the loss of body and how everything spiritual is of the flesh (HM Jan 2002)
wing flap feather A4 hand whether there is still beauty to behold while the earth is in danger (HM Jan 2002)
so jesus never really existed A4 hand does Jesus need to have ever existed, in order to be real? (HM Feb 2002)
on love 300 an expression of the not-readiness to settle into a maturing relationship, the choice to remain in the throes of love (HM Feb 2002)
i love you 257 how the manifestation of a real woman can arrest the man and his dream images. love enters where the ideal steps aside (HM March 2002)
compost 127 the meaning if meaning in the light (darkness) of compost (HM Apr 2002)
talk 127 on the difficulty of talking straight in a relationship (HM May 2002)
wide 13 text against image of dramatic cloud formations - the way nature calls forth love (HM Jun 2002)
love is what we try to A4 hand love is what we try to understand to our detriment (HM Sept 2002)
is it not incredible that A4 hand on the outrageousness of both fiath and the human condition (HM Oct 2002)
dear mountain A4 hand an ode to the Hogsback mountainand its spiritual power (HM Apr 2003)
all the women i ever had 81 finding oneself in the mirror of love(s) (HM Apr 2003)
christ they the all rugby ice-creams A4 hand word-play on the liteness of the light of faith (HM Jul 2003)
murderess 157 the descent into death through the drunken charms of a rapacious woman (HM Nov 2003)
matches 87 how things only happen in the end, despite all heavenly plans (HM March 2004)
close 104 a plea against neediness (HM Aug 2004)
may all the sweethearts here unite 246 love - the same old story, over and over again, yet always so very unique (JD Jan 2005)
angels 108 a cry against living like angels: by looking too much to the (fatherly) sky, we grew blind to the (motherly) earth, eating away at her, to our own peril and destruction (HM Nov 2007)
if then yellow lines stop A4 hand when, if then, souls are born (HM Nov 2007)
one humungous HA! 136 a poetic description of the moment that gave me insight as to the meaning and/or non-meaning of life (HM Jun 2008)
my longing 61 a short and mysterious poem on the nature of longing (JD Nov 2010)
the puppeteer 187 description of a destructive relationship (JD Jan 2010)
be 217 A love poem with a strong longing at the core, addressing the loved one. (JD Jan 2012)
I miss you 178 A love poem on missing someone, with unfinished sentences to portray thoughts that get blocked by sadness. (JD, Jan 2012)
limit 94 "A poem on the paradoxal beauty of divorces, written for the Flemish humanistic magazine Antenne. (JD, Jan 2012)
ragged edges 207 love poem, inspired by the ragged edges in the clothes of loved one (JD Jan 2014)
rustling 124 comparing language to the rustling of leaves (JD Jan 2014)
so lunch it is 152 written in a coffee shop after a tense conversation (HM Oct 2011)
what makes you sexy 102 physical attraction is never just physical (HM March 2015)
trust is built 213 written after a relational fall-out, facing the end, the edge, and yet do not come crushing down (HM Sep 2015)
wonder 113 in wonder of the way this relationship sails past all the old endings, the seemingly eternal barriers of my being (HM Oct 2015)
little love poem 43 very short and playful love poem (JD Jan 2016)
a home I can not name 326 on meeting Francois for the first time, as improvised in Kansas City, 2016 (JD Oct 2016)
in all of these 120 how i could only love you for those things that are more difficult and beyond my control (HM Apr 2017)
Lake Michelle 478 trying to capture an oh so ever fugitive moment of happiness at a South African lakeside (JD Aug 2019)
that wind still lake 253 a longing for a place where deeper thoughts can flow and breathe (JD Aug 2019)
strength 330 a recently written love poem in two parts, on how real love changes you for the better (JD Jan 2003)
the flowers know 286 how the flowers keep knowing the time, even during the coronavirus crisis (JD March 2020)
stitches 80 A love poem. The hopeful side of things. (JD Apr 2020)
I dreamed of you 714 Description of a dream about a man I was once in love with. I found it in an old notebook and tweaked the text a bit. I reminds me of the bittersweet taste of unfulfilled desires. (JD May 2020)
three women in yellow dresses 141 where to find the hope in these strange times? sometimes, it's right in front of you (JD Jan 2021)
Joke (pronounced yoo-kuh) 236 Joke is no joke is the life of my love is this moment of remembrance (HM Feb 2021)
i had a dream 144 it is the night before they arrive - mother and daughter. after three months of fatherly absence. i recall a recent dream. (HM Jun 2021)
undoings 142 the simple earthly things that stabilize the world within (and by extension, the world without) (HM Jul 2021)
i love you 83 why i love you cuts through all the obvious (HM Aug 2021)
rain is us 76 rain is millions of drops, like us. it brings us together. (HM Sep 2021)
starbucks in pretoria 108 if i could freeze this moment .. (HM Feb 2022)
eternity 80 where ever did the notion of a fixed eternity originate from? (HM Oct 2022)
the great, great Teddy bear 325 how to explain to a child why people pray to a someone when that someone is nowhere to be seen (HM Oct 2022)
crisp 112 a verbal take on the brilliance of a summer day after the rains (HM Nov 2022)
rainbow 211 on encountering a massive rainbow, driving through the Karoo (HM Mar 2023)
eternal fire 854 how it was to believe yourself elevated above the rest and the destructive tendencies of confusing faith with facts (HM Jul 2024)
the directions of trees A4 hand short reflections during late afternoon, parked in a street of Makhanda town (HM Sep 2024)


alleen 191 oor 'n verlore liefde (HM Okt 2000)
skuld 70 oor skuld en vryheid (HM Jun 2001)
jy het gehuil A4 hand op die punt waar 'n verhouding of volwasse word, of pad maak vir die vryheid van alleenheid (HM Jun 2002)
die liefde 15 waar die liefde lÛ (HM Nov 2003)
deur my gryn A4 hand die verwording en noodsaaklike uitwassing van 'n diepgaande verhouding (HM May 2005)
sommige dae 148 die kurwes en skommelinge binne 'n liefdesverhouding (HM Apr 2006)
aan jou 190 jy waai my selfversugtinge deurmekaar - 'n dalkies eerlike kyk na myself (HM Jun 2006)
ek glo hart A4 hand die herontdekking van liefde in 'n tyd van psigologiese droogte (HM Des 2006)
nag 85 'n oomblik in nog 'n vreemde bed, langs jou, op reis (HM Feb 2009)
en al een 86 hoe jy erens bly hang ooral waar ek ook mag gaan (HM Apr 2009)
as jy so daar lÛ 88 liefde vir iemand wat deur donker dale gaan (HM Feb 2020)
10 jaar 109 terugblik op 'n verhouding en hoe 'n mens op mekaar inwerk (HM Jun 2020)
krimp 405 waarnemings van 'n bejaarde christendame en haar steun op die woorde van die Here (HM Jul 2023)


blauw 662 Een impressionistisch, associatief en muzikaal liefdesgedicht waarin ik met het thema eb en vloed speel. (JD, Jan 2010)
eindes 83 Een gedicht over de paradoxale schoonheid van echtscheidingen, geschreven voor het humanistisch tijdschrift Antenne. (JD, Jan 2010)
ruisen 129 vergelijking van taal met het ruisen van bladeren (JD Jan 2014)
opnieuw 202 de meest onmogelijke berg kan alleen worden overwonnen door stap voor stap te vertrouwen (JD Dec 2018)


geskryf 3391 'n geskryf wat uitloop op 'n eksistensiele insig: 'n soort self-tuiskoms, 'n neutralisering van die ideale vrou daarbuite, deur die vrou in my as deelnemer te verwelkom. (HM Sept 2000)
een kathedraal van waarheid 4498 Kortverhaal ge´nspireerd op het leven van Lev Tolstoj en zijn vrouw Sonja. De gebeurtenissen spelen zich af begin vorige eeuw op hun landgoed Jasnaja Poljana. Werd in 2004 gepubliceerd in het Vlaamse literaire tijdschrift "Deus Ex Machina" (JD, Jan 2004)
Ismael 1140 the story of my relationship with an Arab man in Antwerp, an illegal immigrant (JD Jul 2011)
she lives in an apartment 2147 an improvised tale of a woman who had good luck and decided to withdraw into her comfort, and how a cat changed all of that (HM Oct 2022)


Questions of Spirituality
Questions of Spirituality 1 - Stories of faith 739 introducing a series of essays on my own story around faith and spirituality, as it relates to general issues of faith. (HM March 2014)
Questions of Spirituality 2 - Losing the faith 1389 following on the story-character of positions of faith, i look at the possibility of losing grip on such a faith (HM Apr 2014)
Questions of Spirituality 3 - Death of a Father 1725 i relate the story of my father's death and how my mother brought it home to us that he is not really dead, but in heaven, and how i believed this, until i could not hold that belief any longer (HM May 2014)
Questions of Spirituality 4 - The death of God 2892 sketching the political background of South Africa during the eighties, i describe how studying at Stellenbosch shook my foundations and how i found God to be dying in me until i was left with nothing but my shared humanity (HM Jun 2014)
Questions of Spirituality 5 - unbeliever in church 2656 after losing my faith in the existence of a personal God, i was still part of a faith community. community turned out to be more essential than faith, and therefore harder to confront (HM Jan 2022)
Questions of Spirituality 6 - A mother's faith 1990 the existential angst that follows a spiritual break with family, especially with a mother that harboured intense dreams of her son becoming a "prophet of the nations" (HM Feb 2022)
Questions of Spirituality 7 - On the meaning.. 2793 the existential angst that follows a spiritual break with family, especially with a mother that harboured intense dreams of her son becoming a "prophet of the nations" (HM Feb 2022)
Questions of Spirituality 7 - Spirituality meaning 2793 Trying get down to a more basic meaning of spirituality, deriving it from its relationship with other aspects of human and social experience, then finding that the word might be a misnomer. At its core lies the soul, not the spirit. (HM Nov 2022)


Hymn 04:09 the overall sense.. passionate longing.. wailing cello and ringing bells.. (HM Jan 2000)
Blessed are the Plains 08:52 Music reflecting the open plains of Africa - the roaming-ground of the world's ancestors. Towards the end the melody of the National anthem of S.A "Nkosi s'kilele" is hummed (from collaborative album "Ex Afrika" HM Jan 2000)
Plaashek 06:22 An improvised interpretation of a poem by South African poet Uys Krige. "Plaashek" is a gate, which is a metaphor of the gate of the heart. (from album "Ex Afrika" HM Jan 2000)
Soft 07:11 Piece begins with a breathy, hesitating melody in the cello line. Soon develops into more certain romantic declarations. Soaring above the clouds. (Description by Lara Kirsten. HM Jun 2001)
simplicity 02:42 A slow, gracious dance for an ascete. From a soundtrack for a stage production set in a Chinese context (HM Jul 2001)
love remembrance 06:16 from a soundtrack for a physical theatre piece - about a sailor lost at sea, here remembering a far-off love (HM Jan 2001)
Softguitar 04:32 using a favourite Roland XP10 sound called "soft" to improvise a base layer, adding a guitar sound and life cello (HM March 2001)
silent corner 03:16 The sustained accompaniment gives this piece a sense of restfulness. A delicate melody doubled by itself in thirds is of an ethereal kind.. (HM May 2001, description Lara Kirsten)
a pilgrim's prayer 07:06 a pilgrimage through far-off lands in search of spiritual beauty and rest (HM Jun 2001)
Velvet 02:29 drifting harmonies, creating a sublte, soft sense of coming to rest and be at peace (HM Jul 2001)
soft beauty hymn 02:28 a holy but softly sweet sort of hymn for the stillness of the night (soft pad alone) (HM Aug 2001)
Leigh O'Lita 01:51 personal favourite from the series of songs by the late "John" of which he wrote the lyrics and then crafted a rough melody with Lorna Els, who in turn brought it to me to refine and arrange (HM Aug 2001)
Awake 03:00 hymnal layered recording with voice, cello and synthetic string sounds, making use of its sonorous bass. broad chords with moments of silence (HM Oct 2001)
helderbergmagic 01:30 A magic incantation of night sounds in the shadow of the Helderberg in the Western Cape, recorded live during an outdoor performance, 2001 (HM Dec 2001)
holy beauty 02:10 A "soft pad" (Roland XP10) improvisation during a live performance, along with with voice (HM Jan 2002)
peace 02:23 like a dusty wind sweeping over a velvety landscape, taking thoughts, messages and dreams along.. (HM March 2002)
nylon 04:43 even though the padding sounds can hardly render "all of a swing," it does provide an easy-goin bed for a swinging and sliding nose flute.. (HM March 2002)
soft morning prayer 01:29 like an opening up towards something new.. soft pad sounds lifting the spirit gently (HM Jul 2002)
soft glider 05:33 the pad sound "soft" on the Roland XP10 has been a direct inspiration for a number of early recordings. here it glides and gives the cello the wings of an eagle (HM Aug 2002)
Bold and open 04:31 The cello plays in a declamatory fashion, full of passion and bold colourful strokes. Full and resonant sounds. With voice at times. (HM Oct 2002, descr Lara Kirsten)
evening song 01:34 A gentle expression of peace and beauty at the fall of night and the settling down of worked-up heart-beats. (HM Dec 2002, descr Lara Kirsten)
morning prayer 04:25 Synthesized music with mesmerizing sounds. Its meditative quality is created by the sustained padded sounds and limited rhythmic movement. (HM Jan 2003, descr Lara Kirsten)
weskus 04:31 music evoking the simple tranquility of South Africa's West Coast, known for its dry earth and freezingly cold ocean currents (HM Jan 2003)
An Ode to Silence 03:16 a live improvisation during an outdoor performance in one of South Africa's many breathtaking natural settings (HM Mar 2003)
Lila 01:09 Beautiful simplistic lyricism. From a soundtrack for a children's play, depicting the main character, Lila. (HM March 2003)
Quiet Hills 04:47 Part of the "Whistle Away" album, recorded at a friend's house, in the garden, close to the see, at night.. (HM Mar 2003)
cosmic wave 04:37 one of a series of improvisations with soprano Marina Coetzee, in her lounge, Johannesburg (HM March 2004)
astralia 03:35 the soprano voice of Marina Coetzee takes on an ethereal quality along with electronic bubbly sounds, another in a series of improvisations recorded during one morning in an old Pretoria house (with HM March 2004)
Prayer 01:57 A short improvisation with Ronja Feurbass in Berlin. At the time she did music only as a hobby. The "words" she uses are made up. (HM May 2005)
Chicago Rail 03:09 A solemn piece to a poem about a Chicago railway worker who died on his first day back to work, after surviving the battle fields of the second world war (HM Sept 2005)
indian flute call 05:44 traditional American Indian flutes played by Jan Seiden, with cello and a layer of harp sounds. the improvisation starts in a kind of "calling" - an open throated call into wild spaces, which then evolves into a trance-like dance (with HM Nov 2006)
Chartres Labyrinth 07:01 chant based on the numerical system for the Chartres Labyrinth, using strange new sounds from the "Omnisphere" synthesizer (HM Jan 2009)
psalm 146 02:36 an electronic-symphonic arrangement of psalm 146, in its "Voortrekker" incarnation. created to form part of the Voortrekker Monument anniversary concert (HM Nov 2009)
hier sta ik 04:18 contemplative improvisation in the Dutch language with HA!Man on the keys (padding sound) and Joe van der Linden on guitar (Port Elizabeth, 16 Aug 2012)
a new wind is blowing 04:32 improvised string sound, midday, in a flat on Natal south coast, tropical air.. while a friend has broken through to a truer self. harmonies like waves of the sea.. (HM Dec 2014)
soft arrival of a glimmering hope 10:40 extract from a live event in Hermanus. opens with atmospheric whistling and echoing bells. this sets the tone for a sensitive roll on strings, which is recorded and replayed, to be joined by the cello. all improvised, of course. (HM Aug 2014)
solemn cello and voice 03:57 cello legato lines shapes cathedral spaces as the voice joins in hymnal openness (HM Aug 2014)
The Rain Track 11:11 soundtrack evocative of rain created for the installation art of Helen Cooper (prints derived from falling raindrop patterns in the Karoo) (HM Feb 2015)
I arrive in Africa 05:01 one of my favorite tracks. performed as an encore during our last show in the summer 2015 South African tour. I express why I keep coming back to Africa, despite the dark danger I have experienced there (JD Jun 2015)
violin and cello adagio 05:49 beautiful long and sustained unfolding dialogue between the two instruments (HM and Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby on violin Aug 2017)
opening drone and a piece called thank you 07:33 strong atmospheric opening, linked through whistling to a recording called "thank you" (strings) with piano added in Mozart (or Rachmaninov?) adagio fashion. live event, Johannesburg (HM May 2017)
you look in me 02:27 how true love can make inner resistances melt. with harp accompaniment (JD, HM Jan 2018)
sonority of strings 04:56 in a live improv performance with violinist Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby, i first record an adagio of strings, with the violin playing. then replay the recording while adding the cello. (HM Aug 2018)
natuurlik kerft de tijd 02:21 live performance in the Netherlands of a love poem in Dutch, with strings accompaniment (JD & HM May 2019)
on a bed of voice 05:48 cello and violin interweave serenely on a sustained choir voices fifth (HA!Man and Rayelle Goodman, Aug 2019)
give me you 04:07 two love poems to Joke ("re-creation", 2015 and "give me". 2017) , read on a bed of stringed waves (HM Dec 2019)
be 05:21 """You act to die.
You become repetition inside of me
What more do you want me to say?"" (JD text, music HM ""slow waltz"" Jan 2020)"
carpet of rain 02:43 "all in all it's maybe just the feeling inside / when standing in front of this mountain / this natural awe / so hard to capture / yet there for real" (JD, HM Jan 2020)
windless 05:28 during the Coronavirus lockdown, Joke finds inner stillness in nature, surrounded by its sounds and open spaces, and the crisis seems far, far away (May 2020)
cello and owls 03:05 on request of an elderly friend, i downloaded southern african owl sounds and added a 3-layered cello nocturne (HM Feb 2021)
let us not forget we've come this far 05:22 a sweeping adagio with a layer of string accompaniment and violin first. the string layer, being recorded, is ten repeated with the cello joining the the violin to ride out into the sunset (HM and Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby March 2021)
nnghai-nnghai 06:04 arpeggiated "space" sounds with voice create a cathedral-like chant in an improvised language (HM May 2021)
a bliss came over me 16:24 Joke and Mira has been away for three months. Their return brought this bliss over me, something i expressed with much leeway and broad openness - strings, pad, piano, cello (HM Jul 2021)
the opening 05:54 like a flower slowly opening up to the sun, hesitating at times and finally fold back again, the leading strings are followed by a flute and some pizzicato's and live cello (HM Sep 2021)
so be it 05:08 peaceful cyclical track with Baroque undertones - guitar, strings, recorder and piano (HM Nov 2021)
stille nag, magtige nag 04:48 a rendition of the inimical Christmas song, Silent Night, with a view to the immensity of the night sky (HM Dec 2021)
o tannenbaum 05:54 a warm and firm rendition of the Christmas song that is really about the pine tree that keeps its green through the coldest of winters as a promise that life will return (HM Dec 2021)
alpine piano | in a venue overlooking the Alps from afar, the piano starts searchingly, like a bird drifting up high, then whistling wind through playfully, then the voice majestically reaches the high peaks, then coming to a rest.. | 05:35 | HA!Man 241111


The Rain Track 11:11 soundtrack evocative of rain created for the installation art of Helen Cooper (prints derived from falling raindrop patterns in the Karoo) (HM Feb 2015)
a bliss came over me 16:24 Joke and Mira has been away for three months. Their return brought this bliss over me, something i expressed with much leeway and broad openness - strings, pad, piano, cello (HM Jul 2021)


adameve drawn for a small exhibition on the theme of eating (this is Adam and Eve, obviously) (HM Aug 2000)
couple momentary drawing inspired by a brief but intense relationship (HM Aug 2000)
wonderland a garden-like medley of digital visual effects (HM Aug 2000)
gardenrelax free-flow figure, looks like soeon'es relaxing in a garden.. (HM Aug 2000)
mountains abstract of a typical north american mountain landscape (HM Feb 2001)
together soft curvy lines and soft colours suggest an intertwined togetherness (HM Feb 2002)
lines thick hand-drawn black lines crawl mosaically over purple-pink (HM Nov 2003)
eiers friendship between two eggs (graphic) (HM March 2004)
moving on a figure lurking in a bright coloured graphic patchwork (HM Dec 2004)
fish organic lines, coloured in patches, perhaps a fish (HM Aug 2006)
reclining soft-stroke colour lines intertwining (HM Jan 2007)
black and so black and red and blue and white shaping around each other (HM Apr 2007)
snuggle are those figures snuggling up in a cozy togetherness? (HM Dec 2009)
unbreakable passionate drawing for the shortest love poem I ever wrote (JD Feb 2013)
under a tree coloured drawing of tree and patterns with text "to find myself under a tree, any given tree" (JD Apr 2020)
hope hope for all four seasons! - flowers in varying colours (JD Jun 2020)
zonsondergang a flower against the backdrop of a sunset. line drawing with graphic layers in colour (JD Jun 2020)
woman on bed of flowers from the "Flowers of Love and Hope" series - a woman in love, suspended by layers of nature (JD Aug 2020)
embrace an intimate embrace embraced by flowing patterns and leaves (JD Sep 2020)
embrace in dark how a deep embrace flowers, seeds, emerges from the dark. mixed media drawing (JD Jan 2021)
bear on a stroll bear and its shadow through a forest in yellow and signs of human intrusion (JD Jul 2021)
peace the dove, the dawn, the light. that's all there is to it (JD Feb 2022)
delicate blue leaves surrounded by textures of blue (JD Aug 2022)
lilies lily inspired shapes against playful textures of water (JD Aug 2022)
forest a play with soft shapes in water colour, suggesting something like a friendly forest (JD Dec 2022)
floating flowers suspended flower suggestions in water colour paint and line (JD Kan 2023)
water lilies "water lelies keep giving me a feeling of safety and belonging hence, some more. i used watercolor markers, colour pencils and fineliner markers" (JD Mar 2023)
neighbourhood maze-like black lines with suggestions of creatures in grey (HM Jul 2023)
the vision leaves and flowers enfold a female upward look (JD Apr 2024)


lost in arizona abandoned hotel next to highway (HM Dec 2004)
curve lagoon beach scene, Kenton-on-Sea, Sunshine Coast, Eastern Cape (HM Feb 2005)
hogsback dusk view from the Eco Shrine, Hogsback (HM Jul 2005)
paris dusk rooftop view of old Paris at dusk (HM Dec 2006)
ground cover a footbridge over a grassy swamp somewhere in the Walloons (HM May 2007)
the eco shrine the landmark monument to Mother Earth in Hogsback, Eastern Cape (HM Jan 2008)
nr39 treated photo of an oldapartment door somewhere in Manhattan (HM Feb 2008)
free state typical farm scene in the Free State Province, South African interior (HM Jul 2008)
church window a small section of the austere lines of the inside of a church building (HM May 2010)
American snow through winter trees a snow covered structure (HM Nov 2014)
leysin view view of the Alps from the Leysin American School, in black and white (HM Apr 2016)
as it is on earth an alpine mountain and sky, competing for the majestic.- from a balcony in the Swiss town of Leysin. with text (HM May 2016)
love travelling with you on a walk with Joke down a street in Leysin, Switzerland (treated) (HM May 2016)
your feet will grow baby Mira's leg next to mom's with quite a difference in length (JD Setp 2019)


six flowers for this time 6 white with coloured background drawings, combining botanical elements with relevant words for our time of the Corona virus (JD May 2020)
Kologha forest walk 54 10 minutes walk from where we stay, an indigenous forest with smells, textures and shapes from ages deep past (HM, JD Aug 2020)
the Outeniqua 88 intimate and broad scenes along the Outeniqua mountain hiking trail (HM Nov 2022, from Dec 2006)


driving home in Hogsback 05:25 filmed in Jul 2003 as I was driving to the Eco Shrine cottage where I used to live until 2012. Music track: "Softglider"
Lost amongst the Redwoods 03:31 visuals of the giant trees of the Californian Redwood forest as enjoyed by the HA!Man and Rebecca Jones (Oct 2003)
railway 03:09 railway scenes in and around Chicago. with the music it formed part of the Moving Chicago multi-media production. Inspired by a poem relating the story of a soldier who survived WWII, only to be killed by a train on his return (HM Oct 2005)
snow blizzard 03:50 snow storm reflected in car lights while driving through upstate new york, along with HA!Man track "soundbed for recorder" (HM Aug 2011)
swartberg uphill 05:02 music from the MIGRATIONS soundtrack, part three: "prayer of the long haul" along with treated visuals of the actual migration up the Swarberg Pass, Southern Cape.. (HM Aug 2011)
koker spirit 04:20 in the district of Nieuwoudtville, there lies the southernmost Kokerboom (quiver tree) forest in Africa. Actually a succulent, these ancient plants thrive in the harshest of conditions. A camera walkabout combined with hymnal soundtrack (HM March 2015)
mother, daughter 09:36 images of Joke and Mira along with opening of a live performance that happened along the Cape Coast in 2015
i look into the morning light 04:21 images of the rising sun at Eagle's Ridge both inspired Joke to new insights and to combine them with her hopeful words. HA!Man recorded a track according to her specifications.. (JD & HM Aug 2019)
dutch dusk 04:15 sunset and moon rising scenes on Dutch country side along with haunting but serene music track (HM sept 2019)
as if the snow 05:10 images taken after a snowfall in Regina, Canada, set to Joke's poem As If The Snow and HA!Man track Children Asking (JD & HM Oct 2019)
frozen falls 06:10 mezmerizing images of ice formations along a far-off highway in winter Canada. soundtrack: "two hours after midnight" (HA!Man) (HM Nov 2019)
a home i cannot name 04:47 Joke's poem describing feelings on our first meeting, read by herself along with visuals of fleeting flowers, majestic mountains and intimate homes. original soundtrack evokes the homecoming to a home that cannot be framed, or named. (JD & HM Jan 2020)
when the herd came down 03:40 the track "when the herd came down" was originally recorded as i watched footage of an elephant herd going down to a water hole. visuals here are from roadside flowers passing by and majestic mountains - equally suited (HM Jan 2020)
roadside rest 07:04 driving out north towards Cathcart with Mira. Stop. Picnic site. Look. Rest. (HM Apr 2020)
thank you 04:22 an oak leaf dangling from a spider string amongst the big trees at our Eagle's Ridge home, with the track"thank you" to accompany it (visuals JD music HM Sep 2020)
you may call this our garden 04:35 one part of the Eagles Ridge property is a kind of semi-wild garden. only we go there regularly. the camera rolls along tree trunks, leaves, grasses, horses, reeds and more, embraced by a melancholy musical drift. welcome to our garden! (HM Oct 2020)
me and you 05:01 a road, somewhere in central South Africa, rolls under wheels. delicate music from improvisations with violinist Veronika Soreide accompanies, along with poetic text about the steady bond between the me and the you (HM Dec 2020)
moon, child and the dangling leaf 06:11 the chant-like track "nnghai-nnghai" is combined with video layers of a full moon night with moving clouds, Mira walking and playing in a historic Arab square and a leaf hanging on a spider thread at Eagle's Ridge (HM May 2021)
rolling greens 05:55 visuals taken while driving on the road between Kokstad and Underberg in Kwazulu Natal. along with the track "the opening". heavy rains have fallen, the green seen through a cracked windscreen (HM Feb 2022)
springtime strings 09:37 spring is breaking in Switzerland and Mira and I are visiting various playground sites. a selection of photos is combined with a recording of myself and violinist Veronika Soreide during our first public appearance, during the same period (HM May 2024)
Autumn in Bruges | photos taken in Bruges along a short stretch of the surrounding river combined with a live recording in Swiss of "nnghai-nnghai" with nose flute, during the same autumnal time | 06:10 | HA!Man 241120


water and light 11:50 extract from a live performance where cello, choir voices, voice, strings, then whistling too, is enhanced by a lightning storm in the Eastern Cape, a water organ display in Dubai and the surface of big waters somewhere on the planet (HM Jun 2022)

