are Europeans who settled in Africa over more than three hundred years
and acquired an Africanized form of Dutch as a language, the only European
settler group to significantly depart from its Continental language.
This at once gave us an independent identity but also made us more vulnerable, the umbilical chord being cut severely. In the language of Afrikaans are found some central traits that made us "Afrika-ners:" - a close
identification with indigenous Africa, as Afrikaans originally was
the Dutch derivative spoken by the Khoi people, the oldest inhabitants
of Southern Africa. In the recordings listed here, you will find something of the insecurity and contrasting feelings of present-day Afrikaners in "Die Dreuning" (the drone), the energetic folksiness of the "Boers" in "Aai aai ea" (medley of two folk tunes), "Ver in die ou Kalahari" (far away in dear old Kalahari desert), "Jan Pierrewiet" and "Sarie Marias" (probably the best known Boere-song from the Anglo-Boer war times - 1899-1902). There are also arrangements of Afrikaans poems, notably "Plaashek" (Uys Krige) and tow poems by the recently deceased George Weideman ("Vergissing" and "Ek weet jy's bang" - see credits below). Two tracks were extracted from a soundtrack I did for a production around the famous and magical "Owl House" in Nieu-Bethesda, in the middle of the Great Karoo, where the Afrikaner reverted during the 1700's to a more primitive lifestyle for generations. "Hier is daar 'n Gat" (over here there's a hole) is a original song by myself about the current reality of expat communities around the world, as Afrikaners got shocked to the reality of majority rule after four decades of privileged protection and isolation. Tracks 3 and 4 are straight improvisations with some additions. Tracks 4 and 14 were spontaneously played as part of live performances. The final track is the HA!Man's contribution to inspirational Afrikaans music that looks through our whole short history into the future. Only with our good and bad acknowledged, can we reach out to others and face a common destiny in one of the most beautiful spots on earth: South Africa. |