a HA!Man performance, as the HA!Show, is based on spontaneity and therefore has a character of surprise, always creatively open to a particular place and time. suggestions by the audience may shape certain items and community is created through the strong feelings that are shared. this often results in participation by some individuals or even the whole of the audience. through these, it becomes a transformative and collective experience, rather than just an artist-focused performance.
even as each performance is different, the spontaneity does finds its way through an intuitive structure that travels from the inner world to the external world, from the minimal to the expansive, the healing to the boisterous, then reaching the world of interacting and homecoming. some performances might have a predetermined theme, which is then playfully (and seriously) engaged with during the course of the performance.
the HA!Man's cello playing is at the centre of the experience, whether as solo improvisations or accompanied by his original electronic recordings that evoke anything from dreamscapes to grand orchestral sounds to delicate ensembles, as well as to tribal (especially African) and contemporary bands. besides the cello, a keyboard is also employed (or piano and organ if available), flutes, body movement, words, voice and elements of acting. video projection are sometimes added, enriching the HA! experience with images of road travel, nature and people from around the globe.
the HA!Show is best experienced in a more intimate and focused theatrical setting, without distraction. house concerts, studio spaces and smaller public venues are therefore most common. yet the performance can also adapt itself to fundraiser and other community events, garden picnics, events in church buildings, school halls and regular concert venues. when the format expands to include massed choir for instance, successful events have been held in major concert halls and opera houses. then there are the odd venues, like a laundry or a boat or a cave, all pregnant with creative possibilities for the HA!
regards finances, contributions after the performance tie in best with the spirit of openness and surprise. otherwise a balance is kept between affordability and viability, negotiating arrangements with both public and private hosts around a standard fee, in order to make the experience meaningful to all. in most cases, all necessary sound, lights and other high quality equipment are carried along with no need for technical assistance. CD albums, greetings cards, books and other products are on sale at the "HA!Shop".
in promoting HA! performances, even though publicity materials are provided, personal contact remains key as there are no easy definitions and existing genre's to box it into. the biggest reward is often when people attend on basis of trust with no idea what to expect - quality trumps quantity. retaining the unknown dimension also protects the social function of the HA! experience, which is to ensure that raw creativity lives on and keeps nourishing artistic activity from the bottom up. that it keeps healing and keeps connecting us as a human family.