lalaland 258 thoughts on my first visit to Hollywood, how i have fallen a bit in love with a place that was not what i thought it was (HM Nov 2003)
OOS-KAAP: Baarmoeder van Suid-Afrika 1025 'n Opstel oor my belewing van die Oos-Kaap, geskryf op aanvraag van die De Kat tydskrif wat dit destyds gepubliseer het (HM Apr 2005)
graveyards in South Africa 1744 an honest comparison between burials in Europe and in South Africa (JD Feb 2013)
as long as something keeps moving 776 anecdotes from Joke's earliest visits to Johannesburg evoke the old question of the interdependency of light and dark (JD Oct 2014)
on whether science brought us further .. 1852 science reacted againts religion's denigration of the material realm. but did science bring true respect for the material? i always thought it did, until.. (HM Nov 2019)
a few of future facts and freaktures 121 projections of our warming future can freak out. here are a few of those and what to do about it (source: "The Uninhabitable Planet" by David Wallace-Wells). (HM Dec 2019)
virus-krisis-piessus 470 Mira verjaar en die aarde staan uiteindelik stil met die hulp van 'n piepklein organismetjie. Selfs die heiliges bly nie onaangeraak nie. (HM March 2020)
The Afrikaner 2404 who is the Afrikaner and what has this (my) nation to show for after a very short history that includes the dark shadows of Apartheid? anything to learn here? (HM Jan 2021)
it is in Stellenbosch 1799 a brief catalogue of events that had a formative influence on my life during the times i resided in Stellenbosch, spanning a decade from 1986 onwards. Stellenbosch is a visionary place and therefore rife with disillusionment (HM Apr 2021)
on robots - let's just get this one straight 2345 is it even possible to recreate a human being? can robots ever become human? this is what i want to get straight: the answer is NO. (HM Oct 2021)
which earth to discover 712 on reading the news that NASA's pet project for the next ten years will be finding life on other planets. oh, what a Fruitful exercise while the planet is burning! (HM Nov 2021)
Through the Transkei 2138 the land where Mandela was born carries special significance, a part of South Africa that is often avoided, but in the end is unavoidable (HM Jan 2022)
Road through the Karoo 1.5 hr rec recording my voice while driving on the N1 between Beaufort West and Laingsburg, resulting in rambling reflections on the role of the Karoo shaping Afrikaner character; and on land, shaping life and culture in general (HM Mar 2023)
the train to Bruges 2639 reflections on what it is and feels to be an artist, the necessity of movement for existence to exist, a friend who wants to prevent the universe from ending and the dark side of Belgium (HM Apr 2023)
Bruges 982 unbroken reflective observations on the (at least) 1000 year old treasure chest that i call home (for now) (HM Apr 2024)


science and maths 137 loose impressions around a world infused by the scientific perspective (HM May 2001)
to be a man 76 manhood in its pure form (HM Nov 2003)
in new york 1 75 thoughts as i lie awake at night, in the niddle of Manhattan
in new york 2 31 thoughts as i lie awake at night, in the niddle of Manhattan
in new york 3 19 thoughts as i lie awake at night, in the niddle of Manhattan
you have come here lately A4 hand what are these little things eating away at my skin? (i cannot remember - ants? fleas?) (HM Sept 2004)
bends 134 I compare the way life goes with the shape of the lines of a leaf. (JD, Jan 2010)
change 170 An associative poem on how our impressions of what reality is, constantly change. (DB, Jan 2012)
sensual song of mother nature 250 mother nature speaks to reveal aspects of her her character (JD, Jan 2013)
being tired was no option 157 portrait of a difficult woman (JD Jan 2014)
forgetting, forget 235 meeting with a man suffering from dementia (JD Jan 2014)
recycle 120 a plea for knowledge as a living entity, worthy of decomposition (HM Apr 2016)
yet another quest (1 of 3) 349 "three poems reflecting on the long path of finding one's own voice, against the pull of the past but helped forward by nature itself (JD Jul 2019)
""you were a queen"" - the long journey of finding one's artistic voice (JD, Jun 2019)"
the speed of my wandering feet 334 thoughts on an early morning walk (JD Aug 2019)
a carpet of rain 239 standing in our South African garden, watching the mountains, trying to capture that feeling of being in awe of nature (JD Jan 2020)
your mama, your papa, are fighting their share 651 while you just turned two years old, so much is happening, that one day will be a story (JD March 2020)
scream 414 how it is when the little Mira tests her anger limits - terrible two's, as they say (HM Apr 2020)
woven and whipped 97 words to express something of the enchanting view of one of humanity's most menacing environmental disasters: plastic left to whip around by the wind (dumping grounds, Stutterheim) (HM Jul 2020)
mafia man 248 based on the character of Frank Sheeran, as played by Robert de Niro in the film The Irishman (dir Martin Scorcese, 2019) (HM Jul 2020)
psychopath 153 written after seeing the movie "Nightcrawler", portraying the extremes that the media can get into, all for The Story. the old story of money and power. and how it deforms individuals. and their societies. (HM Sep 2020)
drying times 126 the unprecedented scale of the California wild fires comes amidst unprecedented dry conditions. but there are also other fires resulting from dry conditions that are not so obvious (HM Nov 2020)
Stellenbosch stands for an idea 188 my parents met as the ideal couple in an ideal town with images of the ideal years in Afrikaner history, which was all just an idea (HM Apr 2021)
evolution 131 the contention that random mutations and natural selection cannot fully explain the evolutionary process (HM Jun 2021)
unreliable A4 hand the seasons are not reliable anymore. because we are not. (HM Aug 2021)
in praise of anger 275 how anger has its necessary place and how it deforms when neglected (HM Nov 2021)
target 127 stream-of-consciousness poem the hints on the tension between male violence and female restorativeness (HM Dec 2021)
Katelijne 271 i met her on the streets of Cape Town, me the busker, she the tourist. she had a black hole and i depressed people with my playing (HM Jan 2022)
a dog's life 155 what do we insinuate when talking about someone living a dog's life? it does have something to do with my uneasy relationship with dogs (HM May 2022)
BASEL 180 it is the good city. the bad is unseen. and for that, you pay (HM Jun 2022)
then as is when 753 stream of subconscious word dancing and cajoling that gradually refers to a recent performance in a Catholic church and an afterwards pizza meal (HM Jul 2022)
Nieu Bethesda 100 Nieu Bethesda, the town in a time warp, who gave birth to the art of Helen Martins, has turned into a tourist destination. Why do we even come here? (HM Dec 2022)
outside and inside 363 snippets of current life experience from the world outside and the one within and the struggle to connect the two (HM Jun 2023)
somewhere 578 it is a hop-scotch jump over the hills and valleys of the contemporary hobbly world, trying and failing to be not too pessimistic (HM May 2024)


tralies 46 'n gedagte oor witmense wat Suid-Afrika verlaat (HM Aug 2001)
draaikolk die wetenskaplike A4 hand 'n woordranker in Dornach, Switserland, tydens winter (HM Jan 2003)
Rita 454 ek dink terug aan my ervarings saam met literere kenner Rita Gerrits, wat my in die jare negentig dikwels in Stellenbosch gehuisves het (HM Aug 2003)
londen 85 'n kort beskrwying van een van my vroee ervarings van die stad Londen (HM Okt 2003)
so het dit gekom A4 hand 'n warreboel van gedagtes wat oorbombel soos dit kom. en tog draai dit om en om 'n paar dinge: skryf, Kaapstad, karre en jy (HM Maart 2004)
stellemkos 54 alles is nie kuispluis op Stellenbosch (HM Sep 2004)
new york 96 new york is erg, veral as dit erg gaan met jou (HM Nov 2004)
ek onder kan jy wil nie A4 hand probleem om my woede te beteuel (HM Nov 2005)
die spur A4 hand ek en Lara (Kirsten) sit in die bekende kettingrestaurant en ek neem gewoon 'n paar dinge waar (HM Mar 2008)
jy, klein grassie A4 hand in gesprek met 'n grassie, wat ons in gemeen het, en wat nie (HM Mei 2009)
die k*k van kanker 404 'n sel-snyende (en kragwoord-belaaide) uitvaar teen die siekte wat naastes gesteel het. 'n verklaring van 'n anti-kanker lewensingesteldheid (HM Okt 2015)
FACEBOOK GEDIG 155 'n spotgedig met myself wat so lank huiwer of ek op Facebook moet bly of moet afstap. 'n spotgedig met Facebook. (HM Jan 2016)
tannie Anna 164 sy en haar generasie was onkreukbaar, so op die oppervlak langs (HM Des 2019)
Orania 131 Orania is 'n privaat eiendom-nedersetting wat kultuursuiwerheid en algemene netheid najaag waarmee niemand fout behoort te vind nie. (HM Des 2020)
skrootwerf lewe 319 skets van 'n eenentintigste-eeu voort-trekkende Afrikaner (HM Jan 2022)
'n Stellenboschse tydstap 156 ek wandel weer in Stellenbosch soos 35 jaar gelede. maar die tyd het aangestap.. (HM Ape 2022)
'n Stellenboschse tydstap 156 ek wandel weer in Stellenbosch soos 35 jaar gelede. maar die tyd het aangestap.. (HM Ape 2022)
Bosveld 114 'n woord oor die Bosveld terwyl in die Bosveld (HM Maart 2023)


Diminuendo 670 the way nature writes history in South Africa (JD Mar 2013)
moe zijn was geen optie 148 portret van een moeilijke vrouw (JD Jan 2014)
vergeten, vergeet 231 ontmoeting met dementerende man (JD Jan 2014)


Nyebho's theatre group 2577 On meeting Nyebho and the friends of his new theatre group in Grahamstown. How the vast differences in our economical situation moves me so deeply. (JD, May 2018)
the art of the loser 1886 inside the mind of the man who wrote The Art of the Deal, drawing from the book's index, as dotted down once while browsing through an airport bookshop (HM Jul 2020)
Bibliotheek Stutterheim 671 anecdotes around our town library that seems to have stood still since priorities in South Africa shifted from advanced public services to building proper houses for millions of shack dwellers (JD Feb 2021)
a European man 2747 this is an effort to write a story. the character that presents itself is a European man taking a walk. this is where the story begins and might end too. what is so particular about a European man taking a walk? (HM Apr 2021)
stuck at night and a case of mental instability 19min stuck in Bloemfontein with no place to sleep, I report from the cabin of my van about the very Afrikaner - but also human - scenario that lead to this predicament (HM Aug 2023)


Hitch-Hiking Years
Hitch-Hiking Years (1) - Six-pack Conservationists 2468 the first recollection of incidents during my hitch-hiking years (1991-1999). the story of two conservation officials and their bakkie. and a blood-lust i did not see coming (HM May 2020)
Hitch-Hiking Years (2) - Gang of Five 4005 the second recollection of incidents during my hitch-hiking years (1991-1999), on landing on a spot that i have been warned to be dangerous. and lo and behold, me and my whole life were targeted by a group of five men (HM Sep 2020)
Hitch-Hiking Years (3) - Sypaadjie, or pavement.. 1806 the third recollection of incidents during my hitch-hiking years (1991-1999), which is not really an incident, but a particular aspect of being on your feet in between lifts: how a pavement can turn into a spiritual anchor (HM Oct 2020)
Hitch-Hiking Years (4) - On the people 4031 the fourth recollection of incidents during my hitch-hiking years (1991-1999), I was given lifts by a wide array of people. This chapter opens the lid on some of these benefactors and the anecdotes that stayed with me. (HM Feb 2021)
Hitch-Hiking Years (5) - the tent 4280 i describe how i realized that i needed a house on my back and relaying the struggles with the elements and alienation, not to forget the pure bliss of owning a piece of earth without title (HM Aug 2021)
Hitch-Hiking Years (6) - Journey to Zambia 3056 the sixth recollection of incidents during my hitch-hiking years (1991-1999), on how my thumb got me a ride right to Lusaka and back and back a cross-border adventure that even earned me some income (HM Mar 2022)
those army days
those army days (1) "brown" 1664 in the first delivery of reminiscences of conscripted military service, i recount how i romanticized war-making, was ready for war-making and how, within the first days of being a military rookie, my world was turned upside down. (HM Aug 2020)
those army days (2) "the rookie roster" 3386 in the second delivery of conscription reminiscences, i relate some aspects of basic training - a period so stressful that the only refuge i had was to flee into my imagination. what an absurd experience in aid of an unjustifiable cause! (HM Oct 2020)
those army days (3) the leader factory 2733 in the third delivery of reminiscences of my 2 years in the South African army, i look back at the 6 months of officer's training and the questions underlying such a quick transformation from being a nothing to a being a leader (HM May 2021)
those army days (4) an officer of the SA Army 2660 in the fourth delivery of reminiscences of my 2 years in the South African army, i remember the second year, being a second lieutenant, with all the perks going along with that. a little world of priviledge and luxury, and lostness (HM Dec 2021)
those army days (5) "love and faith in war times" 2736 in the fifth delivery of reminiscences of my 2 years in the South African army, i look at the personal journey that unfolded around my conservative faith and first serious relationship, paving the way for fundamental change to come (HM Jun 2022)
those army days (6) "looking back" 1729 i look at it all from the current perspective, adding a brief description of the "camps" that followed the two year conscription. what was it all for? the folly of war as a way of life.. (HM Mar 2023)
dis Boetie wat so praat
dis Boetie wat so praat (1) 825 eerste aflewering van 'n gier om in Afrikaans te skryf, met die deur-in-die-huis vraag wat dit nou nog baat om Die Taal te besig. het dit nie sy gat gesien nie, of uit watter gat het dit verrys? (HM Sept 2021)
dis Boetie wat so praat (2) 1700 'n dialoog wat wiil praat oor Orania en die soort van Afrikanerwees wat daar gebottel raak, en dan ook oorlogsmaker Putin, en hoe Putin 'n OraniÙr sou kon wees (HM Maart 2022)
dis Boetie wat so praat (3) 938 'n herinnerngsvlug na 'n tipiese Afrikaner Prottestantse kerkdiens van die jare 70, toe vrouens nog hoede gedra het (HM Des 2022)


Hard Drive 04:23 An arousing extract from a fully improvised organ performance with audience sound-participation, titled "A moment of Mouth-Watering Sounds" (HM Aug 1999)
English by the Grace of God 02:10 A cynical song sung by a South african (HA!Man) who feels that the English just have life to easy! (From the collaborative album "Ex Afrika" HM Jan 2000)
Incessant 04:58 incessant chords on the piano with the cello traversing over all kinds of tonalities (HM Apr 2000)
Taiko Drums 03:41 from a soundtrack for a Chinese-context stage play, using the "Taiko" drum sound on the Roland XP10 (HM Jul 2000)
Fast 03:16 recorded for a dance company to use during training sessions. forward at maximum! (HM Nov 2000)
lost it again 03:13 moto perpetuo harpsichord with orchestral accompaniment - a hard and fast expression of messy frustration (HM Dec 2001)
Spanish play 09:23 Improvisation in Spanish-style with guitarist Johan Rautenbach - filled with visions of betrayal, death, bull-fighting, castanets, and passionate dancing in flaring red dresses.. (with HM Dec 2002)
Jitty Jatty 01:56 A show-off piece.. cello moves frantically up and down the strings in a cool, slick, slidy fashion. Funky beats and sounds. (HM Dec 2003)
Virrie Hartbeespoortdam 03:21 This strong beat will bring anyone to their feet! Hartbeespoortdam is situated in the North-Western Province of S.A. Place of holiday, watersports and party. (HM Feb 2004), descr Lara Kirsten)
lala dance 03:16 a forward moving piece from the album "Klaas Voogd Cello" - a series of solo cello improvisations recorded on a Cape Farm. (HM Sept 2004)
Toppled Idol 04:16 piano improvisation as the second part of a trilogy for improvised dance ("The day I got my body back"). the rebellion, the angry initiation, killing off childhood (HM Mar 2005)
fix it up 03:56 a fast moving improvisation during a Cape Town live performance - with guitarist Derek Gripper (HM March 2005)
musiektrein 03:01 A mad rolling of wheels and excitement on a train journey. Ominous overtones creating suspense - created for a physical theatre play (HM Dec 2005)
scaly 07:09 improvisation with jazz pianist Paul Hanmer, building on a scale-like motive introduced by the cello (HM Feb 2006)
round chase 02:15 A frenetic dance for a mad interplay of surrealistic action and character explosions! (HM Oct 2006, descr Lara Kirsten)
a game of chance 05:02 from the soundtrack for the theatre-by-the-deaf play Gumbo - two characters engage in a high stakes card came (HM Oct 2006)
space arise 04:45 space-type electronic sounds at first paints vastness then progresses into a fast moving rhythmical odyssey (HM Apr 2009)
HA!Man drum solo 04:21 using the keyboard as a percussive ensemble - a typical item during a HA!Man live performance (Sept 2009)
stringasong 06:24 From the album "Chasing Time", a forward moving techno-orchestral dance piece (HM Jul 2013)
pots and drums 04:58 african drum loops undergrif two cello layers playing around with the main motive in a minor key. fullstrings spicatto gives the G minor imprvisation a spunky edge (HM Jan 2018)
slap-slap trio 05:28 on a whim to beat some boxes, i took a guitar, slapped it well, then a cajon, and then the cello. and just because.. i added my voice. fast forward drive. a multi-rhythmic blast. (HM Jun 2020)
destructionator 05:53 that destruction is an extreme deed does not mean it needs to be shied away from. when needed. when absolutely needed. (HM Dec 2020)
afriwiggle 04:17 sampled african instruments such as the small bafalon, the horn goat flute and Tongolese drum combine with cello in a playful rhythmic run (HM May 2021)
short and spittle 02:48 a steady forward-moving jumble of jumpy african sounds ending in a short-and-sweet (HM Nov 2021)


fly spontaneous graphic art piece suggesting some sort of flight, or...? (HM March 2001)
flyingfish scratchy structure follwing from free hand pen that could resemble a strange sort of fish in the air (HM Apr 2002)
itsaysnothing (HM Jun 2002)
explosion free hand graphic against blue background, with a core of exploding colours (HM Nov 2003)
playfield special effects explosion of bubbles and stars (HM Jan 2004)
swirl wild free hand swirling lines treated with colour (HM Dec 2004)
eyes busy layers of chaotic lines covered by a thin white grid and grey rectangles with yellow eyes (and a mouth, for that mater) (HM Sep 2008)
egg complex geometric mixes filled with bright colours and some inner scrawling. an egg can be configured from it, with its growing inner life (HM Sep 2009)
first try trying out a new graphic art software. somehow i did not use the programme again. (HM Apr 2010)
masked intense swishing-swirling of the pen on paper gradually turning out to resemble an ominous facial figure, a WWI gas mask? (HM Oct 2013)
layering swirling scribble upon swirling scribble upon swirling scribble. many colours. one black. (HM Mar 2014)
cheese in the hole thick lines with overlaid thin frame, then coloured in with multi colours. a mesh mash making me think of holes in cheese, or cheese in holes (HM Sep 2015)
we hear the wind mixed media abstract impression of a raging storm (JD Jan 2019)
dark glasses | dense pencilled weave with facial aspect and those glasses | HA!Man, 200407
steer a surreal stage with a storming steer and his shadow (JD March 2021)
turbulence a cone-like figure with swirling lines and dots and colour patches (charcoal drawing with digital oolouring) (HM Apr 2021)
umbilical colour a range of koki's applied in rash lines to a white surface, growing into an embryonic cornucopia of colour (HM Jun 2021)
incidental splashes lively water colour strokes while playing with Mira, who contributed with the out-of-place dark strokes!) (HM Nov 2021)
bird with flowers black line on white - an outpouring of floral shapes and textures with a bird almost imperceptibly looking on (JD March 2022)
the colour of swimming only water colour can do to fish what fish in water can show. and what a show! (JD Apr 2022)
intense leaf-like texture with free hand thank inks in darker hues (JD Jul 2022)
ferns ferns expressively suggested in darker colours (JD Aug 2022)
floating burn something like something forwarding like a fish burning on the tail side with elements of regimentation to heat up the scene (HM Apr 2024)
mountain belly a play of coloured lines around a median line (HM Jul 2024)
elements watercolours and ink in dense waves and lines (HM Aug 2024)
energized | a colourful explosive splash with watercolour koki's | HA!Man, 241125


brooklyn photo scenes from New York City taken and treated during one of my early visits there (HM Nov 2004)
cello chase photo by Fiona Hinds on Noordhoek beach - treated (HM Dec 2004)
tsitsi water autumn leaves on riverbed in the Tsitsikamma forest (HM Dec 2006(
tsitsi water 2 close up of bubbling stream in the Tsitsikamma forest (HM Dec 2006)
Drakensberg heights grasses, flowers and krantz on top of the Amphitheatre, Drakensberg (HM Dec 2007)


things that move me in Canada 8 Black and White drawings of things that move me in Canada, October - November 2019 (JD)
4 black and white drawings, combining botanical elements with words (JD May 2020)
plastic scene 31 Stutterheim's derelict dumping site gave the wind fair game with plastics. an environmental horror. a visual feast. (HM Jul 2020)
the ADM is no more 47 ADM stands "de Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij." It's property, became an intermittent squatter camp for creative and alternative lifestyle people. After many battles, they were finally evicted in 2018, five years after my visit.. (HM Aug 2021)
sailing through West Texas 60 cattle ranches, the wide open fields and straight roads to nowhere, the sun-crippled wooden houses, dusty towns and grand old cars: riveting, alien and somewhat less than wild (HM Mar 2022, from Nov 2011)
Streets of Bruges 79 walking through a neighbourhood in Bruges, finding views and waterways, domestic details, numbers and colours, textures and lines, plus a duck or two (HM Apr 2023)
Norway and Sweden 86 travelling through Norway and then Sweden, i took photos around two fo the countries' respective towns and sorted them one after the other, first the Norwegian, then the Swedish. open to interpretation and characterization! (HM Jun 2023)
long lens Nantes 53 walking for 30min through a part of central Nantes with an angry feeling, looking up visual elements to follow my feeling - with a long lens! (HM Aug 2024)


Laatmiddag Bethesda 05:07 peaceful scenes from Nieu Bethesda, a small town haven in the Karoo.. with original music (HM Aug 2003)
Wall Drug 03:01 visiting a paragon of traditional American commercialism along with a frind from Chicago: "Walll Drug", South Dakota.. with original music (HM Oct 2003)
Pitstop 03:27 visuals at an american gas station on the way to San Francisco, with original music by the HA!Man (HM Nov 2003)
Nyebho 08:38 Nyebho Swartbooi improvises what he wants to tell the world.. at our favourite performing spot, overlooking the Zuurveld.. With original music (HM Dec 2003)
London City 02:28 fleeting images of London captured with original music (HM Dec 2003)
Jardin 07:49 this is in effect an ode to the passionate interest in the natural life of gardens, of artist Anette Urbanski in Nuremberg. I recorded original music and made a slide show out of the pictures she sent me (HM Jul 2005)
Seoul Humans 04:03 walking at night through the streets and alleys of a bustling and bristling Seoul.. with some clear public music blare-outs coming through (HM Apr 2006)
rainbow dance 05:24 images taken from Rhodes Scholars at the Mandela Museum in the Easter Cape dancing after a HA! workshop - sliding along with HA!Man's track "First Contact." a flow of all the vibrant south african rainbow colours.. (HM Apr 2014)
Relentless Explosivity 06:19 extracts from the Moving Johburg video, interlayered with raw footage of night-time Johburg, along with Joke's text to this part of Relentless Universe (JD May 2019)
those italy days 04:29 i took my guitar to play music to Mira, lying on a carpet in Cape Town. the music took me back to Italy - in the days long before the virus - how we strolled along streets in mountain villages.. (HM & JD March 2020)
park & film Chintsa farm road 06:20 the wealth of what the eye can find in a limited radius from where a travelling car has been parked. music and video effects added. the spot is near Chintsa, a coastal town in the Eastern Cape province (HM Jan 2021)
chromatic soldiers 04:16 on the Karoo road between Somerset East and Bedford, I hit swarms of smaller, red locusts crossing and dying en masse. back home i improvised a chromatic kind of hymn in their honour, or dishonour (HM Apr 2021)


night walk 12:50 having missed the last train, i walk the streets of Paris back to where i was staying, rolling camera in hand. it becomes a narrative of nightly sights and sounds, strange moods and a notorious laptop (HM Jul 2020)

