Learners' and some teachers' feedback at schools

The children keep coming into the hall and tinkering on the piano. Some are conversing with me about the show, and saying they hope you will return. The street-cred around music has risen noticeably! You stirred up their dreams. | Vikki Draper SA 200302
Even laten weten dat de kleuters en wijzelf erg genoten hebben van Ha!man - was zeeeer goed! (Juffen ven het Kleuterbos) | 170420
The girls are deeply and hugely inspired by your input. Thank you for adding freedom and creativity to their repertoire! You're amazing. | Sarah Odyssee UK 140423
Very inspiring and unforgettable! loved it so much. I discovered that I miss playing and what it in general can mean to me ! | Michel Fonville Netherlands 130531
fun. lovely to have freedom of self expression, child-like bliss.. lots of laughter. i feel lighter - thank you!! | Donna McCallum SA 110904
Thank you so much for coming to our school and giving us not just a dramatic arts show but a LIFE LESSON! You really inspired me! | Chante' Jonas SA 110902
A revelation, never thought the audience gives back the energy. It's very true. What a revival! | May Machaba SA 110825
Aahh! Aha! Eureka!! You've got it HA!Man - you da man. | KM Mailwane SA 110825
"you rocked my day thanx. you were hot, crazy Jesus please come again it was cool having you around.mwah!!!! love your concert. God bless u!!" | Anna Khoza SA 110816
"wow!!...wow!!...wow!!. I've never seen such uniqueness and humour. and you as a person very humble and generous. and your concert was very insightful and it was a learning experience and that was quite a journey. thank you so much and may GOD BLESS YA." | 110816
It was mind blowing! Great creativity from the HA!Man. Thank you for your time, entertainment, and homour. You are an amazing artist. I learnt a lot from the show, hope you come again soon. | Yolo Njaba SA 110816
"All the children were wonderful and got along so well it was just brilliant
to see. It was so lovely the way ""Ha man"" engaged and interacted with them all. the man is a genius and all with out speaking!" | 110401
Amazing, peaceful and calming. I loved the audience participation. This ecperience brought out one's creativity. thank you so much! | Marilyn Bakie USA C 101003
Reverence: everyone's voice was heard. Fun and participatory, as i wish democracy was in practice | Tina Michel USA C 101003
Dankie dat jy met mese jou kennis en talent deel, dis regtig wonderlik. Musiek maak nou sin! xx | Lienkie Diedericks SA 100911
What you do really change lives. You inspired me so much. I feel honouerd. It was great listening to you, thanks so much! | Bongo Kgaile SA 100911
Absoluut fantasties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Heinrich Lategan SA 100911
Ek het dit verskriklik geniet!! Die manier waarop jy die hele gehoor betrek het was ongelooflik. Ek sal graag weer wil kom (eerlikwaar ek was bang en op my senuwees, maar jy het sommer gou my op my gemak gesit!) | Xina Liebenberg SA 100911
FaHA!ntasties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Amanda Snyman SA 100911
Awesome!!!!!! | Cornel Vermaak SA 100911
Baie baie dankie vir vandag en gister se Bloemfontein workshop en performance - dit was onbeskryfbaar wonderlik om deel te wees van die rou energie wat jy access. As ek terugdink aan die optrede voel dit vir my asof die koor soos 'n lewende organisme begin funksioneer het . . . Die gemak waarmee jy deur musikale emosies, lande en teksture beweeg is asemrowend. Dit was werklik 'n belewenis. | Marguerite Visser SA 100911
You actually have inspired me, YOU ROCK BIG TIME !! | 100328
At first I thought you were crazy but then I enjoyed myself. | Tracey Phillips SA 100328
Wow speechless. | 100328
Waw, I am in awe, the emotions I felt today was amazing. First time in 19 years did I see what true awesome music is, you're great. Thanks!! | Humairah Jassat SA 100328
What a great show. It really teaches me to come out of my shell. Thank you. | Jonathan Nolan SA 100328
"You are truly inspirational! Thank you for everything! It's a pity people were too self absorbed to listen to your magnificent skills." | Alyssa Hamson SA 100328
Wondefull music & motivation. Excellent!!!!! | Sicelo Dludla SA 90704
Great music and very educative! | Rutendo Dhliwayo SA 90704
Phenominal Peace of Art. | 90704
Amazing & inspirational, thank you so much!!!! (-: | Zerene Haddad SA 90704
"As we walked into the room and sat down I felt a lump in my throat and wanted to cry with happiness.... Was sooooo lovely to be ale to buzz off of someone elses energy which seemed so vibrant and pure through his passion. S and A [4 and 5 years old] are very intuitive and rarely respond to other people's - let alone a strangers' - suggestions to what they may like to feel about 'sound'. They were shaking their hips and got into it. Truly inspirational and someone I will always remember! It was contagious!!!!!!!!" | 90622
I felt like i was in heaven. I thank you | Kabo Mekgwe SA 80804
It's wonderful 2 know that you can make music out of anything and whatever you feel. Good Job!! | Kagiso Baas SA 80804
Dit was absoluut fantasties en lekker om te weet dat daar nog sulke mense is. Soos reeds gese. Dis uniek, dis anders. Briljant. Ek het ook 'n manier gekry om my emosies verder uit te druk. Ek sal hierdie "gewoonte" wil aanleer en begin eksperimenteer in my musiek, kuns asook drama. Voel soos 'n nuwe mens! Baie dankie! (Jy speel regtig "amazing"). Kelly | Kelly-Jane Peo SA 80304
"You, Francois, are a ROCK STAR! People who attended the performance last year were totally taken by surprise. The students at our school, put some of your footage in their end of the year video that they presented at their graduation ceremony. Even pictures of you were up on bulletin boards for the remainder of the year.
" | 70903
When I went on stage and started playing, I felt as though I were in a trance. My head just felt like it was going to explode. I think that I don't reach my borders often enough. Thank you! for helping me find them. | Viwe Tafeni SA 70124
Thanks vir die show dit was regtig great jy maak vir baie jong mense deure oop wat hulle lewens verbeter en bring die kuns uit almal Thank jy het my baie gegee om oor te dink. Thanks dit was GREAT. Groete | 60812
Francois, Dit was 'n great aand, soveel inspirerende dinge. Ek voel meer gecenter omdat ek my diep gevoelens laat uitleef het, nou kan ek die wereld anders beskou. | 60812
Francois, Ek het in die begin donker diep hartseer gevoel maar dit het my baie geleer aan die einde het ek vry gevoel en vol lewe. Dankie vir alles. Dit was baie lekker gewees. | 60812
It was a lovely performance. I enjoyed my time here. Very inspiring. | 60218
Absolutely fantastic. Most inspiring I've heard and done since the last time I heard you! | Anya Tiepelt SA 60218
wow (regtig wow) | 60218
Baie Danke vir 'n wonderlike vertoning. Ek het baie geleer en sal van nou af beter musiek maak. | 40410
Dit was GREAT OM te hoor hoe iemand uit sy hart speel. | 40410
"Dankie dit was 'n belewenis wat ons nie gou weer gaan kry nie. Moenie lank weg bly nie kom gou weer! Moet ook asb. nooit op-hou musiek maak nie, dit laat mens dink, voel en maak mens rustig.
" | 40410
Dit was wonderlik die manier hoe jy mens rustig maak en gevoel van musiek so vloeiend laat vloei so deur mens se gedagtes deur. Dit skep ook weer mens wees en die gevoel van dat mens baie kan reg kry, as jy net rustig is, jou kop skoon kry en niks in neem nie, maar niks, alles laat uit kan. | 40410
"For the Ha! man Thanks. dit was deffinitief uniek en 'n belewnis wat onvergeetlik was. Daar het geestelik BAIE deure vir my oopgegaan. Dit is iets wat ek deur my hele lewe sal onthou. Moet asb nie ophou met sulke ""werkswinkels"" nie, dit kan, het, gaan so baie mense se lewens radikaal verander.
" | 40410
Love your style!!! | 30513
pluck those strings as loud as u can and paint the world with the HA!!. | - - SA 30203
Francois you are the best one that played a best melody in my life | Lesego Sebokolodi SA 30203
Ha!man keep it up 'cause you rock the world. Your music is hot, I mean hot. | Boitumelo Diale SA 20814
You're cool and you rule. | Rosslyn Brown SA 20804
I love your whole image | Samatha Burger SA 20804
this is something I'd love to do one day as a hobby. you were great!! you rock | 20804
Great message, enjoyed it | Claire La Vita SA 20804
Keep up the good work and produce more songs because it's really good! | Lahli Mahloane SA 20804
You're the best. Keep your good work up. You rock my world. I wish I had a brother like you. Please do send me your newsletter | Refiloe Maja SA 20804
Your music is the bomb! Keep it up! | Reitumetse Mofana SA 20804
It was just lovely listening to your music @ learning | Cassandra Segaist SA 20804
YOU ROCK!!! | Banca Singram SA 20804
Wow you're great. You rock my world together with your music. You are HOT | Tebogo Thutlwa SA 20804
I found my inner self and felt my emotions and felt very relaxed | pupil 7 zz SA 20804
You rule!! I say you're the best and I love your music and the actions you make when you play your music. YOU"RE THE BOMB!!! | Constance Makebe SA 208
You Rock! Love the jersey | Jacqui Light SA 20515
You are awesome. I know that if I could play like that I would be world famous. | Daniel Luluu SA 20515

