Skepping 7


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the whole idea was to raise funds for the student Dutch Reform congregation in Stellenbosch, which has since "disbanded." Mm. Anyhow, the idea of being creative was held strongly, so we took Genesis 1 as the basis for being creative - taking its 7 days as seven movements for a multi media work, to be performed in the chourch building. It was taken up with much enthusiasm and resulted in two events, fairly well attended, comprising dancers, instrumentalists, a choir, the organ, video projection and the soundtrack. the music is so well received ever since i have played some of it in my shows, that i think of taking this work to the next level, truly making a great experience of it, as a strong link with environmental consciousness.

track nr Title description Duration
01 Skepping 7 Intro The introduction to the soundtrack to a dance piece. "In the beginning..." Music is sustained and feeling through the space of what is to be. 3:02
2 Skepping 7 Dag 1 The cello begins the work with a single note. The creation of light. Music that makes the void palpable. Still the cello plays that one single note. Sustained, controlled creation. Glittering light, blinding darkness. Day and Night materialises. 05:17
3 Skepping 7 Dag 2 The creation of Day 2 (the firmament and the waters) is coupled with 2 melody notes played by the cello and synth sounds. Music is amazingly built-up energy by the centralising on these 2 note-motifs. 7:07
4 Skepping 7 Dag 3 Piece is intoduced by the cello by means of 3 notes. Creatin of the plants - fruits and trees. The music becomes more gentle and lyrical. a sense of beauty now becomes more manifest. Halfway through the music becomes more ively while playing around more with the 3-note motif. The last part returns to the gentle beauty of the first part. A sense of nobilty enters with the appearnce of brass instruments. It's with this part that the grandness of The Creation becomes apparent 9:57
5 Skepping 7 Dag 4 Piece is introduced by 4 notes played by the cello. The four notes are soon played as the synthesized sounds and piano in repetitive circles. Hypnotising effect. Halfway through the 4 notes are played faster and the creation energy is slowly building up. The initial 4 notes' tempo is sustained throughout the music's undercurrent, creating an irregular rhythmic effect against the faster moving 4 notes. The music becomes more dance-like and up-beat. The end returns to the quiet of the beginning with added voices. 9:53
6 Skepping 7 Dag 5 And once again the cello introduces the sequence of notes - this time 5 notes - representing the creation of the animals. Music is stirring with cellular division. Something is brewing. Bird-sounds make their appearance. Later on the fish under the sea. Warped sounds represent the water. The music's fabric is teeming with crawling life. Now it is not only the sounds of the musical spheres, but that of the birds. The music takes on a beauty never known of before this day. The end of the piece becomes pure living music and rhythm. The harmonic fluctuations created by the 5 notes repeated on different tonal levels is amazing. 11:18
7 Skepping 7 Dag 6 The creation of the sixth day by means of 6 notes! Creeping creatures - like pigs, monkeys, elephants, hippos - make their appearnce. Music takes on a more exulting form - by means of percussion and trumpets. Almost halfway, the music suddenly stops and only night sounds, like crickets and frogs,are heard. Now is the time for the creation of Man and Woman. The music starts with a gentle up and downward movement of the 5 notes. The beaty already embodies something melancholic and yearning. The music last part is a celebration of mankind - ecstatic and passionate. Before the end of the piece the music spells something ominous - erratic marimaba and cello playing, but is soon taken away by peace and quiet. 14:35
7 Skepping 7 Dag 6 The creation of the sixth day by means of 6 notes! Creeping creatures - like pigs, monkeys, elephants, hippos - make their appearnce. Music takes on a more exulting form - by means of percussion and trumpets. Almost halfway, the music suddenly stops and only night sounds, like crickets and frogs,are heard. Now is the time for the creation of Man and Woman. The music starts with a gentle up and downward movement of the 5 notes. The beaty already embodies something melancholic and yearning. The music last part is a celebration of mankind - ecstatic and passionate. Before the end of the piece the music spells something ominous - erratic marimaba and cello playing, but is soon taken away by peace and quiet. 14:35
8 Skepping 7 Dag 7 The 7th day of rest. The cello and voices create a beautiful dialogue. All is rest. The second half is the most exciting part of the entirte creation. Music to dance to. An absolute celebration of all that is alive! / AFR 'n ongegrendelde feesviering van alles in die Skepping, waar die HA!Man nie anders kan as om te DANS!