HA!World Online Experience is a virtual world of recordings,
writings, visual art, photography and videos by myself, including
work by my Belgian wife, Joke Debaere, as well as a sprinkling
by our child, Mira. collaborators also feature here and there.
what brings this "world" together is creativity that flows
from a feeling-based orientation towards life and experience,
as we are, and have been, fed and inspired by our travels through
various parts of the actual world. it is therefore also structured
around nine different moods, rather than intellectual categories
- from the mystical and dream-like right through to the all embracing
and homecoming.
through our partnership, we especially bring Europe and Africa
together, on the often difficult path of communicating a natural wildness
with a refined discipline. this large body of work representing and
output that stretches over more than two decades, is hosted
on an algorhythm-free platform and is accessible by subscribers
who donate on a monthly basis, coming and going as they wish. find
out more and subscribe through the links below. become part of those
who get a HA! infusion on an ongoing basis, share our deep interest
and concern for the whole of the human family and be privy to
our regular new releases. the HA! must go on! 1-1
choose your own monthly amount, unsubscribe any time