on the spur of
the moment 862 on how our behaviour gets hijacked by external stimuli, placing
us under the control of someone or something else. comsumerism as the loss
of control (HM Sep 2000)
on the diving Rand 548 a litle tirade against speculators who at the day made
huge profits betting the South African Rand down (HM Jan 2002)
BUY 1175 a torrent of thoughts and feelings around our consumer culture, written
from a mega church building in Kansas City (HM Oct 2007)
competition 3285 competition is the hallmark of capitalism. but is it the
best way to achieve material results? also in politics - is party-political
competition delivering the best for society? is competition what it is cracked
up to be? (HM Sep 2020)
levitating man 1430 returning to the theme of male domination in our culture,
a look at the desire to flout gravity, whether as a saint, a trickster or
a multi-billionaire (HM May 2021)
happy birthday!! 1102 an argumentative conversation between two friends regards
the meaning, or the lack of meaning when celebrating birthdays (HM Nov 2021)
Why! It is a New Year A4 hand thoughts on what we are celebrating, the forward
push of technology, the slowing down for a virus and why nothing is absolutely
new (HM Jan 2022)
consumer prayer 1644 in desperation, the Great Producer is called upon to
to make an end to the absurdities of the modern day consumer experience (HM
Feb 2022)
there is never enough 1690 thinking about the economy as a stupid, who still
thinks an economy is about being economical (HM Jun 2022)
hallohallo 48
the knowing of not knowing (HM Sep 2000)
they say A4 hand they say all goes down if the economy tanks. i say let's
rejoice with the universe (HM Jan 2002)
commotion 118 a short poem in Afrikaans and English (line ofr line non-strickt
translations) about the way a good night's sleep can turn mountainous problems
into dust (HM MArch 2002)
really A4 hand expressing the mismatch i had between my desire to maintain
a healthy diet and the social pressures to eat whatever while on tour - which
was always (HM Apr 2002)
north west eyes 204 after a school performance, these are some thoughts towards
the teacher who had been present (HM Apr 2003)
abundance 175 making peace with a daily flow, the joy of taking each single
step. the ocean of abundance will arrive with a whimper (HM Apr 2004)
now i must write, now A4 hand an ode to spring time beauty in Grahamstown
(HM Aug 2004)
eatinglate A4 hand the drama of the late night snack (HM March 2006)
kick the dust 147 keep on kicking the earth,as we must defy death (HM Oct
failure 263 pleased by failure (HM May 2008)
Mira is watching the world 270 inspired by one of the many moving moments,
observing our daughter Mira (JD Jan 2019)
suddenly 214 a brief expression of a sudden joyful sense of freedom, to be
performed with strong lyrical music (JD Dec 2019)
conspiracy theory 177 inside the consumer machine, and how a virus came to
throw a spanner in the works (HM May 2020)
she's small, still 143 a brief reflection on how the living little one fills
the days of our lives *HM Jul 2020)
the day they left for Europe 232 during the first year of the pandemic lockdown,
Joke and Mira left for Europe for a month due to Joke's father's illness.
just after seeing them off at the airport, i treated myself to a pizza and
wrote this poem (HM Nov 2020)
The You 870 look around. listen. watch. a thousand messages about and for
You. every hour, every day. all lies. and yet we keep believing the God of
our times. (HM Feb 2021)
you sold me 246 an overview of the history of advertising, with its culmination
in surveillance capitalism (HM Nov 2021)
all your bits and pieces 324 a personalized take on how surveillance capitalism
works (HM Nov 2021)
is that how it used to be 193 how time turned differently and changed me for
an hour as Mira and I splashed around a swimming pool (Feb 2022)
that is it! 216 about that moment when joy sets in (HM March 2022)
dongledidoo 184 playful wordplay, like a drunkenness at year-end (HM Dec 2022)
all our souls intact 176 American Indians believed that taking a photograph
of someone is to cut away a slice of his or her soul.. To be, or to capture?
(HM Jan 2023)
just as i thought 61 just as i thought i was the poor one .. (HM Jan 2023)
watergeddon 853 water brought us life, water might take it all away again
(HM Feb 2022)
fuel of society 171 on overhearing men in a coffee shop talking business (HM
Mar 2023)
she is 97 a fruitless effort to describe the joy of a father daughter relationship
(HM Apr 2023)
balsaal A4 hand
die balsaal waar die rykes pryk is ook die bron van die groot bom wat bo die
aarde uitblom (HM Aug 2000)
jy weet mos 660 'n veeldelige gedig wat swig onder die kookpot van 'n vloeiende
woordgerommel ('n geskommel) - oor 'n woestyn, tierlantyntjies en kolwyntjies
en die onnidge ophaal van die army. en nog. (HM Sep 2000)
kieliemandjaro 222 kom saam met my, kom ons jaag die verstand die dryfsand
in (HM May 2001)
is daar enigiets wat ek vi jou 60 my binnekant vreet my op maar ek kan nie
sonder die ander (HM Apr 2003)
41 jaar oud 64 geskryf op my 41e verjaardag - 'n kort waardering van die aanstap
van jare (HM March 2007)
dit is dan nou so dat A4 hand lawwig bly dat daar nou een is wat saam met
my ry (HM Mei 2009)
hello Mira 206 oor spelende pa-wees vir Mira gedurende 'n tyd van baie aandag
(HM Okt 2021)
die nasionale kakwedstryd van nederland 534 ek sit saam met 'n vriend en TV
kyk in Nederland. en daar verskyn dit toe - 'n kakspel - 'n aanbieding met
kak (ja, presies dit) as tema. geweldig informerend. geweldig. geweldig! (HM
Jul 2022)
in het shopping
centrum 122 the little shopping mall adventures of a two year old (JD March
446 i had this dream last night which was totally creative. usually one
finds clues as to where the artistic subconscious gets its colours and paint
brushes from, but this one...! (HM Jul 2006)
Tears 1278 my first encounter with the American consumer culture, offering
more choices for the foam of my cappuccino than I ever could have imagined
(JD Oct 2014)
voor de weerstand 6672 the Dutch version of the short story "winnie
the pooh", in which cynicism and spiritual naivete both find a human
connection with the shadows of Sedona's haunting red-rock mountains as backdrop
(JD Jan 2018)
the pooh 6724 cynicism and spirptual naivete both find a human connection
in the shadows of Sedona's haunting red-rock mountains (JD Jan 2018)
26 mins another voice ramble while driving through the Karoo, this time focusing
on the story of a very creative handyman and singer and familyman, a businessman
and a man with a story of hope in the middle of almost nowhere (HM Feb 2024)
Circus 00:48
Yeah, circus! (HM Jun 2000)
Afrikaners 02:54 Exhuberant arrangement of the Afrikaans folk song, "Afrikaners
is plesierig" (Afrikaners are jolly.. not always, but they can be!) (HM
Aug 2001)
lekkesequence 04:13 using a preset percussion groove (cutting and pasting
a bit), i goggled some other instruments on top of it, and adding the cello
of course. play play play! (HM Sept 2001)
eenkant 02:41 three layers of cello added to an existing recording of long
ago, which at the time was recorded during a live performance as background
music (HM May 2021)
Afrihappy 04:44 percussive riffs with theatre organ, crazy flute, cello and
more.. plus the chance emergence of an african groove (HM Mar 2002)
Overture 03:38 draft opening soundtrack for the Woman of the Year Gala in
Cape Town, 2002. It carries motives that would have been played with by key
instrumentalists throughout the programme of selected commercial hits (it
was not accepted in the end) (HM, Aug 2002)
township happy 04:36 feet-lifting jive-y piece on an african township style
groove (HM Aug 2002)
Fanfare 05:37 A full of life piece. Upbeat, dancy. Cello sings life into each
beat of music. Foot-stamping, (HM Aug 2002 - descr Lara Kirsten)
banjo open africa 03:37 This recording started with using preset percussion
motives. With cut and paste plus layering a few instruments (improvising,
of course), i got myself tired (from the whiggles!) (HM Sept 2002)
rockband 03:48 funky rhythmic easy feel recording on .. those percussion tracks
again!(HM Sept 2002)
Hello 04:44 A comedic look at the contradictory remarks made in a relationship
between a man and woman. With Jennifer Ferguson - a live improvised duo. (HM
Feb 2003)
The Twelve Princesses 49:00:00 Some of the music created for a children's
play on the fable of the Twelve Princesses. From dark dungeons to dancing
balls and royal processions, to the beautiful one called Lila. (HM Mar 2003)
jan pierewiet 03:54 a set of variations on the Afrikaans folk song, "Jan
Pierewiet". Played on a Roland XP80 synthesizer (touch-dynamic symphonic
orchestral sound) (HM March 2003)
the empress 02:51 another improvisation with soprano Marina Coetzee, inspired
the particular sounds of an oriental instrument (HM March 2004)
tra-la-cello-la 04:47 Full-blooded spontaneity. A vigorous dance played with
brilliant resonances in the cello, borders on the mad halfway through. From
the Klaas Voogd series. (HM Sep 2004, descr Lara Kirsten)
joy time 02:46 An extroverted African style song above active cello accompaniment.
From the album "Klaas Voogd Cello"(HM Sep 2004)
Beethoven Room piano 5 04:52 a groovy part of a one hour National Arts Festival
concert improvisation in the Beethoven Room, Rhodes university music department,
Grahamstown (HM Apr 2005)
foot path 02:39 improvisation #5 (out of 12) with soprano Marina Coetzee.
African style groove. with marimba sound (HM Feb 2006)
bluegrass 03:48 "i called this ""bluegrass"" not
for any accurate reasons. using those preset percussions again..
(HM Jan 2007)"
afrikamiddag (an african afternoon) 05:09 from the solo piano epic improvisation
"Jy het my laat sing" a sweet african motive is embroidered on.
harmonies become open, cyclical and the rhythms playful, inventive, with a
seductive loseness to them. (HM May 2007)
rainbow ending 06:28 final african-groove based improvisation of the live
collaboration between HA!Man and pianist Paul Hanmer at the National Arts
Festival, 2007
Grand Africa 05:44 with the voice of the late Nolufefe Mtshabe, a xhosa song
with two distinctive parts is combined in this at once jolly, quirky and massively
"grand" piece of orchestral African (with HM Feb 2008)
Wedding March 03:03 an upbeat rendition of Mendelssohn's "wedding march",
recorded on request by a gay couple for one of the first of such marriages
in South Africa (HM Sep 2010)
The All Animal Dance 02:00 From a soundtrack for a school play production
called "Fish". Includes a recording of traditional Khoi San music
(HM May 2012).
mais quand on chante 04:01 boisterous improvisation in the French language
with HA!Man on the keys (accordion sound) and Joe van der Linden on guitar
(Port Elizabeth, 16 Aug 2012)
short one 02:16 humorous play on a well known musical phrase (HM and Anton
Cawthorn-Blazeby March 2017)
prelude to a hopeful unknown 08:43 3 layers of improvised cello start with
open strings and harmonics as a long introduction, followed by col legno rhythmical
taps, then bursting into a D major marching groove, tapering off into simplicity
again. (HM Oct 2020)
final with Joe 05:55 at the end of a happy house event in Port Elizabeth,
Joe sets in with a ripping riff and HA!Man follows with roaring recorder and
virulent voice (with guitarist Joe van der Linden May 2021)
The Twelve Princesses
49:00:00 Some of the music created for a children's play on the fable of the
Twelve Princesses. From dark dungeons to dancing balls and royal processions,
to the beautiful one called Lila. (HM Mar 2003)
baarmoeder black
painted lines suggesting the inner workings of a baarmoeder (uterus) (HM late
spring spontaneous graphic (HM Aprii 2000)
gogga "gogga" means some kind of insect, or in this case just a
pet name for a strange little being (HM Aug 2000)
paris did i draw this while in Paris? inspired by a carousel? (HM Aug 2000)
pine drawn for small exhibition with eating as theme. it's actually a pineapple
(HM Aug 2000)
streems layered strokes of colour suggestive of flags in the wind (HM Dec
face graphic play - fun face (HM March 2001)
offshoots childlike bright-coloured playthings against a turquoise background
(HM Feb 2002)
colour code bright primary colours in a flowing geometrical graphic (HM Nov
gryspatrys lurking face amongst lots of red (HM March 2003)
estertjie colourfull interlocking geometric forms (HM Jan 2005)
woman with bell dress graphic lines and colour patches, and a bell dress,
if you like (HM Jul 2006)
crooked smile when a drawing turns around and smiles at you wryly (HM Jul
pumpkin face spontaneous hand drawing by pen on paper. kind of a face. kind
of a pumpkin (HM Jul 2009)
teapots and trays funny how a red colour background inspires its own twists
and twirls (HM Apr 2010)
intuition 2 the result of play.. for a Christmas day! (meer hier = "more
here") (JD Jan 2011)
priesthood loose lines, bright patched colours, fattish facial figure in centre
(HM Dec 2011)
look beautiful suggestive of gentility cloaked in elaborate riches (HM
Jul 2013)
long street cape town brightly coloured pastels (with decorative text) depict
a small church in lively Long Street (JD Oct 2014)
of the day of the red blossoms broad brush strokes in bright colours mingle
to create exuberant feeling of blossoming (HM March 2014)
caramel day haphazard colour fun, or is it caramel fun? (HM May 2014)
consumer fever the text is from a live improvisation during a performance
in the US, 2015 (JD, Oct 015)
play on a jolly graphic dance of shapes and figures, lines and fill-in colours
(HM Nov 2019)
busy woman coloured drawing of a woman's face amidst a play of lines and shapes
- a collaboration between Joke and the little Mira (JD & ML Apr 2020)
ESCAPISM four colourful variations on a cozy corner theme (JD Jul 2020)
childhood wonder African-style graphic with text. Mother and child at a curiosity
stall. (JD Jul 2020)
Happy rest of the year! a trilogy of drawings as a reminder that this is still
the year that was supposed to be happy and new - until the end! (JD Oct 2020)
bubbleland a layered and festive play of geometric forms and multi-coloured
splashes of paint (HM Jan 2021)
blue hair trilogy she loves, she sits on nature and is turning upside down
(JD Jul 2021)
night time fest colours flow from playing hands and dream up a festival (HM
and Mira le Roux, Dec 2021)
female ladder a sketch-impression of rising females in a modern world (JD
Jan 2022)
joyful flowers unashamedly bright coloured flowery motives (JD Feb 2022)
circus times the elephant, the carousel and the fantasy aeroplane, all in
festive colour (JD Mar 2022)
primate colours a tropical bouquet against a lively background gives cover
to a shy monkey (JD Mar 2022)
trumpeteer a colourful trumpet player reclines in a flowery unfolding (JD
May 2022)
new dawn bright water colours on cuttings that frames and celebrates a rising
and friendly sun (JD Jun 2022)
kermis interplay of minimal graphic elements, with a dash of colour (colours
chosen by Mira) to suggest a human figure in play with a square ball (kermis
= fun fair - Mira's choice of title) (HM & Mira le Roux Jul 23)
the children play 1 first of simulated water colours series with loose strokes
and shapes balancing each other (HM Nov 2023)
the children play 2 second of simulated water colours series with wild running
continuous strokes layering each other (HM Nov 2023)
the children play 3 third of simulated water colours series with lines and
shapes playing hide and seek with each each other (HM Dec 2023)
falling flowers drawn and painted flowers and loose organic elements against
white background (JD Mar 2024)
Mira dance she is dancing on a mountain range of colour, the sun shining and
the earth turning (ML Apr 2024)
bunny, cat, and Cat multi colour depiction of three child favoured characters
- easter bunny, a cat and a meat eating tiger (ML Apr 2024)
miraman an intuitive drawing of a man by a six year old (ML Aug 2024)
elephant an action drawing during a performance that gave birth to a smiling
elephant (HM Sep 2024)
fish egg multi pencil-coloured lines and shapes flowing and playing within
an egg (HM Feb 2025)
halloween in
Dallas treated selfie with a friend, all dressed up (HM Nov 2004)
friend in focus treated photo of a friend taking a photo (HM Nov 2004)
kevin out of focus a friend at a Halloween party shot and treated (HM Nov
fifth avenue glitz snap moment on a fifth avenue sidewalk, New York (HM Nov
new york twist treated photo taken during one of my early visits to New York
City (HM Nov 2004)
klaas voogd restaurant "klaas voogd" is a farm area near Robertson,
a 90min drive from Cape Town (HM Dec 2004)
blue jump photo taken by Fiona Hinds on Noordhoek Beach, Cape Town (HM Dec
troyeville treated picture of a road and city scape scene in Troyeville, Johannesburg
(HM Feb 2005)
bonnet ride three school girls taking a ride on the HA!Mobile during a festival
parade in the town of Somerset East, Eastern Cape (HM Jul 2006)
the wink a child's face at a festival in Somerset East, Eastern Cape (HM Jul
township dogs three dogs approaching near a township in The Crags, southern
Cape (HM Mar 2008)
the young crowd treated photo of kids in a crowded Sutherland community hall
(HM May 2008)
an aside inside of a bustling cafeteria while on a walkabout with my sister
and niece, downtown Boston (HM Jan 2010)
walking amongst people my sister, Marie Bosman (on the right) and her daughter
Claudette on one of the many American excursions she took me on (HM Jan 2010)
Gala in Hawaii 39 a celebration of human physicality and the joy of converging
around our watery origins (HM Jan 2013)
vir Vlaams 6 Joke took some Afrikaans words, illustrated them with vivid
colour, to be presented as cards to Felmish and Dutch people who would appreciate
the descriptiveness of these homegrown words with broad smiles (JD Oct 2020)
the Season 7 artistic impressions of the time we celebrate the (northern)
Winter Season, or the fact that it will not last forever (JD Nov 2020)
lijnen 10 a series of drawings rendered in blue, with touches of red and
dutch text. in the style of greeting cards (JD Jan 2021)
oppikoppi people 27 the looseness, the lying, the clothing, the hats,
the smiles, the thinking, the drinking, the youthful seriousness, the love
and the fun of a rock festival (HM Aug 2021)
the vacuous 87 the topsy-turvy city, where visitor became the victorious
and its hearth an empty shell. a land of selfies and sentiment, of rushing
through to see and to be seen (HM Sep 2021 / May 2015)
35 shapes and faces, shadows and lines of toys - the art of fantasy (HM
Oct 2021)
old Las Vegas 112 a walk through the domed corridor of the original Las
Vegas tourist trap - the good, the bad and the lost (HM Oct 2021 / Nov 2015)
and the muizenberg wind 46 glimpses of her dancing and rolling and running
around mini dunes with a strong Cape wind edging her along (HM Dec 2021)
flowery affair 58 during a HA! event (FlorHA!) in the Baxter (Cape Town),
my camera was available to anyone of any age who would like to take photos.
the results came out rather flowery, fuzzy and festive. (HM Feb 2022 from
Sep 2011)
theme park in Korea 74 a dazzling disney-like display of flotillas and
dolls and dancers and dolphins during a show to the benefit of South Koreans,
just outside Seoul (HM Mar 2022 from Jun 2012)
swings! 30 images of Joke on a swing near the Polish border with added
textual hints of liberation (HM May 2022 from May 2013)
wall drug 31 if you have ever driven through South Dakota, endless advertisements
for Wall Drug would have intrigued you. until you leave the high way and found
just another monument to American materialism. but a charming one at that
(HM Jun 2022 from Oct 2018)
70 Belgians gather for a showing of a soccer World Cup match in 2014.
The images follow the multicolour fun from the park side into the hanger and
its big screen, the eruptions and signs of a hail storm afterwards (HM Aug
2022 from Jun 2014)
band moves 44 a brass band in Antwerp caught live in different postures.
open aperture and their movement creates blurry images suggesting something
of the wonderfully lively energy of their playing (HM Jan 2023 from May 2013)
Tradouws Pass
04:09 in the HA!Car through the beautiful mountains of Tradouw's Pass, Western
Cape (HM Jun 2003)
Loodskoot 04:48 seuntjie Lood hardloop rond voor huiskonsert by liesl &
george van niekerk, constantia - in hierdie tyd het ek spontane klein videos
gemaak voor elke optrede.. (HM Aug 2003)
Hollywood 04:09 random scenes from Sunset Boulevard (HM Nov 2003)
Montagu 05:14 Andy Fierens discovers quirky Montagu.. With original music
(HM Dec 2003)
dance for everything 04:05 "see how the HA!Man dances, jumps, and runs
all over the place.. on the finale from his ""Skepping 7""
soundtrack (various locations)
(HM May 2004 - camera Lara Kirsten)"
me and my feet 03:59 Chicago-based Peter Bartels filmed by his wife Cathleen
doing a daily routine between bath and bed room. HA!Man improvises a poem
to highlight the intensity of feet-consciousness. (HM Oct 2007)
HA!Man visit to Bokhoro school Lesotho 05:44 highlights from a visit by the
HA!Man to Bokhoro school in the Lesotho mountains. Great footage of spontaneous
items by various students, including a home-made instrument band. (HM, camera
Lara Kirsten Sept 2008)
rollin' grass dance | those kids! they were dancing already, and then,
with the last item during this Eastern Cape garden show, i joined in. but
it took a bit of a while for the collaboration to get going! | 06:34 | HA!Man
(camera Lara Kirsten) 120212
the summer of
East London 05:58 visual news from a breezy summer day on beautiful Nahoon
beach, East London, also starring Mira le Roux and her mamma (HM Jan 2020)
teddie hide-and-seek 02:31 Joke took a series of pictures of the little Mira
doing a hide and seek act with her little teddie - all this then danced to
the HA!Man track "Light Steps" (JD & HM, Jul 2020)
park in autumn 06:16 images of a park in Basel, Switzerland with huge trees
in full autumnal colours. the music is from the opening of a live performance
in Arizona, segueing into a piece called "free State" when Mira
is also becoming part of the scenery (HM Nov 2023)