Klaas Voogd Cello


CD disk

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the setting is a farmhouse, newly built, in an area called after Klaas Voogd, a local legendary figure (I cannot recall the story behind him!). I was invited to use the space to record in. so I set up the equipment, tested the sound and started to play.

the music that flows in a situation like this, is a grand confluence of an unconscious musical map, the conspiracy of the surrounding beauty and the long-developed skills in exploiting the cello, voice and whistling in ensemble.

the cello is a melancholy instrument, but in this album, it shows its dazzling expressive variety. the instrument disciplines the performer to make the most of more simple motives and single melodic lines.

it is the HA!Man playing. therefore the listener will be taken on an extensive journey, as he is a constant traveler. being a purely spontaneous performance, the listener will also be confronted with the direct force of the expressive energy, the presence of a wide variety of musical (and un-musical) moods, and be involved in a vibrant creative exploration.

never the song will be obscured, though. so do not fear the analytical knife of the experimental. while on the road, one sings to comfort oneself. and to reflect on joyous freedom. and beware that in the playful flow a profound musical statement may chance upon you.

track nr Title description Duration
01 Klaas Voogd 01 Start with a single note, eventually gelling with other notes to form the main motif of the whole work. Playing with a basic musical motif throughout the work. Piece starts in an introspective mood and evolves into a more boisterous declamation. 07:42
02 Klaas Voogd 02 Music continues with the same descending motif of the first part. Reiteration of the motif creates a sense of urgency. Extroverted spontaneity! 03:31
03 Klaas Voogd 03 Liquid resonating lines, interspersed with Bacchanalian carelessness and energy. 04:37
04 Klaas Voogd 04 A sense of urgency is created by trance-like repititions. The incessant cyclic motion evokes mad, free dancing. 03:16
05 Klaas Voogd 05 A sense of spacelessness. Motivic lines moves randomly, no sense of direction. 02:43
06 Klaas Voogd 06 A song with an ethnic-African feel to it. The 2nd half evokes trancelike dancing in the desert - dancing for rain, perhaps? 02:53
07 Klaas Voogd 07 Minimalistic accompaniment for an emotion-filled voice. Some stark dissonances created between the voice and cello. Self-created language has the sound of an amalgamation of African and Scandinavian phonemes. Voice has a more recitative quality than a lyrical one. A telling of a story filled with ancestry. 05:26
08 Klaas Voogd 08 Dry, rhythmical cello playing wth the voice declamating in quasi-clicking sounds of the !Khoi-language. The pizzicatos played by the cello simulates African percussiveness. 02:54
09 Klaas Voogd 09 Atonal melodies played by the cello vaguely recall the main motif of the 1st part. Spaced out. 01:45
10 Klaas Voogd 10 A vigorous dance played with brilliant resonances in the cello. Full-blooded spontaneity. Halfway-through the music borders on the mad. Scraping sounds on the cello-strings. Ecstatic playing!! 04:47
11 Klaas Voogd 11 A cello singing over the expance of the ocean. Yearning lyricism. Feel of one-ness. 02:46
12 Klaas Voogd 12 A sentimental declamation created by descending lines. True indulgence and romanticised longing. 03:30
13 Klaas Voogd 13 Continues with the same thematic material as the previous section. More extroverted and bold playing. A vigorous dance. 03:03
14 Klaas Voogd 14 An extroverted African song above active cello accompaniment. 02:46
15 Klaas Voogd 15 Last section starts with slow fluid line of the main motif. Soon taken over by vigorous singing and playing. Incessant dance of ecstatic proportions. The end simulates drunken exhaustion and pure happiness! 03:46