General recommendations

extreme skill at improvisation (Tracey-Leigh Lawson, Cape Town) | 130302

Francois is one of the most talented individuals I have had the privilege to make a connection with. His genius as a cellist and extreme skill at improvisation makes each of his performances and compositions unique to the occasion. He is an inspiration.

robust potential for lasting good (Peter Krummeck, playwright) | 110720

Whether working with, watching, or listening to Francois le Roux, he is always more than an experience: he is an encounter. He transcends accepted standards because his brilliance operates beyond boundaries. What he brings to his work he finds from a depth of creative integrity within himself and, because the process is one of self-discovery, it is always dynamically refreshing.

Unlike most performers, however, Francois does not work from a principle of merely providing for his audience, he actively involves them. This sparks a unique synthesis that is infinitely more rewarding than traditional programmes of entertainment. Their 'feel-good' value is unquestionable, but it is ephemeral by comparison.

Where most entertainers 'touch' Francois 'changes'. His shift of emphasis from 'me' to 'we' has robust potential for lasting good in a self-seeking world gripped by moral bankruptcy

François «transforme» (Peter Krummeck, Le Cap) | 110720

Le "HA!Man" transcende les standards conventionnels, parce que sa valeur fonctionne au-delà des frontières admises. Ce qu'il apporte à son travail, il le trouve en lui-même, dans les profondeurs de l'intégrité du processus créatif et, parce que le processus met l'accent sur la découverte de soi, cela se manifeste toujours par une dynamique rafraîchissante. Là ou la plupart des animateurs «touchent», François «transforme». L'accent du «moi» vers le «nous», a une répercussion durable dans un monde ou la recherche de soi est minée par le narcissisme et le manque d'éthique.

professional endorsement (Maia Jordaan, Pretoria) | 110718

The first time I worked with Francois was in 1999 when he composed & performed (live performance) the soundtrack for the theatre production "Boklied" directed by myself. In 2001 he also composed & performed (pre-recording) the music for "Twelve Dancing Princesses" conceived & directed by myself. Since then I have booked Francois many times for live music at events coordinated by Creative Collective.

It is only a pleasure to work with Francois! He is a passionate musician that always gives of himself. He always creates a magical atmosphere with his wonderful music. Francois' music is most definitely one of a kind & unique.

I strongly recommend Francois for any kind of music required (whether you require a show or composition or live performance). He is a fantastic composer, musician & musical event coordinator with great knowledge of his field & will definitely give you value for money

Francois le Roux, Uitvoerproduk (Mixael de Kock, Johannesburg) | 71001

Francois is een van die mees talentvolle musici wie ek nog ooit ontmoet het - ek het met Karl Jenkins, die befaamde Britse komponis, verlede week 'n onderhoud gevoer op BravoBrava en daarna gaan luister na sy The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace. Francois se talent is ter enige tyd net so groot - maar, Francois le Roux het 'n talent wat veel vryer vorentoe beweeg.

Francois se vertonings is merkwaardig in dat dit binne 'n formele en klassieke raamweerk heeltemal vry vloei - dit is improvisasie maar totaal op komponistiese beginsels baseer. Francois het ook 'n wye akademiese agtergrond om sy musiek aanbiedinge te onderle. Hy spesialiseer in die tjello en klavier maar speel ook 'n hele klomp ander instrumente - die vertonings vind plaas teen die agterground van "backtracks" wat hy voorberei en dan, met tjello, klavier, stem, fluit ens lewendig op die verhoog uitvoer.

Dit is stunning - dit is al wat ek kan se.
Sonder twyfel een van Suid-Afrika se groot uitvoerprodukte.

Bruce Copley, chairman of Aaha Learning, recommends (Cape Town) | 41107

I have known Francois Le Roux for a number of years and consider him to be one in a million. His soft and unassuming nature and attractive personality are a delight to behold. What is truly remarable about this man is his extraordinary musical talents and skills. He is without question a musical genius something which is very apparent when you see him in action. Not only does he play a variety of instruments with great skill, creativity and finesse, but he is also able to combine his music with high levels of dance, mime and drama. I have personally witnessed on many occasions Francois's ability to awe and astound professional musicians and artisits.

Francois is also a gifted teacher and facilitator of group processes and his work with children of all ages creates unforgettable and inspiring experiences for young minds and hearts. I have no doubt that anyone who is fortunate enough to experience what Francois has to offer will be impressed and inspired by both the man and his many wonderful abilities.

Sans aucun doute un musicien de génie (Bruce Copley, Le Cap) | 41107

Je considère Francois Le Roux... comme étant hors du commun. Il est sans aucun doute un musicien de génie... capable de combiner sa musique avec de la danse, du mime et du drame de haut niveau. (Il est) aussi un enseignant et un facilitateur talentueux pour les dynamiques de groupe et son travail fait naître des expériences inoubliables et inspirantes..."

Recommendation from Chicago (Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels) | 41008

Francois le Roux is one of the most talented musicians, performance artists and teachers living today. I have worked with Francois on many occasions over the years. The seeds of our relationship grew from working together as collaborators on amazing shows including the critically acclaimed "Moving Chicago" (a shadow puppet, poetry, multi-media and musical montage presented at the Peter Jones Gallery), "Yearning to Breathe Free" (a compendium of poetry by immigrants to the States which included original music and multi-media by Francois and was presented at the Swedish American Museum), and "A Foot Fantasia: the Soul of Soles" (a blend of dance, music, multi-media and poetry at the Peter Jones Gallery). This relationship grew to include my hiring Francois to present at events such as the fabulous Creativity Workshop he taught to our group of future educators at the Illinois Education Association Student Program at Northeastern Illinois University. Francois also performed his gorgeous music for the HIV/AIDS Awareness Event produced by WZRD Chicago 88..3 FM in recital hall at Northeastern Illinois University when I was the station manager there in 2011. His unique ability to multi-task using diverse music, media, and artists always inspires and amazes me. I recommend him with the highest regards for his professionalism, creativity and outstanding musical talent.

francois le roux as festival performer (Picca de Bruin, Knysna) | 10215

The 8th Nederburg Knysna Arts Experience, which has forged an identity that is unique and sensitive to the spirit of Knysna, was held last year from 22 September to 1 October 2000. Experience is a unique festival, a combination of the Visual Arts; Performing Arts; Floral Art; the Spring School and the Community Arts - giving the event a balanced and stimulating programme. Knysna has two great resources - it's natural tourist potential and the creativity of its people. We see the Arts Experience as both promoting economic growth, through job creation or its tourism potential and also as promoting communication, understanding and nation building.

I am delighted to mention Francois le Roux was one of our performers.

His street theater provided great entertainment to all the kids, no matter what age or race. His passion of music was shared with all. In the evening program he performed in at Can de Light Bistro, with a variety of classical to the bizarre. However Francois could sense the audience and perform accordingly.

As a performer, not only is Francois talented, but also punctual and professional, we were proud to have him as part of this unique festival. I would be pleased to work with him again and can recommend him whole heartedly.
