Acoustic solo concerts

walking onto the stage, pick up an instrument and improvise on that for a whole hour was what i mostly did during the nineties, before i made any use of modern technologies. the preferred instrument is a good piano, but this can also be done on the cello and the organ. several albums exist of such epic journeys on each of these three instruments.

the acoustic experience of a solo instrument is an even more focused and intimate event and exploits the possibilities of the instrument more deeply and widely. it also maps out my musical imagination on a larger scale, still intuitively following a broad structure from the inner towards the outer, then finding connection.

in the late nineties, i performed a number of such concerts on grand cathedral organs in South Africa. settings for a similar cello experience can work in a special way in outdoor, natural settings.

all in all, this is my "original art" that i honed over that first decade and its skills set still forms the basis of the expanded HA!Show with all its tools and toys - an art form that i always wish to return to, when the opportunity arises