Recommendations within educational contexts

creativity injection (Sally Catz, Vancouver) | 80304

Thank you for the creativity injection! I only regret that we can't do this once a month! I think all music students & teachers should attend workshops like this & all music students should, ( if they want to go the formal exam route, especially) be required to take a drama/acting/perfromance skill class. A reminder that everyone can improvise!!! It will become a dedicated segment of my music lessons from now on.

Parents and teachers' presentation (Denise Fiveash, Cape Town) | 80306
Just to thank you so much for the most fantastic presentation you did with our parents and some of us music teachers.Thank you for accepting such a reasonable payment and for arranging to come at such short notice.Everyone is talking about the experience, and I would love to have you work with our students, perhaps on some ongoing relationship that you spoke about, as what you offer is incredible.

profound authenticity (Roza Haynes, Regina, Canada) | 200719

Ha!Man needs to be experienced LIVE in order to be properly described. This past year, I had the honour of inviting Francois for a school show as he was touring North America and Europe. He is the magical intersection of spontaneous creativity fused with his South African folkloric roots. HA!Man invites (almost lures) children of all ages to experience play with intentional abandon on a variety of unique folk and traditional instruments, physical movement, drama and art. This idea to partake in the process is what he calls the ""HA!"" factor. He could show how to nurture this quality of "play with intention" in music, movement, drama and art, with profound authenticity towards both the silly and the serious. Francois is a classically trained cellist and multi-instrumentalist, but has mastered how and when to go off script.
