HA!World 3-1 EMOTIVE


On Violence 538 thinking about the nature of volence after seeing a drug war movie (HM Jun 2001)
woe the world 290 morose thoughts on the state of humanity: "the battle for holistic living on a large scale is lost, the body of the human species has set the tone irrevocably" (HM Apr 2002)
dark-speaking Africa 204 quite a hard expression of frustration with those who "dark-speak" africa (HM Dec 2003)
Are you negative about South Africa? 1997 During the presidency of Mbeki, the constant negative talk about the country got to me. The negative talk had always been there, and still is. It does not seem to recognize and appreciate anything positive, however obvious it may be. (HM Apr 2005)
Angry Reflection 1214 letting rip on the state of humanity regards runaway climate change. but then, arriving at some sort of un-final note.. (HM May 2006)
Mozart and Mugabe 132 a harsh look at the harsh reality of Europe's glory days (HM Jul 2006)
Burden 319 when the reality of climate change (global warming) hits home (the heart), despair knocks loudly on the door (HM Aug 2006)
Grand Canyon 629 "I looked into the abyss. For the first time, since my yearly visits to the States started in 2001, I felt as if I could truly love America." (HM Nov 2006)
the tires are burning 708 thoughts and fears and questions in the midst of a typical service delivery protest in South Africa (JD Aug 1908)
all these men! 2409 a serious complaint against men in leadership positions today who hark back to a time when the masculine principle still dominated (HM Aug 2019)
dirty soils and secrets 1556 about things that hit emotionally over the last months - a sort of flood just to say it all, get it out of my inner maelstrom - from Brett Kavanaugh's lies to sights of wretchedness around Cape Town's streets.. (HM Mar 2020)
mondmaskers en zelfrugelerende emoties 1241 Mijn zelfgemaakte mondmasker en de woede die dat bij Mira oproept, doen mij verlangen naar een wildere, meer ongerepte uiting van mijn emoties. (JD May 2020)
mouth masks and self regulating emotions 1344 My homemade mouth mask and the anger this evokes in Mira, make me long for a more wild, untamed expression of my emotions. (JD May 2020)
ochtend 386 the trouble with keeping feelings in check. especially deep longings that one regards as being wrong to have (JD May 2020)
race, racial, racist 2833 during times of protests against racism all around the world, my thoughts work around the meaning of race, what it is to be racist when everybody seems to confess colour blindness and how to go about race relations in a more mature way (HM Jun 2020)
I am used to 456 what one can get used to about persisting poverty, and what not (JD Sept 2020)
bleeding heart A4 hand when innocent civilians are killed when men pull triggers, it is those with bleeding hearts that rush forward to save, to mend. but a heart being a heart, is each heart then not a bleeding one? (HM Dec 2020)
crying A4 hand thoughts on crying, how it can be much more than the tears of pain and sorrow (HM Jan 2021)
the problem with the problem of evil 2023 If we believe that there is a perfect Good in existence that created everything, the existence evil should be impossible, right? But is this even the right question to ask? (HM Oct 2021)
an analysis of the poem called rapist 2394 an elaboration on the insight that there is not only a parallel but a strong historical relationship between the false sense of empowerment as provided by the Christ faith, that of the abuse of a weaker one and war making (HM Jul 2022)
what is right and what is wrong 1179 the crisis in the Middle East with Israel and Palestine at the core of it, has flurried up huge clouds of moral confusion. trying to get to the bottom of what is right and wrong with heart and gut and mind (HM Oct 2023)


appreciatenot 420 speaking from a within deep depression (HM Sep 2000)
you 720 killing the ideal form that's hanging out here, the watching eye (HM Sep 2000)
youyou 148 to a phantasmagorical other (HM Sep 2000)
home 27 africa as roundness, as home (written in a bar, Chintsa, Eat London district) - printed on a view of an African field (HM Nov 2001)
softly, kindly A4 hand of being vulnerable in this fast moving world (HM Jan 2002)
the letter 105 i opened a letter addressed to me, no, it was opened already! no! (HM Jan 2002)
peace, peace, peace A4 hand a critical look at America's work ethic (HM May 2002)
only so much A4 hand one can only handle so much.. (HM Jun 2002)
rot 186 when love is lost and i cannot give any more (HM Sept 2004)
perhaps the deepest mark A4 hand having the civilizational blues after attending the National Arts Festival: "on a day like this.. who cares?" (HM Jul 2007)
my white feet 106 my white feet landing in Africa and what that means (HM Oct 2007)
come to me A4 hand a yearning that does not want to yearn, a search for contentment that yet is not (HM Jun 2008)
on my own 160 how intensity and complexity in life - in relationships! - breed a longing to be on my own (HM Jun 2009)
tears 113 words an ode to tears (HM Nov 2010)
fireworks 581 imaginary conversation with my soul on what my sadness looks like (JD Apr 2013)
like a balloon 213 As improvised in Los Angeles, US. On wanting to fly away due to love problems and sadness (DB, Sept 2014)
me and my sadness 288 how to put limits around sadness and allow it a the same time (JD Jan 2014)
nostalgia, or the right to cry 332 what is the origin of tears? (JD Jan 2014)
the girl and the waves 91 reflective metaphor on the nature of sadness (JD Jan 2014)
I arrive in Africa 326 poetic interpretation of what gives me hope that Africa will survive the rather dark challenges, as improvised during a house concert (JD Jan 2016)
the madness makes me homesick 544 inspired by seeing images of dead refugee bodies washin up at the European shores, political, protest (JD, Jan 2016)
burn 136 impressions after visiting a commune of fundamentalist faith in the searing heat of a warming globe (HM Feb 2017)
weeping willows 1084 quite a personal text, written in a luxurious hotel by the Vaal river in South Africa, trying to come to terms with me fears, evoked by riots nearby (JD Sept 2019)
poor poor men 392 the destructive leaders who should hava been artists and teachers in stead (HM Dec 2019)
to the man in the mall 405 addressing a man in the mall, who shouted at me 'not all blacks are dangerous!', trying to explain to him what had just happened to me (JD Dec 2019)
tunnel vision 366 a very hard look at the reigning business culture, and the attitude of the (mostly) men towards life (HM Apr 2020)
countryside blues 24 the countryside can get you down, slow you down, never in a straight line (JD Jul 2020)
NO A4 hand the deliberate pain of setting a limit. and listening to her, screaming (HM Sep 2020)
the dying seed 97 the moment when the ultimate limit of existence is shared (HM Oct 2020)
friendless 155 can friendship survive the drift of fact-free islands? (HM Nov 2020)
corona 121 the pandemic is taking its toll, in harsh terms, but also in subtle ones (HM Dec 2020)
to be far 121 my daughter, Mira is on the other side of the earth. i am the missing father. for now. (HM Apr 2021)
utopia! 152 what it takes to reach utopia and whether i have what it takes! (HM Sept 2021)
the mother cries 195 when a family comes together around pain (HM Oct 2021)
bright red blood 505 we drove past an accident on a highway near East London. a young black man was hit by an expensive car. this is the story of the moment we saw his body (HM Jan 2022)
big body small body 272 on the structure of sexual abuse and how brokenness keeps cutting the world in two (HM Mar 2022)
there used to be 219 on our growing loss of innocence (HM Jun 2022)
rapist 175 the confluence between rape, religion and war (HM Jun 2022)
oil 111 it is one thing to say we are running out of a non-renewable resource. it is another question to ask why we extracted it in the first place (HM Jul 2022)
a hopeless case 136 when pain is hardened by the infliction of pain, redemption fades off (HM Sep 2022)
the secret 115 trauma is it not, until the secret is revealed (HM Oct 2022)
when i am asking 100 written during a time that i needed to ask repeatedly to borrow money from friends (HM Oct 2022)
survival 180 survival is vereywhere and is not easily overcome (HM Dec 2022)
pain and the cross 282 don't look at Golgotha. look at the suffering of mostly women in this world. then do something about it (HM Apr 2023)
crocodiles that can talk 412 war and resurrection to the mind of a child (HM Apr 2023)
it's not fair 427 in a school class in Belgium, i was overcome with emotion when talking about my friend, Nyebho Swartbooi, who commited suicide (HM May 2023)
I am not on Whatsapp 317 everybody is using is so why on earth are you not on Whatsapp! (HM Jul 2023)
The Crash 525 describing - and questioning - my late night habit of watching cars and other mahcines crash and tumble, roll and crumble as YouTube offers them aplenty (HM Jul 2023)
how much did you lose 714 dealing with loss in itself, that moment of complete disruption and what it means to recover from that (HM Aug 2023)
in the pit of it 439 dealing with the feelings around the loss of the heart of my life business - my laptop - and a whole bunch of data not being backed up (HM Aug 2023)
this must not be 542 why i refused to watch visuals from children being bombed in Palestine (HM Oct 2023)
the deeply wounded 207 written after listening to an interview with a lawyer in the Netherlands who tried to save the life of a man, guilty of a most heinous crime (HM Nov 2023)
i want to hide 144 when the burden of knowing much about the world at large becomes to heavy to bear (HM Feb 2024)
the bomb 413 after watching the film "Oppenheimer" - reflections on the question regards The Bomb (HM Mar 2024)
even the plants A4 hand what remains of value in a misty and stinky world (HM Aug 2024)


selfverdediging 242 ek het my foute, maar is vergewebaar! (HM Jan 2002)
grond 8 wat grond aan jou doen (HM Jun 2002)
ja, ou ha!man 149 op soek na hoop na 'n angsaanval - gedurende die vroee dae van HA!Man te wees.. (HM Maart 2003)
die berg 138 oor die volharding om daar bo te kom.. (HM Nov 2003)
punt 79 die punt wat bly ontwyk, behalwe in 'n oomblik van pyn (HM Nov 2003)
blik 88 'n platgetrapte blikkie het my jou trane laat voel (HM Apr 2005)
11-Sep 110 beskrywing van 'n depresserende moment (HM Jan 2006)
verstoot 104 dat alles uiteindelik goed moet wees, of sal wees, dit sal ons omkry (HM Des 2006)
vervlorenheid 161 tussen dag en nag lÛ die onvatbaarheid van die lewe, die vind in verlorenheid (HM Apr 2007)
ingeboorte 94 die innerlikheid van kaalgestroop wees (HM Oct 2007)
ek is eintlik so bang A4 hand die onsekerheid oor self-versekerdhede (HM Des 2008)
Selfkritiek 22 die voortvarendheid van HA!Man te wees (HM May 2009)
vorentoe bly hyg 343 die gejeuk om vooruit te kom - dit is nou vooruit al jou idees en beplanninge! (HM Aug 2019)
uitgelewerde Afrikaner A4 hand 'n beklaging van anders te wees as somminge vriende en familie - 'n volksvreemde in hulle oe.. (HM Nov 2019)
toekomsgesprek 161 teen hulle wat die toekoms voorspelbaar wil maak (HM Des 2021)
skielik is alles poësie 199 ouer word en die maalstroom van dinge, en tog, iets spreek (HM Feb 2023)
strontvale 212 as die wereld my moeg maak en ek die uitsig verloor (HM Mar 2024)


verlangen 60 een kort en mystiek gedicht over de aard van verlangen (JD, Oct 2010)
vuurwerk 264 ingebeeld gesprek met mijn ziel over wat verdriet is (JD Apr 2013)
het meisje en de golven 82 beschouwende metafoor over verdriet (JD Jan 2014)
ik en mijn verdriet 277 hoe grenzen stellen aan verdriet en het tegelijk toe te laten? (JD Jan 2014)
nostalgie, of het recht om te huilen 335 wat is de oorsprong van tranen? (JD Jan 2014)
avondwandeling 29 geschreven tijdens een melancholische avondwandeling (JD Feb 2014)
de waanzin geeft mij heimwee 566 "Een aanklacht tegen de politieke en economische waanzin waardoor mensen dood aanspoelen op de Europese stranden. (JD, Jan 2017)
monoloog van de voorzichtigheid 218 een lijst van de dingen waarvoor ik me verontschuldig, in het bijzonder voor de vrouw die ik vandaag niet ben (JD Dec 2018)
weemoed print the plain fact of being sad (JD Jan 2019)


De Verzorger 5536 een intense dialoog tussen twee boezemvrienden, ge´nspireerd op de roman "Misdaad en Straf" van Dostojewski. Geschreven in 2004 voor mijn toenmalige theatergroep "Het Zesde Bedrijf". (JD, Aug 2004)
The Caretaker 5536 An intense dialogue between two best friends, inspired on the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoyewski. Written in 2004 for my former theatre group "The Sixth Act" (JD, Aug 2004)
Mr Kim 1185 the bizarre real life story of a South Korean driver losing it on a highway (HM Jan 2006)
that one voice 913 the evening at the Green Mill described, Joke's poem, and then the black man who eventually left the building (HM Oct 2015)
my angels 12159 A school teacher in rural Lesotho, a South African musician and a seamstress from Belgium weave a tapestry of relational drama, bringing together complicated contrasts and the tenacity of hope (JD Jul 2016)
Lesotho 12084 Mabena, een schoolhoofd uit Lesotho, ziet de Zuid Afrikaanse muzikant Quinn en zijn nieuw Brusselse vriendin (naam) als æengelenÆ. Ondanks haar hoge koorts en felle kritiek van een collega, ontvangt ze hen zo royaal mogelijk. Op de achtergrond vechten Quinn en (naam) hun schuldgevoelens, of hun gebrek daaraan, over hun rijke, bevoorrechte positie in dit arme land, met elkaar uit.
eerlijkheid loont 12811 Hoe eerlijk is het om jezelf te verschuilen achter een personage en je eigen gevoelens niet te laten zien op het podium? Een succesvolle acteur in Amsterdam worstelt op midlife achtige wijze met deze vragen. (JD Feb 2006)
toyi-toyi 892 on the transition from being a traveler in SA to living there (JD Aug 2019)
sworn to silence 5831 Marianne, who works in a South African public hospital. Her whole take on life is confronted when a patient she tends to turns out to be a man who robbed her house a few days before (JD Jan 2020)
cry baby cry! 10335 a single father raising an only son needs to deal with past trauma, having been deserted by his bi-polar wife (JD Jan 2020)
Huil, sweetie, huil. 9526 Bram onderdrukt al jarenlang zijn verdriet na het afscheid van zijn bipolaire vrouw Ellen. Zijn gender flu´de vriend Maxim(e) triggert in al zijn flamboyance de dingen die hij nooit onder ogen heeft gezien.. (JD Feb 2020)
Blue-eyed Boy 3548 a narrative based on my father's fight with cancer, the tension between faith and nature and the pain of a man dying in the flower of his youth (HM Nov 2020)
the jump 2647 a friend ended his life some days ago, throwing a stark mirror to our shared experiences as sons from ministers in Apartheid South Africa, a friend who once brought me from my own brink.. (HM Jan 2022)


Bye Bye Blue Sky 15:29 Created for a Physical Theatre production at Rhodes University, Makhanda. The work is based on letters from prison, written by the anti-apartheid activist, Ruth First (HM Feb 2003)
Hamlet Soundtrack Select 49:00:00 a listening selection from the movie-style soundtrack created for a student production of the famous Shakespeare play, directed by the late Peter Krummeck (HM Feb 2005)
Gulf 04:28 A piano piece that engulfs a whole range of emotions. (from first ever fully improvised recording "Ek Praat Klavier" HM Feb 1998)
alone and bold 04:53 extract from first solo cello recording at the SABC studios, Johannesburg (HM Jam 1999)
Gibraltar 05:27 Improvisation with text written by Johan van den Berg on deep feelings when viewing the landmass of Africa across the Mediterranean from Gibraltar.
strings passion 05:52 a deeply emotional improvisation with a certain string sound (Roland XP10), with cello added later. One of my first show favourites (HM Apr 2000)
Lonely 02:41 part of a soundtrack created for Acty Tang's debut physical theatre piece (HM Jul 2000)
Oriental Poem 02:50 a melancholic track from the soundtrack created for Acty Tang in his debut physical theatre work at the Rhodes University (HM Jul 2000)
Makana Battle 07:19 a dramatic soundscape depicting the historic 19th century battle between the British and the famous Xhosa warrior, Makana (recorded for a Grahamstown festival play, HM, May 2001)
Makana Lament 01:08 after the battle, a sad silence reigns.. (from soundtrack for the play "Makana" HM May 2001)
sad peace 02:26 A gentle-moving piece to eradicate any uneaisness in the soul. Does not hurry into any emotional climaxes. (HM Jun 2001, description Lara Kirsten)
America 06:07 spontaneous recording, three days after 9/11.. From crying to screaming to the hope of a reborn America (HM Sep 2001)
God and his gladness (Dostoyevski) 03:50 monologue excerpt from the Brothers Karamazov(Dostoyevski) with added music (HM Jun 2002)
flute phantasy 03:06 A piece with a stately antiquated feel to it. Drenched in medieval mysticism due to the sweeping flute-melody and the dramatic sustained chords. (HM March 2003, descr Lara Kristen)
Breast Breathe 07:14 a friend once suffered from breast cancer and i then recorded this piece for her to sing along with - so her breasts could breathe! she had a fantastic voice.. she eventually passed on after a struggle of eight years (HM Apr 2005)
die dreuning 05:56 a symphonic expression (using folk song motives) of what it feels like to be an Afrikaner today: confusion, stulted pride, sadness, rumbled by africa and yet timely brought to peace by the magnetic plains of this continent of origins (HM Jul 2005)
lament 02:30 Cello improvisation. The falling phrases permeating the music symbolise humility and reservedness. (HM Dec 2005, decr Lara Kirsten)
entreat 02:23 The (improvised cello) is suffused with beautiful long singing lines. An entreatment that is filled with restrained emotion. From the album Cello Prayers (HM Dec 2005)
should not have left you 03:48 broad, deeply sad, but heaven-like improvisation (#11 of 12) with soprano Marina Coetzee, recorded in one morning in a grand old Pretoria mansion (Feb 2006)
burnt forest 06:38 strings provide a crawling base of chromatic harmonies on which the violin sings its lament (Veronika Soreide with HM Jun 2011)
vir mariana 06:02 piece recorded for my mother, Mariana le Roux, as a reflection on her life, during the last weeks of her life, played to her three weeks before she passed away (HM Jan 2016
the lament 05:33 melancholic cello improvisation enriched by strings and some minimal percussive moments (HM, created for a school play, Jan 2018)
us on their hands 02:22 wondering out loud what will remain of our existence after so many years. with melancholy cello and vibraphone (JD & HM Jan 2018)
morning fog 03:02 """I see this as my task for the day:
not giving in to the despair it offers.."" - poem reading with cello accompaniment (JD & HM Jan 2020)"
to the man in the mall 03:39 after the shock of being in an armed robbery, a passing black man reaching for his pocket can cause irrational fear. how to make amends? with piano accompaniment (JD & HM Jan 2020)
we just don't know 07:38 recorded during early stages of lock down due to the coronavirus pandemic. expresses a feeling of melancholy, as well as an overwhelming and agonizing insecurity, seeking refuge in a spiritual simplicity (HM March 2020)
lockdown 08:51 the cello takes the lead in expressing the overhanging mood of stillness, depression and anxiety during the Coronavirus lockdown - aided by piano and strings and a domestic object with much clang (HM Apr 2020)
setting sail 05:04 second piece of the soundtrack created for the Jacques Batisda production "As If The Rain Watched Over Us". The souls are sent back across the Atlantic, lost and homeless.. (HM Aug 2020)
prelude to the fire 05:30 inspired by Bach, by the fires running crazily wild in California and the cinematic possibilities of apocalypse. harpsichord, strings, choir, boomer and slicks and clunks raise fists together in a relentless forward flow (HM Sep 2020)
dark planet dance 06:40 recorded on request for a dance piece. minimalist meets romantic. quietude meets a flooding. a dance for darker times. (HM Nov 2020)
the long echo 07:37 allowing a "large hall" reverb to inspire a cello improvisation, or an expressive meditation, that leads into a pizzicato andante. soft padding and a deep bass embrace harmonically (HM Dec 2020)
eensaamheid 06:53 the slow moving piano plays with descending sequences while the cello sings melancholically along (eensaamheid = loneliness) (HM Aug 2021)
uphill 11:20 a slow march sostenuto underlies coming and going waves of romantic chordal expressions on a very standard upright (HM Aug 2021)
lament in time of war 06:00 a friend, Leonard Praeg, conjured up a melody while walking on the beach and gave it to me to interpret. it became a response to Putin's war (HM Feb 2023)


Bye Bye Blue Sky 15:29 Created for a Physical Theatre production at Rhodes University, Makhanda. The work is based on letters from prison, written by the anti-apartheid activist, Ruth First (HM Feb 2003)
Hamlet Soundtrack Select 49:00:00 a listening selection from the movie-style soundtrack created for a student production of the famous Shakespeare play, directed by the late Peter Krummeck (HM Feb 2005)


neighbours bright coloured simple graphic with two houses face-ing each other anxiously (HM Nov 2004)
old man faltering spontaneous hand drawing - perhaps the toppling of an old dictator's bust (HM Jul 2009)
sad cat decorative but simple lines suggest some figures, most prominently a sad cat (HM March 2010)
coming out spontaneous line drawing suggesting echoes of emerging bird heads (HM Jul 2013)
struikel "struikel" means to stumble, to slip up.. is what i see here, things breaking down a little bit, but in a relaxed way (is what i see, for now) (HM Jul 2013)
protest pastel drawing - an impression of a service delivery protest in South Africa (JD Mar 2014)
time, where did it go to sketch of a man reflecting on time that slipped by (JD Feb 2015)
broken earth broken geometrical forms against a black background (HM Aug 2017)
male society the male smirk, the dark spots, the free fall of the feminine (JD Feb 2021)
warm feelings tender drawing of a man carrying a child on his back (JD Feb 2021)
worried about you baby surreal image of a drifting woman past the mouth of a young man (JD Mar 2021)
all over the globe melancholy resignation against the backdrop of a turbulent earth (JD May 2021)
young man the wistful face of a young man overlaid with active paint (JD May 2021)
i receive pencil drawing of a man's face in a state of listening (JD Feb 2021)
i have seen it all before woman with wine glass in hand, draped in red, against a dark textured background (JD Feb 2022)
mourning flowers figures of flowers against a glimmery watery background, drifting in the dark (JD Feb 2022)
stepping train figure of a young woman waiting for a metro train.. waiting to embark on a journey of life (JD March 2022)
flower power red flowers scratch over the darkness of office buildings (JD Jul 2022)
little house crayon drawing of a humble rural house, with a sad mystery to it (JD Sep 2022)
woman with tear realistic pencil drawing of a woman's anxious face (JD Nov 2022)
distance chrcoak drawing of HA!Man trapped in thought, with cello in distant background (JD Nov 2022)
defeated blurred figure of a man in distress (JD Oct 2023)
wounded two darker scar-like motives within a brown-reddish abstracted environment (JD Jun 2024)
hand | subtle drawing of aged hand | Joke Debaere, 240930


dakota push the push against progress.. (HM Oct 2004)
california face treated sef-portrait (HM Nov 2004)
chinese man in new york from a New York City photo scenes taken and treated during one of my early visits there (HM Nov 2004)
break down HA!Man at the HA!Mobile ("Rozinante") after a breakdown on the dusty road to Riemvasmaak, near the Namibian border. (Lara Kirsten, treated by HM Sept 2006)
namibia gate forlorne gate to farm dip, Witvlei, Nambia (HM Jan 2007)
future build face of a child amongst locally made bricks, Southern Cape (HM Mar 2008)
resting skuins from the back in a ruin, treated to yellow and green (photo Lara Kirsten 2006, treated HM Jan 2013)
please, world picture of a wild prickly pear bush, with text imploring nature not to die on us (JD Apr 2013)
the walls they do not protect me treated picture of a child with lines in a futile effort to frame it (HM Aug 2021)
broken a shattered windscreen has been lying on a pavement for some years. sun and soles laid it into the tarred surface. i took eight detail shots and then treated it to some varied effects (HM Jul 2022 from Jan 2020)


financial drain 7 Walking through the streets of Manhattans Financial District shortly after hurricane Sandy came flooding through, i took some photos which i later interpreted with text: Nature catching up on human hubris (HM Nov 2013)
the future looks bleak 18 series of 18 photos with Mira featuring, each with text touching on the mining propects of the O'Kiep area, global warming and the future of humanity (HM Sept 2019)
world war graveyard 42 graves, soldiers and maxims at the World War I graveyard in Ieper, Belgium (HM Aug 2021)


feeling toes 01:27 feet from two worlds briefly meet: a black and a white one. the black feet since died. two worlds tragically uneven (HM and Nyebho Swartbooi, Oct 2007)
the carpet factory 03:11 With visuals from children playing on the dusty streets of Rhini, Janet Kuypers reads her poem on the human price of luxury shoes. With moving duo between the cello and Peter Bartels on trumpet (Oct 2007)
we have hung up our feet 02:26 poem quote: "foot fantasias in spite, we might soon meet with our night, and the sleep will soon invite us.." - along with poignant soundtrack and the visuals of the feet of the late Nyebho Swartbooi (HM Oct 2007)
human drift 04:15 photographic scenes of destruction on the Kwazulu Natal north coast due to the rising ocean, evocative of humanity at drift, sliding off the existential cliff (HM Sept 2019)
history lesson 04:09 probing the meaning of the monumentalizing of the fallen during conflicts run by men (HM Sept 2019)
road to Hiroshima 03:52 a dark, but strong piece recorded during a performance is here layered with scenes of the highway from Osaka to Hiroshima, and that of a really worn down South African "bakkie" (pick-up truck) that is actually still working, Mad Max style. (HM Apr 2020)
global warming 07:14 images and video material given to an older track which is a kind of fantasy on the theme of global warming. it does not end too well. footage includes that of the eroding coast line at Richards Bay. (HM Jan 2020)
nyebho's dark night 08:59 in 2005 i was ask to create footage for a play based on the story of a shipwreck on the Eastern Cape coast, 18th cent. This is the late Nyebho Swartbooi, improvising on the briefest of cues. A homage to his talents and our friendship (HM Oct 2020)
Relentless Tears 07:17 with text about finding and losing oneself in darkness, the drifting and wailing soundtrack is accompanied by solitary visuals of our visit to Sharjah, UAE.(HM, JD and ML Feb 2021)
america 06:16 a dedication to the spirit if the United States in the form of the Lady of Liberty, playing on both her promise and her brokenness (HM Dec 2021)
rows, rows, rows 05:06 inages from the World War One graveyard in Ieper, Belgium, march slowly along with an utterly sad voice and soft padding, reflecting on the tragedy of regimented human destruction (HM Feb 2023)
sailing on the side 04:53 walking through a neighbourhood in Bruges, following the meeting line between pavement and walls, that intimate public space for those on the side and those sidelined (HM Apr 2023)


The Chicken Thief 14:55 a little movie made to teach a lesson in crime. shot in a Grahamstown township, based on a story written by Nyebho Swartbooi, who also stars as the thief and narrator. (Camera: kate Louw. Music and direction: HM, Jun 2004)

