Sorry spots 639 lamenting how bad leadership infects the whole body politic and more (HM May 2001)
on the presidential election 409 a view on america before having visited that country that is like.. "Packaging. Comfy. Must feel like being in a McDonalds bag." (HM Dec 2001)
state of the day 475 ruminating on the state of the human world some months after 9/11 (HM Jan 2002)
War and Sickness 1047 on the human condition during the time of George Bush, and more lovers of war and sicknesses (HM Apr 2002)
the river flow 235 of static understandings versus the reality of flow, or the flowing reality (HM Jul 2006)
Maturity 789 Looking at three cases - a musician friend's breakdown, humankind's development and South Africa's political transformation - through the lens of childhood, adolescence and maturity (HM Sept 2006)
human maturity 472 .. or the lack of it. the reality of the limitations of our existence on earth - and the way she knows us, and her power to draw us back down (HM May 2007)
global agenda for humanity's maturity 536 from the premise that as a still growing species, we find ourselves in the adolescent phase of our story on planet earth. maturity still lies ahead of us. how would an agenda look like to advance purposefully towards this? (HM Sep 2008)
Brief uit Amerika | 'n Hoopvolle kyk op Amerika se bydrae tot die res van die wereld, dat dit sy arrogansie kan transendeer. 'n Hoop wat deur Obama gesimboliseer word (en later van tyd, deur Trump sou verydel word). | 1134 woorde | HA!Man 081005
a global shift 558 in response to Barack Obama's acceptance speech after his re-election - identifying two aspects of a global shift without anticipating the significant backlash to come (HM Jan 2012)
Mandela died 424 on the death of Mandela, the significance of his character and how we can be inspired by it (HM Jan 2014)
we are a nervous bunch 721 about humanity being nervous and then doing things that compounds the condition (HM Jul 2014)
airport hub 1621 reflections on the state of humanity, seen from the perspective of an airport hub (HM March 2017)
weltshmerzerig 326 Uiteindelijk kwam alles, in zijn falen, een soort van heel erg goed. Maar dat soort kleffe eindes lazen wij - weltshmerzerig - toen nooit. (JD May 2020)
the false split between The Left and The Right 3245 How to find common ground between Conservatives and Liberals who treat each other like aliens. and yes, why, with the rise of extremism and the retreat of religion, this is a necessary thing to do. (HM Aug 2020)
Dear Mr President 485 Joke has been unable to visit her family and home country since the lockdown. The associated longings is a sacrifice wilingly made. But business people, those with the money, they can fly around freely. How come, mr President? (JD Oct 2020)
the tribe of red and blue 1757 in conversation with a nation extremely polarized and incapacitated by that. is healing the rift possible at all? (HM Oct 2020)
The Meaning of the Pandemic 4291 There is a lot of noise in a world with an array of approaches to the COVID-19 reality. Who is right and who is wrong? Besides the effort to get past this, is there any shared meaning that we can derive from this historical disruption? (HM Feb 2021)
a tale of two countries 3371 both South Africa and America has inherent qualities to gives them global significance. but this specialness cannot be taken for granted and comes with huge responsibility (HM Jun 2021)
Political Leadership 4383 This essay argues for the centrality of politics in all spheres of life, that is a business of the heart, not the mind, and that we have not yet matured in the way we do politics - the main reason why we distrust it so much. (HM Jul 2021)
happiness is 1628 well, yes, what is it? it happens, you know when it does. it is many things, is paradoxical, it slips like water (HM Feb 2022)
a letter to mr Biden 1066 responding to the crisis around the candidacy of 81 year old Joe Biden, after his first "disastrous" debate against Donald Trump. (HM Jul 2024)
trumpestuous | after the re-election of Trump, i poetically speak to him, how he got there, what is driving him and how he will inevitably break his promise of making America great again for those relatively few who pushed him over the line | 1236 words | HA!Man 241126


they travelled A4 hand the long story of how they (which is us) became something so very different (HM Jan 2002)
home is africa 23 home is Africa.. (HM Jun 2002)
maybe 50 maybe we should just accept we humans have failed (HM Aug 2002)
drunk 67 the human condition (HM May 2007)
dangling feet 151 a poem written for the production "Foot Fantasia", on the way humanity started drifting, disconnected from the earth (HM Oct 2007)
township feet 173 wondering whether there is something to township life that is more desirable than the moneyed life that so many aspire to (HM Oct 2007)
late afternoon 91 poem written while stuck in traffic near a construction site (HM Mar 2008)
perhaps not the A4 hand how memory fails us, but we still walk until the end, even within the space of a short poem (HM May 2008)
dictator A4 hand i visited Syria in 2009, before the brutal civil war started. i took a photo of Assad's face on one of the posters and images of him, all over the country. and then, reflecting back, i wrote a poem (HM Apr 2009)
africa, being home 338 a European discovering Africa as humanity's embracing mother during a first visit (JD Oct 2012)
as long as 418 a poetic interpretation of what hope means to me (JD, Sept 2016)
lullaby for someone who worries too much 107 A playful and short lullaby, rich of images. (JD, Sept 2016)
I am. That is a fact 1785 Inspired by an Ubuntu saying of connectedness mixed with my own sense of confusion. Written with jazz music in mind. (JD Jul 2019)
diminish 134 perhaps it is not humans who alone go forward while all the rest are suffering. perhaps we all are slowly going down (HM Oct 2019)
cellular 510 what a tiny little virus managed to achieve, and to say to us (HM Apr 2020)
the butterflies continue 309 during the times of the coronavirus, there should be crying, and hope, as the butterflies continue (JD Apr 2020)
a form of us 160 a dreamy ode to ephemeral happiness (JD Apr 2020)
world-wearily 354 of the days of our youth when ideals were high and achievements low (JD May 2020)
Hitler 344 it's rather easy to distance oneself from Hitler, the monster. but he could be very kind. and what we still do, can be pretty monstrous (HM
more than a feeling 86 after a walk with Joke and Mira, a poem about happiness (HM Jan 2021)
planetary talk 344 a planet close to the sun reflects on the priviledge it has to be so stable. it never wants to drift of into the zone where earth is orbiting, opening itself up to the danger of life.. (Jan 2022)
still life 421 the givens of a normal touring day (HM Feb 2022)
grandparents 99 a few appreciative thoughts on those in the twilight zone (HM Jun 2022)
performing to the handicapped 142 once a year, an organization in the Netherlands arranges for me to play to several houses where handicapped people are being taken care of. an expression of what this has come to mean to me (HM Jul 2022)
a slight tickery tick 139 still life of a happy moment (HM Aug 2022)
progress 584 that the earth is not flat does not mean there are no limits (HM Jun 2013)


my lewe 236 'n hoopvolle oorsig van my lewe op 'n stadium waar dit nog moeilik gegaan het (HM Dec 2003)
mensereis 195 die mensheidsverhaal as reis - waarheen? (HM Nov 2006)
funny-ie A4 hand "wanneer dit rol en lÛ / en nonsens sÛ / niks meer as 'n rymelary / 'n deurmekaar gevry.." (HM Jul 2009)
onder 'n oorhangende rots 79 uiteindelik die land, die stof, wat 'n Europese identiteit verskuif tot 'n nuwe self-benaming (HM Okt 2020)
op die rand 311 hiermee wil ek maar net se dat ek staan op die rand as dit kom by verkiesings and braaivleispartye. en dis nie altyd lekker nie. (HM Nov 2021)
julle sit 220 'n gedig oor ou mense. ou mense wat in 'n ouetehuis sit en luister na my tjellospel (HM Okt 2022)
america it is a no brainer | an irritated plea to swing voters in America to remind them that this is no swinging matter. do not mess this up for us all! (HM Oct 2024) | 709 words | HA!Man, 241015


zolang 402 Een poÙtische en beeldrijke opsomming van wat hoop in deze tijden voor mij betekent. ((JD, Jan 2017)
Ik ben. Dat is een feit. 1505 Ge´nspireerd door een Ubuntu gezegde over verbondenheid, gemengd met mijn eigen gevoel van verwarring. Geschreven met jazz muziek in gedachten. (JD Jul 2019)
een vorm van ons 145 een dromerig ode aan vluchtig geluk (JD Apr 2020)


Kosal 2760 The remarkable story of a Cambodian child during the dastardly reign of Pol Pot, as related to me personally. (HM Oct 2021)
the story of mice 873 inspired by stories I improvise to Mira, this story improvisation takes mice to the furtherest end of life on this planet (HM Feb 2023)


SITRAP 191019 and soon the steely wings 932 sitting in Charles de Gaule Airport feeling trapped, finding a way to enact change (HM Oct 2019)
SITRAP 191030 a room 191 writing from where we now stay in Regina, Canada (HM Oct 2019)
SITRAP 191101 Performance in Edmonton 1237 the inner story of taking a leap to perform for the first time in a foreign city where no one knows.. (HM Oct 2019)
SITRAP 191110 seductive city A4 hand reflecting on the seductive power of a city after having driven through the heart of Toronto (HM Nov 2019)
SITRAP 191201 oh my beeeep! 1455 going off on the way unnecessary technology makes us all the weaker (HM Dec 2019)
SITRAP 191208 many and much will die 1192 of the handicapped, miracles, Jacques Brel, roadside scams and the terrible decades to come (HM Dec 2019)
SITRAP 200126 divine bubble 1472 reporting from Sharjah in the UAE, introducing the Bubbleman and the rot behind the shine (HM Jan 2020)
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 860 writing at night while Mira is breastfeeding and we sit on top of Pretoria, feeling the magic of the city, reflecting on its Apartheid past and my childhood memories of it (HM Feb 2020)
SITRAP 200319 brace for change 1440 sitting at home during the first days of the coronavirus my toughts run from a dying tree and horse to what this little organism is doing to humanity, how the past is called in to shape the future.. (HM March 2020)
SITRAP 200424 How the West Got Lost 1887 from being in lockdown to the fall of the Roman Empire and its modern day mirror, the US of A; the flawed genius of the West, and how i am a part of it; the poverty of American individualism and the need for world government.. (HM Apr 2020)
SITRAP 200517 of clocks, garden scissors and ... 1758 on the SITRAP as a throwback to army days, but actually about working the environment on the property of Eagle's Ridge, finding a balance between gardening and going wild: recreating a bit of holiness, a timeless physical space.. (HM May 2020)
SITRAP 200604 murder and madness in artists' lives 2108 two movies moved me to reflect on the lure and dangers of taking the freedom to be an artist - how murder and madness lurk around many a corner. but there is a way through.. (HM Jun 2020)
SITRAP 200706 chicken feathers 3642 fear can be self-destructive. but the destruction does not come from that which is feared.. (about this, about QAnon, Bible reading and an imaginary man who is climbing a mountain) (HM Jul 2020)
SITRAP 200811 ocean's pain 1153 memories of drowning (almost). the way the ocean changes the sky. and the party of black gold is now 200 years old. if i am a father.. (HM Aug 2020)
SITRAP 200926 of nothing and the open slate.. 1233 of writing a book about nothing and what it means for life and death and the possible re-election of Donald Trump (HM Sep 2020)
SITRAP 201005 the earth is flat, or.. 1241 another improvised roll that starts with the feeling of being in a swirl, then finds traction around the flatness of the earth and the anxiety brought about by scientific illumination. how poetry is born from the body.. (HM Oct 2020)
SITRAP 201204 we, the arsonists 1720 on this day i made fires, fired up a Zoom meeting and saw how the Romanovs went up in flames. which lead to thoughts of how fire defines us and making a pot of vegetable soup (HM Dec 2020)
SITRAP 210121 Trump, car crashes and boredom 3477 after both Biden and Trump's speeches i was reminded of running after car crashes as a child. why do i still watch car crashes on YouTube? why am i a bit sad that Trump is leaving? and yet i cried as i welcomed boredom (HM Jan 2021)
SITRAP 210307 where there is death there is life 2422 finding myself in the tropics i ponder the supply and demand of life itself, the feng-shui of performance and the disembodied niceness of fruit juice (HM Mar 2021)
SITRAP 210601 a power failure, words, pain 1633 it is a cold and dark night and i warm myself with words, waiting for the power to be restored. words like sounds like colours like Kandinsky. dreams and the origins of language. and everything's a story (HM Jun 2021)
SITRAP 210912 of Beethoven, Kundera.. 1924 why is it that '50s jazz so often plays in restaurants? what is the power of jazz? and what does it have to do with soccer, or Kundera? and how did Kundera came to belittle Beethoven? and how does it all go down with a blueberry smoothie? (HM Sep 2021)
SITRAP 211126 about a well paid gig 2006 an old opera house being run by Africans and what i experienced performing to a mostly African audience - both a sense of loss and a sense of belonging (HM Nov 2021)
SITRAP 220306 the hopeful pointlessness of life 2413 the difficulty of writing about beliefs, the pointed pointlessness of life, Putin's trauma and how the world can be fixed (HM March 2022)
SITRAP 220627 and I marvel about Europe again 1830 there is a certain feel about Europe as i stare through a window unto a suburban street. the Legoland effect. what is this quietude that gives rest to my eyes? (HM Jun 2022)
SITRAP 220922 car crashes, loyalty and a tooth 1956 the almost endless saga of giving new life to an old car, the question of intelligence and missing teeth, the strange pleasure of watching cars crash and what (not) to do with all the power we have (HM Sep 2022)
SITRAP 221204 Systems failure 1271 while the power is out in the town of Nieu Bethesda, i refelct on how small triggers can cause major damage, simply because things are interconnected (HM Dec 2022)
SITRAP 2023,4
SITRAP 230409 the women in Auschwitz 2198 of men and woman and the ranges in between, the need to well distinguish between male and female and the atrocities of men, the beauty of Bruges, sex change and those indomitable women of Auschwitz (HM Apr 2023)
SITRAP 230605 DEURMEKAAR 1974 wirting from a McDonalds in Norway in a state of confusion, thoughts on life and death and AI and the youth turns the concept of "deurmekaar" into something rather central to the nature of things (HM Jun 2023)
SITRAP 231202 England and a running television 1620 woken up by a running television in the middle of a cold English night i recall various characters i just recently met, the character of this big island and the question of what is real and not real to a five year old (HM Nov 2023)
SITRAP 240320 CHANEL 1033 sitting in Dubai airport across from a Chanel shop and amongst many people glued to their little screens thoughts wander around techno manifestos, the fighting back body and real drops of sweat (HM Mar 2024)
SITRAP 240615 is life still created.. 1751 perhaps there is vertical evolution going on that will save the day and then so much children's stuff to be sorted out, a damaged friend, the dust of dying and evidently physical exercise is good for you (HM Jun 2024)
SITRAP 241012 hope and the world that is Gaza | the state of the world depresses me, and look no further than Gaza, or, well, further too, and where shall hope be found, or what is it to hope? | 1508 words | HA!Man, 241012


Alledieberge 03:16 An elaborated instrumental version of a popular Afrikaans folk song, "Al le die berge nog so blou" (HM Jan 2001)
life goes on 66:00:00 in the early days of recording with electronic sounds, i created this series in honour of my "three dimensional analysis of reality," falling out in nine parts (HM Jan 2000)
dressing up 04:54 It's so much easier to follow the gentle inflections of the piano. You can dream, be silent and just listen. (HM May 2001 - description Lara Kirsten)
Makana Postshow 03:37 A full-scale orchestral work summarising the gamut of emotions and activity of the stage play "Makana" (the story of the enigmatic 19th century Xhosa warrior) (HM May 2001)
You are the One 04:47 The piece was written for the 2001 Woman of the Year. This is only the backing for the theme-song. Symphonic orchestra combined with popular band. (HM Aug 2001)
a grand farewell 03:16 a rework of a 2001 recording: a cello duo on top of sweeping synthesized strings, along a wave of resolute melancholy (HM May 2021)
did not know that i would grow up without parents 04:47 Collaborating track with Andrew Peters, the notorious beggar and great musician (and friend) of Grahamstown. This is my personal favourite. The story of his life as an orphan, leaving him with deep and life-long scars. He died of HIV Aids. (Jul 2002)
Beautiful Land 03:28 An anthemic piece celebrating the natural beauty of South Africa. Written for choir, with lyrics, it's been a HA!Man flagship piece for many years (HM Aug 2002)
cello encore 06:26 Cello improvisation given as an encore at a house concert (Lara Kirsten: virtuoso string crossings.Yearning passages reminiscent of the romantic cello concerto repertoire). (HM Feb 2003)
hier is ons werklik vry 02:15 a live event improvisation (it is here that we are truly free) - a song about being free in the land of your birth (HM Mar 2003)
Mountain Top 05:06 from the album "Whistle Away" - one of my all-time favourite recordings. recorded live and layered in the backyard of two friends, Somerset Strand, night time (HM Mar 2003)
three part cello solo 06:22 solo cello improvisation from a live concert. from melodious opening, to groove with voice, whistling, to bravura coda (HM Dec 2003)
Klaas Voogd 07 05:26 sometimes a simple motive hits a nerve. a nerve that displaces you to another realm. this was such a moment during an improvisational journey on solo cello (HM Sept 2004)
cello encore 03:54 solo improvisation given as an encore - a strong conclusive journey (HM Apr 2005)
song before sleep 03:05 simple chords with an african ring drift along the piano. almost a-rhythmical. cello added (HM Nov 2005)
township feet 03:12 from the soundtrack for "foot fantasia" - a lullaby-ish, contemplative take on an African groove (HM Oct 2007)
Stroll 06:37 One of the Xhosa song motives given to me by the late soprano Nolufefe Mtshabe to rework in symphonic terms. This one strolls along gently, builds climactically and eases back again. (with HM March 2008)
cello improv 080725 06:29 i received a neat applause for this one. some bravura elements during a rather energetic dis-play. no idea where this was! (HM Jul 2008)
my oog jou snaar 45:56:00 epic soundtrack veering towards minimalistic styles to accompany visuals of the landscape installation art works by Strijdom van der Merwe (HM Sept 2010)
Kom Bly By My 02:16 from a live performance in Switzerland, a track from music produced for an Afrikaans children's album ("come stay with me") (HM Apr 2023)
in slowness 04:06 string accompaniment gently takes the violin along on a serene path where occasionally whistling enters like a passing bird (HM and Anton Cawthorne-Blazeby Aug 2014)
violin and piano finale 08:19 final improv duo between HA!Man and Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby during a concert in Durban: romantic classical style flow into african joy! (March 2017)
finale 04:04 childlike theme thrown into persistent build to consume multiple layers of orchestral, elemental and primal sounds - fitting for a brilliant finale (HM Jan 2018)
big 05:11 the big sounds, the big chords, the big moments. simply big. (HM Dec 2020)
symphonic invocation at midnight 45:56:00 original soundtrack to accompany land art visuals by Strijdom van der Merwe, used as backdrop for spontaneous talking, as recorded in a car parked on a Belgian street (HM May 2022 from Oct 2010)
plateau | after "uphill" (under 3-1 EMOTIVE) this rather pianistic journey reaches the openness of plains, becoming triumphant at times and then gradually settles into restfulness | 09:07 | HA!Man, 210902
SarieVariasie 05:05 From the third epic improvisation piano solo at Pino Guarraci's Crescendo recording studio in Genk, Belgium. Playful and triumphant variations on the theme of the South African folk song Sarie Marais. (HM Jul 2022)
late night phantasie 19:10 after a house concert with everyone having left, i was left alone with the keyboard (piano & strings) still set up and i let go of all that was not expressed (and contained) during the performance (HM Oct 2022)
st johns recordings 15:30 a rare opportunity arose to record myself playing on a rather good grand piano in the St Johns College Clarke Auditorium, Johannesburg. three pieces ensued: "exploration", "dance" and "rest" (HM Oct 2022)
voice of Mira at 5 09:43 not as intended, but the little Mira joined Veronika Soreide and myself with this mainly adagio-type piece, microphone in hand and soaring voice (Apr 2023)


life goes on 66:00:00 in the early days of recording with electronic sounds, i created this series in honour of my "three dimensional analysis of reality," falling out in nine parts (HM Jan 2000)
symphonic invocation at midnight 45:56:00 epic soundtrack veering towards minimalistic styles to accompany visuals of the landscape installation art works by Strijdom van der Merwe (HM Sept 2010)
symphonic invocation at midnight 45:56:00 original soundtrack to accompany land art visuals by Strijdom van der Merwe, used as backdrop for spontaneous talking, as recorded in a car parked on a Belgian street (HM May 2022 from Oct 2010)
st johns recordings 15:30 a rare opportunity arose to record myself playing on a rather good grand piano in the St Johns College Clarke Auditorium, Johannesburg. three pieces ensued: "exploration", "dance" and "rest" (HM Oct 2022)


warrior spot the warrior in this colourful intertwining of wannabe living forms (HM Nov 2003)
cosy peaceful lines, bright yellow dominating, the suggestion of a teddy being tucked into a bed (HM Jun 2005)
stallation hand-drawn line figurines plotted communally around a rectangular grid (HM Feb 2011)
landscape interlocking shapes and figures, coloured with an array of colours. could also be an agricultural landscape as seen from above (HM Jun 2011)
grand plan this line evolvement can be looked at as being the expression of one of those single-minded grand plans, trying to fit a world into one head. usually rather weakly anchored.. (HM Jul 2013)
Prins Albert drawing of Die Stoep guesthouse in Prince Albert, where we stayed and performed (JD Feb 2016)
hearth black line drawing of disparate elements coming together in a kind of hearth (HM Aug 2016)
let's take you home pencil drawing of a swan mother swimming with her two little ones on her back (JD Sep 2022)


first los angeles house concert (HM Oct 2004)
a teen age in Oudtshoorn young girl posing on a farm in the Klein Karoo (HM Mar 2007)
with the people picture of a friend o fours in Paris, during a street protest, talking to a fellow elderly person. he, a socialist in the true French tradition (HM May 2016)
tomorrow i saw everything in Joke's face: the observer (Paris streets during a protest), a sensitivity to looming crises, a deliberation as to what to do and a resoluteness to do something (HM May 2016)
waiting treated photo of people waiting for a bus in front of a house, somewhere in Belgium East (HM Aug 2016)
mother and child a quiet moment after a bath (HM Oct 2020)


china 9 china - a few images of my only visit to China (Shanghai) that could be saved from many that went lost through a hard drive crash. A tale of the old and the new. (HM Apr 2007)
japan driveby 20 various scenes taken from a cehicle driving through parts of Japan near Osaka (HM April 2019)
a canadian winter town 40 somewhere in remote Canada, a small town that clearly suffers, but for that shows a lot of character (HM Oct 2019)
10 Days in Sharjah 50 50 impressions of our visit to the emirate of Sharjah, having performed there at their first Fringe Festival (JD Jan 2020)
manhattan walk 60 visual arrests the last time i was able to walk the streets of Manhattan - on my way to the new World Trade Center building and back (HM Nov 2016)
most beautiful town 33 key places, buildings and views from my (and my parents') past in Stellenbosch, described by some foreign visitors as the most beautiful town in the world (HM Apr 2021)
Alexandria 67 the obscure town of Alexandria sits on the "Sunshine Coast" route of the Eastern Cape. It has always drawn my eye. finally a moment to take the lens on foot.. (May 2021)
Osaka city 40 images of details mainly from the tourist section of Osaka where America is much valorized. (HM Jan 2022 from Apr 2019)
Bushveld Town 43 a visit paid to Raphuti, a typical impoverished black township. in the shadow of hardship, there is yet much joy, closeness to nature and inventiveness. and the camera agrees (HM Aug 2022 from Deb 2016)
Bethesda relief 57 images of the town of Nieu Bethesda (in slight relief-haute), known for its "Owl House". Somewhat isolated in the heart of the Karoo, it retains an air of a different time where a deep tranquility reigns (HM & JD Dec 2022)


finale 04:36 a series of pictures sliding along the brilliant "finale" piece, a celebration of people and places met and seen around the world, of life, energy and gutso.. (HM Jan 2020)
a warm, warm reception 04:55 focusing on film material taken during a thank you-reception by Primrose December in Khayelitsha, this video introduces her organization, developing the youth in her community (HM & JD May 2020)
Singabanqobi Educare 06:00 video and photo impressions of a home made school in Khayelitsha, striving to become registered as a state sposored school (HM Jan 2023)


Early HA!Man Profile Project 12:54 Rozanne Stoman interviewed and filmed me in Knysna as part of a university project (March 2004)
little steps of life 12:58 filming Mira from behind as she walks the Kologha forest path, i remember a recurring dream i had as a child. i remember the steps life took me on. (HM Aug 2020)

