HA!NEWS 22 Jan 2025 | Kicking off!

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Dear all

So today, actually, I will be "talking" to the Donald on a theatre stage in Pretoria, kicking off a four-week South African tour. Look out for events in Gauteng, the Northern Cape, Western Cape, Southern Cape and central South Africa.

On the HA!-online smorgasbord, where there is a release for each of the nine categories, there is a recording of a live show opening, improvisational drawings, the restful "Quiet Hills" recording, a chunky funky and somewhat surreal story as told by Mira, of a cat in jail wanting to learn French, complete with full page drawings (perhaps this is what they call a comic!), the forward moving "Stringasong", two poems - one in Afrikaans ("skapies”) and then "tears", of which we are in short supply. Finally a drawing by Joke of a homely guest house in Prince Albert (Karoo town, South Africa) where we once stayed and performed.

And then, for lovers of Afrikaans - and Dutch - there is a conditional release of "Driepunt Poësie" - which is a live recording of this production, where I collaborated with the off-beat Belgian poet Andy Fierens and Afrikaans stage luminary, Grethe Fox, to bring together Flemish and Afrikaans poems, in a symphonic structure. Note that the Afrikaans poems are by Ingrid Jonker and Breyten Breytenbach, whose recently passed away.

Well, there, you have lots to chew on. And a new year that brings with it a whole new dimension of insecurity around the world.

I wish you wisdom, and creativity, especially.
Francois (HA!Man)

"You were able to give me the opportunity to look at life from a whole new perspective. Continue what you are doing, because you have given me something in my soul and heart to take with me. Others deserve to experience it too."

(Nicole Nel, National Schools Festival 2002)

HA!-ppenings - upcoming (anywhere you are - book now, help shape the next HA!ppening in your area)

South Africa (Jan-Feb)

Europe (Mar-Apr)

Europe & UK (May)

South Africa (Aug-Sep)

North America (Oct-Nov)

View full touring schedule

HA!-online - latest releases (now with free access to all, but kindly support our creativity by contributing)


  • RECORDING | first glimpse | 03:57 | voice and whistling alternate as they questioningly fly on winds of sustained padding sounds, during an opening improvisation of a performance way back in 2003 (HM Dec 2003)


  • DRAWING | delicate | part map, part structure, part organism, it delicately tries to hold together (HM Feb 2020)


  • RECORDING | Quiet Hills | 04:47 | Part of the "Whistle Away" album, recorded at a friend's house, in the garden, close to the see, at night.. (HM Mar 2003)

  • PROSE | cat in jail learns french | 13 pages by hand, illustrated | Joke aassisted Mira to write and illustrate her tale of a jailed cat, iwshing to speak French (ML Nov 2024)
  • RECORDING | stringasong | 06:24 | From the album "Chasing Time", a forward moving techno-orchestral dance piece (HM Jul 2013)


  • GEDIG | skapies | 83 woorde | 'n loflied aan dierlikheid (HM Feb 2010)


  • POEM | tears | 113 words | an ode to tears (HM Nov 2010)


  • DRAWING | you look beautiful | suggestive of gentility cloaked in elaborate riches (HM Jul 2013)


  • DRAWING | Prins Albert | drawing of Die Stoep guesthouse in Prince Albert, where we stayed and performed (JD Feb 2016)

    Browse the full index


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HA!-shop - featured product (click on title to order physical and/or digital product)


  • COLLABORATIONS | Driepunt Poësie (Afrikaans)

    Hierdie album is nie gelys in die HA!Shop nie. Ek stel dit beskikbaar aan diegene wat dit spesiaal versoek.

    Hierdie was 'n projek deur myself geinisieer, in samewerking met Belgiese verhoogdigter Andy Fierens en die Suid-Afrikaanse aktrise, Grethe Fox. Die idee was om Vlaamse en Afrikaanse gedigte byeen te bring. Ek het dit so benader: 3 dele, eerste deel Afrikaanse gedigte met 'n donker kleur, tweede deel Vlaamse gedigte meer eksperimenteel en ekspressief en derde deel, 'n ontmoeting tussen die tale rondom die tema van liefde en lewe. 'n Volledig-simfoniese musiekklankbaan is geskep na aanleiding van keuses uit gedigte soos verskaf deur Grethe en Andy. Andy hoofsaaklik sy eie, Grethe met die werke van Ingrid Jonker en Breyten Breytenbach, waarvoor spesiale toestemming verkry is. Albei medewerkers was vol probleme met die klankbaan en dit het baie oorhaal gekos om dit so op die verhoog te kry - vyf optredes in Suid-Afrika in die jaar 2003. Die opname op die CD is van die laaste optrede by die Universiteit van Tshwane, Pretoria. Die dawerende gehoorreaksie daar het hopelik my kritici se monde tydelik gesnoer..

    'n Knippie LUISTER:

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