Selected responses to HA!Man and Joke Debaere performances (2014-19)

the music, which is virtuosic, and the well honed poetry create a world that glides from intimate to gregarious and back, with unexpected excursions along the way | Janet Oxley Canada 191108
evocative, passionate, deeply moving tears, laughter, opening, embracing, beauty, mystery wonder! I could not stop feeling, smiling. loving the life & hope & inspiration you share so beautifully | Jan Olafson Canada 181104
this style of performance provides outstanding self expression that allows others to express / feel / feed their souls | Vanessa Patterson SA 180819
fabulous, evocative and innovative | Ida Gartrell SA 180819
"The music of Francois Leroux and the supreme poetry of Joke Debaere ('Ha!Man The HA! Of music and words') in English, Flemish and French added a new dimension to a rich presentation of verse. Love poetry and social protests worded in strong but not violent statements with uplifting musical underlining. I fell deeply moved by the soft Flemish melody of her poetry, so beautifully captured and rendered into English on the CD 'my road in your eyes' which I acquired after their presentation. (joseph koetsier, McGregor PoetryFestival Sept 2017)" | 170910
siete un esplosione pacifica nel cuore e nell'animo | Alessandro Brusamouno Italy 170401
Inspirational and relevant - a reflection of here and now - thank you. | Conny zz 160828
De Zuid-Afrikaanse François Le Roux, een geschoolde cellist en pianist, en zijn partner, Joke Debaere (theater, poëzie en proza), brachten een pakkende voorstelling vol verrassingen, diepe emoties en creatieve vonsten. De voorstelling is af en toe een beetje gek, meestal erg intens, en er zijn momenten waarin je kippenvel krijgt. Joke en François zijn heel pure mensen, en heel benaderbaar. Ze hebben een goeie connectie met het publiek. François maakt soundscapes met gefluit, gezucht, industriële klanken, piano en cello, soms klassiek, soms jazzy met atonale stukken, vaak geïmproviseerd. Joke heeft een prachtige stem en schrijft bijzonder goeie teksten. Uit gesprekken na de voorstelling bleek dat het concert bij iedereen nog een tijd zal blijven nazinderen. | Ingrig Smeyers 160417
Much more than a performance . . . an uplifting inspiration. Thank you Francois and Joke. Truly amazing. | Susan Meyers 151120
Delightful. Innovative. Passionate. Inspirational. | Heather Conn Canada 151014
marvelous, moving, entrancing, I love the innovation and surprises. Beautiful cello passionate. You are a wonderful poet and reader Joke. | Marje Umezuki Canada 151014
soul moving, deep, real, beautiful | Renee Burrett USA C 151011
very uplifting, always surprising. a deep, emotional base | Em Stortroen 150926
innovative, futuristic, fulfilling, fun! Above all - memorable.. | Vivien Fleischhammel Germany 150522
Moving indeed, from start to finish of entire performance. Being from over-seas I was moved - teary - eyed of understanding when Joke spoke of her view of Africa - the brightness besides the violence. I get it totally! First came here Nov 1994. All I can say is thank you! | Donna zz SA 150226
Francois and Joke are an amazing performance team adding variety and brilliance with spoken word as well as interpretive dance. | Sabrina 141012
really LOVED the poetry to music. I was shocked that it was improvised. Beautiful! | Greg DeVilbiss USA C 141012
fabulous - don't stop being your SELF! Joke, you are amazing. I wasn't quite sure at first what I was in for then suddenly I "went" with you and tears streamed down my face. Fabulous - touching. so grateful. | Gayla zz USA C 141012
The improvised spoken word portion of the program blew me away. I was grinning, I was riveted. The well of humanity Joke was drawing on in her words awed me. And the rest of the performance was phenomenal too! I loved the nose piece! | Linda Fabe USA C 141002
"I was just listening to Joke's performance on UTube, very moving
and although I don't know the language it didn't matter. It transcends language. I was very moved. (Mara, NYC)" | 140625
Je hebt mijn hart geraakt en niet eventjes!!!!!! | anonymous 140612
I was at last night's performance and I really enjoyed what you had to offer - such depth and texture. Thank you. | Ann-Marie 140612
It was a great honour and pleasure to see and hear you at the Expo Kunzfetti in Sittard. Your music and performance (including the poems from Joke) touched me deeply, right into the heart. Thank you very much for this very exciting and beautiful moments in my life. I really was moved by this act. | Jacques Smeets Netherlands 140603
"Gistermorgen in de fabriekshal ontzettend genoten van jou, je raakte me , door de muziek en jouw woorden , jouw daar zijn, pff, ik moest snel weg toen het afgelopen was, het was niet afgelopen, ik heb het gevoel nog, zo intens mooi. Dank je of dank u op z'n Vlaams" | Eef de Ruiter Netherlands 140601