the organization of all knowledge A4 hand 02 on the researched and terrifying fact that hyperlinks, which are the only thing that keeps the body of online knowledge together (sort of), are constantly fraying, even in the most secure environments, like law. (HM Jul 2021)
That Self-Driving Car .. 2055 i read on the fact that the drive to switch society to self-driving cars somehow stalled, that prompted me to delve into the reasons why artificial intelligence (AI) would never be able to drive better than us, except for driving us nuts (HM March 2022)
late night whispers 1hr voice adressing the problem of equatig human creativity with that of AI, stemming from an age old tendency to essentialize reality, whether it be numbers or information, and how this falling narcissism relates to the suppression of feeling (HM Jan 2023)
the chase 241 the way i keep believing that i can reach the end-point of all the work i myself keep setting up to do. is it worth it? (HM Jul 2007)
every revolution comes with a priceless price 879 an open essay stringing thoughts about singing and sounding, babies and birds, what is called human advances and the umpteenth industrial revolution, ending with a story of the human conuncrum of a birth drowned by technology (HM Aug 2019)
smart and positively dead 1047 writing for the sake of witing leads to something to say, especially about the so-called smartness being sold to us these days and the lifelessness of technology (HM Oct 2019)
full metal pocket 1232 dialogue-eteering around an overlooked reason why the internet brought on more division than its promise of connectedness (HM Nov 2020)
babies without bodies A4 hand x3 writing by hand, i reflect on the power of social media to shrink life, to crunch the boundaries of intimacy and lead many adolescents to despair (HM Apr 2022)
confubaliation 1086 story and gutterly expression of the breakdown of a car, breaking down the earth, breaking the spirit, and yet won't kill it in the end (HM May 2022)
On the Limits of Technology 3747 For once i need to draw the line on both the awe and fear around the latest technological "revolution" which some even equates to the invention of the wheel and the printing press. (HM May 2023)


do you believe that A4 hand of belief and food and what not (HM late 1990's)
scream 166 is it about screaming or kappenarre? (HM Aug 2000)
keyboard 166 a moment dedicated to the thing i am now typing with (HM Sep 2000)
it 171 "this poem got stuck on ""it"" and ""whatever it says, i don't know"" (HM Dec 2000)
thatthing 62 what is that thing again? (HM May 2001)
incensed 126 reaction to losing precious data because of computer failure (HM Aug 2001)
bushveld sequence 510 wrting while alone in a bushveld home during holiday times (HM Jan 2002)
upside down 148 being bothered by a fly, lying down (HM Jan 02)
nothing complete A4 hand freely-associated words leading to a date (HM Aug 2002)
freedom o A4 hand drowning in data! singing about breaking free from d-d-d-d-d-d-d-data! (HM Feb 2003)
considering A4 hand considering, notwithstanding - left, centre and right in the middle.. (it will all be clearer some day in advance) (HM Jun 2006)
busy 94 poetic self-motivation. or self down-putting (result is the same) (HM Oct 2006)
Illuminati 107 a playful and joking take on the issue (or notion?) of the Illuminati (HM Jun 2009)
yet another quest (3 of 3) 156 "it's the artful inspiration" - how nature inspires inspiration to flow freely (JD, Jun 2019)
i went cold 169 pictures of ice and snow adn the story they tell about me, white-skinned by the cold (HM Oct 2019)
forever more, we believe we are too slow A4 hand while writing again by hand, my thoughts wander towards out deep-seated faith in technology and how badly we compare to our "primitive" forebears (HM Apr 2020)
sports without winners 626 a dialogue around the argument for practising sports not on the basis of winners and losers. excuse me. what..? (HM Oct 2020)
nothing in particular 173 a poem about.. nothing in particular! (HM Nov 2020)
a new year's eve 116 a feeling of fatigue as the year turns during the COVID-19 pandemic (HM Dec 2020)
can you, wordy word? 194 as i am asking you if you can dance, o word, i try to make my words dance (HM Feb 2022)
say the can can 167 a play on the word can and the uncanny fact that there is a very necessary can-not in life (HM March 2022)
sand and sea 152 a child's game of wonder still sits with me. and now i have a child to play it with! (HM Mar 2022)
This Car 391 a months long drama with our car lead up to this poem / not a poem. a car is a machine and yet gets under one's skin. the oily thing messes with the planet and our feelings. especially if you're utterly dependent on it (HM Aug 2022)


kieleman A4 hand dis plaas, kos en verlotte (HM Aug 2000)
vreeslik A4 hand ietwat anngejaagd, deurdrukkend, ietwat ontploffend (HM Aug 2000)
dit is 109 bogpraat TEENoor jou (HM Okt 2000)
op en af 100 dinge gaan mos maar altyd.. op en af (HM Aug 2001)
warm wind 139 hoe tegnologie ons op 'n afstand hou van dinge wat werklik werklik is (HM Des 2001)
Bill 72 woeker met die kompioeter (HM Jun 2002)
klitterklatter 146 golf van vrye assosiase, woordevloei, deurmekaar wantrouedenatte.. (HM Aug 2002)
Die draaikolk van die Lewe A4 hand die lewe draai as ons naai en dit is fraai (HM Apr 2003)
ek staan in die bank en wag vir haar 128 oor 'n netelige klein oomblik in die bank (HM Apr 2003)
ek probeer die keer A4 hand 'n spinnerak van vigs, vryheid, chaos en troetelhondjies (HM Okt 2004)
boksombende 55 'n dronk gedig ver weg van 'n spell check (HM Des 2004)
sloop 129 woede sluip na die oppervalk telkens as die taal verval - en dan roep ek 'n regterhand in om die vuilwerk vir my te doen (HM Dec 2004)
lensiesop 196 sagkens met die verganklikheid, met herinnering aan bybelse figure (HM Maart 2005)
vinks A4 hand die gedig eindig so: daar is sewe hoepelkadetvreters / in die / zings (HM Jan 2007)
ek leef 40 A4 hand 'n malle hubris by die aanbreek van my 40e lewensjaar (HM Nov 2008)
maaimaaimaai 118 sommer net oor ek en die wereld, en toe kom jy hier ingewaai (HM Des 2015)
skapies 83 woorde 'n loflied aan dierlikheid (HM Feb 2010)
gediggie vir 449 'n soort van rammelende gediggie vir Mira soos wat ek haar kyk en voel en wonder (HM Spet 2019)
priek prak 180 'n ge-priekprak oor alles en nog wat (HM Sept 2019)
bollesnol 698 oor perde en woordbolletjies, dae van inperkings en die omwalminge van die natuur (HM Sep 2020)
die krag is af A4 hand vir eens sal ek onomwonde kla soos dit 'n beskaafde betaam. ongeag, ongeag (HM Jul 2021)


the day of which I thought it would never happen 1169 On the first beheading by ISIS in Europe, the killing of a priest in the Norht of France. (JD, Jan 2016)
de cursus in Spa 9219 tragikomisch relaas van een mislukte cursus in Spa, Belgie (JD Jan 2016)
de deur 1771 Mira wordt om onbegrijpelijke redenen kwaad op een deur in Kaapstad. Het zet mij aan tot licht ironische gedachten over borstvoeding, schrijven, alcohol drinken. (JD March 2011)
the door 1845 Mira gets mad at a door in Cape Town, for incomprehensible reasons. It evokes ironic thoughts about breastfeeding, writing, drinking alcohol. (JD March 2011)
Driving through Namibia 5778 the very true story of things that kept going wrong on the road while on a performance tour through the outstretched land of Namibia.. and of Botswana (HM Jun 2021)
man without a map 2106 a brief story inspired by Google (HM Jul 2022)


arcadina 19:00 soundtrack commissioned by the late Afrikaans playwright Reza de Wet, for her play "LAKE" which was debuted in London during the early 2000's
Hier is daar 'n gat 04:13 A simple Afrikaans song ("Here there is a hole") of passing of time and seperation. Against the background of withe emigration from the New South Africa (From the collaborative album "Ex Afrika" HM Jan 2000)
Waltz 1 03:52 A delicate waltz played by the cello "molto grazioso". Whistling and singing adds melodiousness to the dance. (HM Nov 2000)
Tango 2 03:07 A jazzy up-beat tango reaching heights of passion true to the character of this dance (HM Nov 2000)
Celtic march 02:05 A march for a troupe of Highland bagpipers. Festive yet restrained pride. (HM Dec 2000)
little whistle march 03:03 a little sad man walks and hops his head like a bird. the air is clean, the universe is simple. and sad. (HM Mar 2001)
showing up 03:31 A gentle Viennese waltz with all the prescribed grace and refinement (HM May 2001, description Lara Kirsten)
dream along 04:41 A slow lilting piece. It can be a backdrop to a romantic French film. The ambience is that of a Blues song filled with charming nostalgia - searching for forgotten times. (HM May 2001, description Lara Kirsten)
tangle 04:01 A la 20's Charleston.. (From album "Piano Lite" HM May 2001)
hop hop 02:49 The repetitive accompaniment has a msichievous lilt to it - gives a playful circus-feel to the music. (HM May 2001, description Lara Kirsten)
the stream outside 02:59 easy lazy bluesy piano (HM May 2001)
Whistlesad 05:25 a listless whistle walk with gauitar going in circles and percussion giving some grounding (HM Jun 2001)
rap the HA!man easy 03:13 from 5 "rap" tracks recorded for high school kids (they did not like it) (HM Jul 2001)
rap the HA!man real slow 03:35 from 5 "rap" tracks recorded for high school kids. (they did not like it) (HM Jul 2001)
tango 03:24 A jazzified tango that will surely get you in the dancing spirit. From: Soundrack done for stage play. University of Rhodes Drama Dept. Dir by Roux Engelbrecht. On the life of Noel Coward. (HM Aug 2001)
God save the King 06:00 Arrangement in variations of the English anthem for a soundrack done for a stage play based on the life of Noel Coward. (HM Aug 2001)
Blind Date 02:27 one of a series of songs by the late "John" of which he write the lyrics and took a rough melody idea to Lorna Els, who in turn brought it to me to refine and arrange (HM and John Aug 2001)
Leavin' Beulah Behind 01:59 one of a series of songs by the late "John" of which he write the lyrics and took a rough melody idea to Lorna Els, who in turn brought it to me to refine and arrange (HM, John and Lorna Aug 2001)
My Dearest Jayson 01:37 another arrangement of a song conceived by one John from Grahamstown, who later died, never to see his dream of fame come true (HM, John, Lorna Els Aug 2001)
this is the way 02:31 Part of The Busker series - a folkish dance in the Enlish/Highlands/Irish vein. Cello and voice with an energetic accelerando towards the end (HM Nov 2001)
fires can still be made 03:04 The cello supplies a steady repeated bass over which the voice can abandon in spontaneity, and added mouth and tongue sounds - from "The Busker" collection (HM Nov 2001)
indonesian popular 03:34 recorded by request for an evening of Indonesian cuisine. motive inspired by listening to some traditional Indonesian music (HM Feb 2002)
Hoe sag ry 03:47 An arrangement of the Afrikaans folksong " Hoe sag ry ons bootjie" (how quiet our little boat sails). Childlike innocence gets magnified by pizzicato cello and music box sounds. (HM Aug 2002)
piano spanish waltz 02:51 spanish-style piano improvisation with cello added - rushing towards a climactic ending (HM March 2003)
piano simple walk 03:06 A gentle waltzy walk between cello and piano. At times sweet and sentimental and then again full of dancing life. (HM Jul 2003, descr Lara Kirsten)
Dancing for Rain 03:38 one of the Stutterheim engine museum tracks. layered voice, cello and a stuttering Lister. (HM Sep 2003)
To a Star Key 05:31 one of the recordings for the Stutterheim Engine Museum project - an running engine with a steady "beat" coloured with a forward flowing, slightly nostalgic musical jab (HM Sept 2003)
dans die riel 05:28 A short piece from a live performance with guitarist Derek Gripper. The "riel" is Khoisan dance form as interpreted by Derek. The reason for the audience laughter cannot be remembered! (March 2005)
oh baby baby 02:46 working with a self-styled folk singer in Berlin, in 2005 we recorded an album together. this is a little song from it, with me improvising about a baby, long before becoming a father (HM and Ronja Fürbass May 2005)
tango rush 04:31 A lively tango with bursts of raucous madness amidst passionate swinging and turning, with the cello crazy-ing in flurries of sound above it.. Wonderful sustained climax towards the end. (HM Sept 2005, descr Lara Kirsten)
Moving Chicago theme 03:24 A gentle melody setting the mood for the poetry/visual feast of the multi-media production "Moving Chicago" (HM Sep 2005)
we like jozi 10:00 part of a series of duo improvisations with Paul Hanmer. Paul comes in with a sensitive south african-type groove.. oil on my fire!!(Feb 2006)
the dog wags his tail 06:39 Paul Hanmer's non-chalant piano with HA!Man's excited cello in this two chord groove that has the friendly linger of a dog's wagging tail (Feb 2006)
calling east 02:50 an improvisation with soprano Marina Coetzee in an old house, early morning, Pretoria East, reminiscent of the East (with HM Feb 2006)
Jardin 07:50 ambient recording with piano, a pad sound and cello that accompanies a walk through a wild garden (HM Mar 2006)
shifting sands 02:02 a an easy, jazzy, yet slightly mysterious track from the "Gumbo" stage play soundtrack (HM Oct 2006)
epilogue 03:56 a smooth, delicate, dreamy play of sounds. a subtly sexy dance with tinges of melancholy between the piano and cello. from the soundtrack for the stage play "Gumbo" (HM Oct 2006)
working at it 06:32 Paul Hanmer on piano and HA!Man on cello joining forces at the Grahamstown Arts Festival in 2007. An easy flowing rhythm flowing over moments of pentatonicism. The end builds up to full dramatic resonance coming from both instruments. (Jul 2007)
me and my feet 03:49 A spaced-out dance of funky feet and robotic movements - with spike-y synthetic sounds to boot! (HM Oct 2007)
the story i am trying to tell 07:37 violin and strings meander, looking for a momentum, that then grows into a certain but melancholy walk (Veronika Soreide with HM Dec 2011)
night watch 05:52 ongoing african drum loops with mouth and voice sounds, some marimba and cello percussion, evoking an african night full of silent alertness (HM Aug 2018)
melancholy meander 05:38 a cello improvisation leads up to a gently melancholy piece from the Gumbo soundtrack, during a house concert in Three Anchor Bay near Cape Town (HM Aug 2015)
you were a queen 03:12 I recently imagined personal growth as many different characters within one self, all fighting to be heard. Searching for that highly valued sense of inner peace (JD & HM Jul 2019)
cest pas trop tard 02:25 I don't know the answers to the big questions, but it's not too late to repeat that I love you! (JD & HM Jan 2020)
new years eve 04:07 sitting on the toilet, reflecting on a relational tussle, right on the turn of the decade! With cello accompaniment (JD, HM Jan 2020)
turnaround 04:14 in jazz, the term "turnaround" refers to a harmonic sequence that turns on itself over and over. here i took the sequence of I-vi-ii-V and have an ensemble of four play with it. having fun with it. (HM Nov 2020)
jazzo 04:21 steady, clunky beats roll forward along shifting harmonies. electronic, african and symphonic sparks in a jazzo cello dance! (HM Jan 2021)
violin, strings and marimba 04:22 a gentle swing between strings, marimba and violin (HM and Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby March 2021)
herders op die ope velde 06:25 a tongue-in-the-cheeck arrangement of a well-known Christmas song. even shepherds can have good times (HM Dec 2021)
stumbletrain 05:12 got a marimba as present, hand made in Rwanda. it looks kind of cheap, but the sound.. this is a rumbling first go at playing the ruggedly beautiful thing! (HM Apr 2022)
the little marathon 03:08 the four year old Mira being accompanied in her own improvised song, which went along with much movement, a stumble and an explanation of the difference between the recording and the actual performance (HM & ML Jul 2022)


arcadina 19:00 soundtrack commissioned by the late Afrikaans playwright Reza de Wet, for her play "LAKE" which was debuted in London during the early 2000's


drifting past constellation of playfull but symmetrically flowing lines clustering into a drifting spectacle like a kite.. (HM late 90's)
nested bird expressive lines and scratches give form to a bird-like figure lying in a nest (HM late 90's)
construct (HM Aug 2000)
nowindows wall effect with text (JD Aug 2001)
spaceship symbols scripting combined with geometric forms (HM Nov 2003)
whiteline brightly coloured spaces between a few strong intersecting free hand lines - mostly white (HM Jun 2005)
fishnet spontaneous drawing skeleton-like suggesting a net-like fish-form (HM Jul 2007)
balance intricate structure born from a spontaneous flow - balancing itself on a sharp point (HM Jul 2009)
bubble free hand spontaneous drawing climbing into a cabin, a cozy bubble to gain the wider view from (HM Dec 2009)
disintergage with pen on paper - skeleton-like dissembling figure (HM Dec 2009)
trunk playful lines scribble around the shape of a tree trunk (sort of) (HM Aug 2010)
kite improvised line drawing with some sharp angles and analytical feel (HM Jan 2011)
windows interlocking geometric forms, brightly coloured (HM Jul 2011)
baby alien the title came afterwards (as usual). open to interpretation. it could be an alien baby, yes. a dangerous one. (HM Jul 2013)
balledina the twirling of little circles is a dance that creates the dancer (HM Jul 2013)
castle playful structure siuggesting the multi-level stairs and turrets of a castle (HM Jul 2013)
drilling deep spontaneous drawing that grew into a construction that does have a hint of an oil drill at sea (HM Jul 2013)
elephant planning line drawing revealing an elephant head as a planning scheme (or of course, not) (HM Jul 2013)
emigration an elaborate kind of air ship to (i imagine) transport those who are looking for a new life (spontaneous hand drawing) (HM Jul 2013)
enriched spontaneous drawing suggesting a certain structural lusciousness (HM Jul 2013)
heart condition spiky lines shapes a web like figure - or an overweight man with a trembling heart (HM Jul 2013)
locomotive looks a bit like an old snail locomoting forward slowly but surely (HM Jul 2013)
mouse a playground of little line and shape things, layered like a castle, a castle like a mouse (HM Jul 2013)
roller a nest-like cob-web grown from spontaneous pen on paper (HM Jul 2013)
sink or dive spontaneous hand drawing - something of a dolphin diving, but could also be a boat sinking (HM Jul 2013)
stay where you are web-like organic structure that turned out to have two eyes and quite a stance.. (HM Jul 2013)
dissociation spontaneous drawing that resulted in a networked two-layered three dimensional construct, half mirroring each other - darker and lighter (HM Jul 2013)
looking through the past spontaneous hand-drawing resulting in a webbed fish-like figure, but with a curious hole giving view to some depth (HM Jul 2013)
Prins Albert The Onse Rus guest house in the quaint Karoo town of Prince Albert, as drawn by Joke (JD March 2014)
stadium systematic hand drawing, filled in with colour, suggesting elements of a stadium suspended on a shell-like underbelly (HM Aug 2016)
under cover spontaneous hand drawing that resulted in a dense oval structure overhanging a layer of figurative lines (HM Aug 2016)
space gogga abstract graphic with deep and bright colours, turning out to be quite the "gogga" (a bug.. or virus??) (HM Oct 2016)
intrusion spontaneous drawing with a layer that entered like an unwanted growth (HM Dec 2019)
Central Souk, Sharjah newly built market building in Sharjah, UAE, where mainly carpets and gold products are sold (black ink on white) (JD Jan 2020)
three musketeers network-like organic hand drawing with suggestions of a ship manned by three figures (HM Sep 2020)
keep Going a man, from the back, sitting on a trailer with goods that might bring in a few rands (JD Sep 2020)
face the facts there is a certain simplicity and constructiveness about facts. and a deadpan look in facing them (HM Jan 2021)
circle of domestication our interdependence with the domesticated animal depicted as a swirl of figures connecting an arm chair with the slope of bare land (JD Mar 2021)
structure of play digital rendition of a blue pen on white spontaneous drawing (HM Mar 2024)
is this a brain interwoven graphic textures of white on black suggest a brain-like substance (HM Dec 2021)
screwed intuitive drawing from the nineties, put into its reverse (white lines on black). this semi-mechanical figure grew from a not-knowing start, as did all drawings from "The Papers" of those years (HM May 2022, from 1997)
Mira's Map she took a while to draw this one. then she came to explain that it is a map, and, as can clearly be seen, there is a house, several playgrounds and a shop. (ML Jul 2022)
bakkie ride drawing of a pickup truck (bakkie) in South Africa, typically transporting farm workers (JD Nov 2022)
finding ways lines finding little figures finding lines all over again (HM Feb 2023)
codified oddification figure built up from scriblings, lines and structural shapes (HM Jan 2024)
swirls 16 line and paint variations playing with a swirling motive (JD Feb 2024)
towards something is pushing and organically unfolding in a multi coloured and lined and layered (HM Apr 2024)
shipfloat koki colours at play (HM Jul 2024)
tentacles coloured lines in dense structure, with blue dominating (HM Aug 2024)
dancer | pencilled figure of an african male within swirls of a dancing move | Joke Debaere 240916


north west cowboy town treated picture of a historic building in a Rocky mountains town, Washington State (HM Nov 2011)
times square revisited photo scenes from New York City, taken and treated during one of my early visits there (HM Nov 2004)
neona the original picture was taken somewhere in the States (HM Dec 2004)
san fran bridge crossing one of Uncle Sam's very big bridges.. (HM Dec 2004)
berlinvolla treated photograph, taken of a classic Volkswagen Beetle ("Volla" as it has been called in Afrikaans) somewhere on the streets oif its heimat, Berlin (HM Jun 2005)
roma a corner of the eternal city caught while cycling (HM Jun 2005)
antwerp cathedral night-time picture of one of Antwerp's Cathedral's impressie main steeples (HM May 2006)
french town from the inside of a restaurant (HM May 2006)
white house blue sky partial angle on cape dutch style house (HM Jul 2006)
tulips close-up of tulips in rows, in Keukenhof, the Netherlands (HM May 2007)
johburg reflect found myself reflected in an iconic Johannesburg glass building, looking through the window of a rooftop apartment (HM Jun 2007)
shifting grounds dancing feet at a camp for school leavers, Eastern Cape (HM Jul 2007)
glorious past a lone standing vintage car somewhere in North Dakota (HM Oct 2007)
workstation in the days of Hogsback as a base, this is how my "studio" looked like (HM Oct 2007)
door to the past close up of a handle on an old door somewhere in South Africa (HM Dec 2007)
wheels of Amsterdam detail of bicycle in night time Amsterdam (HM Apr 2008)
detail in Vienna close up of the central cathedral wall (HM May 2008)
mountain rider photo (treated) taken by Lara Kirsten of me on mountain bike near Hogsback, Eastern Cape. (HM, Lara Kirsten Dec 2008)
zurich interior the interior of part of the Zurich airport, treated to bring forward the suspended eeriness of a flying hub (HM Jun 2011)
new direction paris taken (and treated) on a day of protests in Paris. the quiet scene belies the rumblings of an old world that is losing its stone-faced innocence, bursting into colours of all kinds (HM Apr 2016)
night riders treated picture of a makeshift office, somewhere on tour. somewhere.. (HM Jun 2016)


across the big divide 78 twilight images taken while strolling around the Brooklyn side of Brooklyn Bridge, reflective of a love for the country of the big divide: light and dark and rich and poor, great and small. and then, the mighty bridge! (HM Nov 2011)


Chicago Industrial 03:02 robust soundtrack with scenes from the industrial basin of Chicago (I was driving far and wide to get these), interspersed with geometric black and white graphics (HM Oct2005)
fire 03:59 slow animation (graphic drawings) impressionating the great fire of Chicago during the late 18th century - and also how it has impressively been rebuilt (HM Oct 2005)
Moving Chicago 03:24 created for the multi-media and poetry production "Moving Chicago" - the main theme here accompanied by visuals from qnything that moves around the city.. (HM Oct 2005)
Relentless Machine 06:38 humanity as machine - with soundtrack from the "Relentless Universe" project, text written and read by Joke Debaere - multiple slides layered by visuals of rocks, the ocean, birds and running machines.. (HM May 2020)
on the farm 04:26 views of the surroundings, the implements, the buildings, the animals, the old objects and trees on a farm in the Eastern Cape, farmed by sixth generation 1820 British Settlers (HM & JD Sep 2021)


the impossible pass 10:00 the story of the HA!mobile who tried to play 4x4 (near Hogsback, Eastern Cape, South Africa). the year was 2007, when Lara Kirsten ("Larha!") was on the HA! road. she is the one behind the camera, and this crazy idea!

